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Can't sleep.......


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Things are getting ridiculous......

6:10 AM and I still can't fall asleep.

I guess I have to just face the day and sleep later.

Just had some hash, eggs, bacon, english muffin, coffee, and juice. Hopefully some energy to make up for a sleepless night. I think I may go walk Runyun Canyon and exhaust some energy, get some exercise, then a Jambe Juice.....


Not like anyone cares, I'm just babbling giving some time for food to settle before I go hiking...... Need to build back some leg muscles from my knee surgery.


Have a good day everyone, hopefully I can fall asleep this afternoon while the sun is actually down.

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Yeah that sucks allright, my phone rang last night at 1am then again at 2am, i just missed getting to it both times, couldnt sleep a wink after that :(
If i cant sleep i allways find myself on ebay till some crazy hour looking at gear, not good :)

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Originally posted by Gooma

Yeah that sucks allright, my phone rang last night at 1am then again at 2am, i just missed getting to it both times, couldnt sleep a wink after that
If i cant sleep i allways find myself on ebay till some crazy hour looking at gear, not good

Yeah, now I got back from my hike and Jamba Juice and I'm wired...... Hopefully by 10PM or so I'll be so exhausted I'll have to pass out. For now I'm just icing down my knee to keep it from swelling....

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Try some Unisom over the counter sleep aid for a few nights to get back on schedule Bro....I have a problem sometimes where I wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning and toss and turn till 5 or so.......{censored}s up my whole day. When that happens for a few days in a row, I am a friggin mess.
A friend of mine told me about this stuff and it works great for me.
Plus you dont have that {censored}ty Benadryl hangover..........
Good luck man....

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Originally posted by David Simpson

Try some Unisom over the counter sleep aid for a few nights to get back on schedule Bro....I have a problem sometimes where I wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning and toss and turn till 5 or so.......{censored}s up my whole day. When that happens for a few days in a row, I am a friggin mess.

A friend of mine told me about this stuff and it works great for me.

Plus you dont have that {censored}ty Benadryl hangover..........

Good luck man....

I'll try that tonight. I tried a friends Zanax, that worked the first 2 nights then did nothing. Too much going on in my life right now, once my head hits the pillow my mind hits Nascar ;) They say everything happens at once, and being in the middle of a nightmare divorce on top of everything else ain't helping.

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Originally posted by IVcrane

I'll try that tonight. I tried a friends Zanax, that worked the first 2 nights then did nothing. Too much going on in my life right now, once my head hits the pillow my mind hits Nascar
They say everything happens at once, and being in the middle of a nightmare divorce on top of everything else ain't helping.

A nasty divorce huh?.........sorry to hear that my friend....:(
That explains alot no doubt.......good luck.....
Let me know how the Unisom works for you....

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Originally posted by David Simpson

A nasty divorce huh?.........sorry to hear that my friend....
That explains alot no doubt.......good luck.....

Let me know how the Unisom works for you....

I'll let you know tomorrow. I will definitely be getting some today. I'm not sure how much more of this falling asleep after sunrise I can take. It's fine once in a while after after parties, but not everynight. I fall asleep usually between 6-8 and wake up at like 4 in the afternoon... I lose my whole day.

I'll be thanking you like crazy if it works......

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Originally posted by branjispad

do some kind of workout in the middle of the day that will tire you. it does me but my brain starts to ramble when i try to sleep and you couple that with GAS running through my head i would prob never fall asleep if i wasn't lifting.



I'm hiking everyday..... unfortunately not a help with the sleep issue. I'm hiking to get the muscles in my leg back from being out of commision from knee surg this past August. However, when I use to go to the gym everyday it put me in better spirits and destressed my head. Too much on my plate right now though. Divorce, surgery recovery, work, MONEY, and a bit more...... A lot of life changes happening right now, part of why I haven't been on the forum much....

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Originally posted by IVcrane

I'll try that tonight. I tried a friends Zanax, that worked the first 2 nights then did nothing. Too much going on in my life right now, once my head hits the pillow my mind hits Nascar
They say everything happens at once, and being in the middle of a nightmare divorce on top of everything else ain't helping.

Sorry to hear that bro. I know this falls into the "Easier said than done" category, but try clearing your mind out before you go to sleep. Just kind of do the opposite to worrying about something, focus on something else instead of the problem(s). I'd call it meditation, but I'm not a buddhist, so I may not explain/see it the way the folks that made it popular do. When I have some heavy stuff going down and it's just dragging me down I try to end my day with some prayer and focusing/meditation... I know not everyone believes and I know it's hokey to some, but I just try to, at the end of the day, leave it in God's hand and focus on something peaceful. And, I'm not trying to push stuff off on ya man, but we can only relate to others what we've learned for ourselves. Good luck and I hope the storm passes brother.

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Originally posted by David Simpson

A nasty divorce huh?.........sorry to hear that my friend....
That explains alot no doubt.......good luck.....

Let me know how the Unisom works for you....

Dude, thank you for