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Meshugga - I don't get it


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Originally posted by Negative K3 fan

yeah catch 33 must be my least favorite album of them...



to be honest, i thought catch 33 was awsome. I love their old material, but their new stuff is incredible. You cant listen to it like a conventional album with individual songs, all the tracks fit together and you have to listen to the whole thing.


Awsome in the past, incredible now



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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Their songs are totally hit or miss IMO. It's either awesome, or boring as hell. They're amazing musicians though. Just not for everyone.



I agree with that actually, I have heard some great songs and a lot that did absolutely nothing for me.

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Originally posted by Dark Angel

For the life of me I can't find that recording anywhere. It flipped my {censored} though. Everybody is complaining about the locked drums, but guess what... NOBODY was doing that, and now EVERYBODY is. Haak'es genius is that he locks the lower body with the guitars and then just embelishes the {censored} out of everything with his upper body. The only guys in his league for that kind of stuff (adding the sizzle to the rhythmic steak) are Gene Hoglan, Richard Christy, and Sean Reinert. Note that by Gene Hoglan, I mean Gene Hoglan not playing SYL. His stuff with Dark Angel and Death are stupidly inspiring.



I dont know why people keep saying this. To me Fear Factory was the ones who really started that, and was doing it years before Meshuggah.

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Originally posted by wor lez

Far too grinding for me. I like melody in the music I listen to. Weird time signatures dont make good music. They can be a part of good music, eg Rush, but I just dont get along with the whole grinding palm mute atonal stuff. Sorry meshugga fans.


I dig their heavyosity/intensity but they cross the fine line between complexity and masturbatory too much for my taste.

Meshuggah made what metal is today.

Oh! So it's their fault! :mad::cool:

Seriously, after reading this thread, I think I'll go listen to DEI again, though, and try to give it another fair shot and see if I can ignore the tunelessness. I have zero problems getting into self-indulgent Stoner Metal like Kyuss, for example, so theoretically I *might* like it in some context.

Oh well, some {censored} just never really clicks, too, I spose.

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Originally posted by Shask

I dont know why people keep saying this. To me Fear Factory was the ones who really started that, and was doing it years before Meshuggah.



im sorry dude, but meshuggah got there first. Psykisk Testbild and contradictions collapse were released way before soul of a new machine. Destroy Erase Improve may be one of their most revered albums, but they were doing that stuff since the late 80s



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Originally posted by AgentOrange

im sorry dude, but meshuggah got there first. Psykisk Testbild and contradictions collapse were released way before soul of a new machine. Destroy Erase Improve may be one of their most revered albums, but they were doing that stuff since the late 80s


OK Mainstream then ;)

I never heard of them until WAY after FF. :)

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if you don't dig em, no big deal. its definitely not music for everybody. i was looking around amazon.com, and found a few used none cd's that were priced around 40 - 60 bux! im keepin mine mofo's.

i haven't gotten to study catch 33 as well as i would have liked. i had a ton of {censored} to learn in the past few months, and now is the time.

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I also hated them upon first listen, but now love them! I agree with the posters that said you need to let go and let it wash over you.. If you try and fight it you will lose every time. I can deffinately see why people dont like them.. I mean its obvious isn't it? Music doesn't get much harder to listen to than this, however the rewards are there to be had if you are willing to put in the effort.


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I dont get it. One person says he has to study it, and another says you will get rewarded if you take the time to listen, because its hard to listen to.


You should like music when you hear it. You shouldnt have to study {censored}. Its not a Calculus test.

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Originally posted by Shask

I dont get it. One person says he has to study it, and another says you will get rewarded if you take the time to listen, because its hard to listen to.


You should like music when you hear it. You shouldnt have to study {censored}. Its not a Calculus test.

some groups you like right off the bat, and other times they have to grow on you. its complex music that's not easily digested on the first listen or two.

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Yeah, some bands you have to listen to several times.

But generally, if you like it upon the first listen, you want to hear more. It draws you in. If you dont like it, first impression, no amount of 'studying' is gonna change that.

But I know what your saying. It took me several tries before I could make it through a DEP CD. But if I didnt like what I was hearing the first time, I would have never liked it, no matter how many times I tried to listen to it.

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Originally posted by Shask

I dont get it. One person says he has to study it, and another says you will get rewarded if you take the time to listen, because its hard to listen to.


You should like music when you hear it. You shouldnt have to study {censored}. Its not a Calculus test.

well some of us like to have music that's a little more complex than 4/4! there is something deeper about bands like meshuggah and dillinger, and it's almost like a game to try to figure out what is going on.

i just had to show my meshuggah love here! i'm hoping to catch them outside chicago on october 16th!

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Originally posted by satannica

I was over a mate's house yesterday and he insisted on putting on Mastadon, Meshugga, and all these chug chug... chug chugga... chug chug chug... bands

I don't get it... I mean, I can't really imagine moshing to it, its the same {censored}ing notes played over and over just with clever rhythms and everything sounding really dark and compressed. The guitars sounds like the action is way way too low and the guys are palm muting way forward from the bridge! Its nothing that technical! I mean really...

What's the attraction? I mean, I love my metal, everything from Maiden through to Cannibal Corpse, but this stuff... well... sucks!





Thought that I'd start out by saying I don't really consider the bands you mention as 'metal' anymore. To me it all sounds like old school rock and roll (maybe excluding CC). Bands like Meshuggah are mostly responsible for this shift in thinking.




I think Meshuggah definitely encapsulate the new paradigm in metal: atonal, polyrythmic and freeform structure.




There is a huge shift in both thinking aand feeling here. There is a definite line where on one side you have the thousands of traditionalists bands like The Beatles, Metallica, Iggy Pop, Motley Crue, U2, Children of Bodom, Iron Maiden, Britney Spears, etc..and on the other you have a handful of bands like Meshuggah, Textures, Bulb, Coprofago and Tessaract who have embraced (or tried to) the new paradigm.




The concept of technicality has also changed. Technicality is now required to play *the actual riff of the song*...NOT just the solo of the song. I actually love this...it means that technicality is returning to metal...just not in the same form that everybody has been expecting.





Basically you either see the value in the concepts embraced by the new paradigm or you don't. I will say this though: I hated Meshuggah when I first heard them. Everything sounding random and it was difficult to find the riff. Now I can see it. I don't like everything they do (DEI, Catch 33) but I do dig alot of the stuff they are doing.




To me its so much more refreshing of the nth iteration of Metallica/Staind/Lincoln Park/insert you favorite band here.






-Satan Oscillate My Metallic Sonatas

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Originally posted by Tesseract

Hehe yeha man you hear sol niger ? thats exactly that....the mesh rhtyhms with LUSH crazy jazz drumming and loads more leads and alot more going on....love that CD

Always wondered what it would be like to go see meshuggah at a seating venue lol...with them playing their guitars on stools

thanks I'll check it out!

hey , the name Tesseract wasn't inspired by the movie Cube 2: Hypercube by any chance?

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Originally posted by travis bickle

somms, great post my man. i couldn't have said it better myself. i'll listen to simple rock ala motley crue, but you need to challenge yourself as a listener, and as a player. at least once in a while.

right on.



random, are you in candiria?

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Originally posted by travis bickle

yea. i just started playin with em about 3 or 4 months ago. ive gotten to play two shows with em, and we are heading out to the UK next month. its quite an experience to play in your favorite metal group (next to meshuggah of course).



Awesome man, signs of discontent is a TUNE.


I'll and come and see ya play when you come to the uk.

You got a gig listing actually?

I'm guessing ull be playing around london?

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cool bro, i didn't even realize you were out in the UK. here are the dates so far:

October 2005 w/ Bullet for my valentine
13 UK TRURO Truro Hall
18 UK CARDIFF Coal Exchange
20 LONDON Astoria
22 GLASGOW QMU/Barrowlands
24 UK MANCHESTER Academy 1+2

im psyched as {censored}! i was in japan with subzero in august, and now this. life is good. how are these venues?

thanks for the interest.

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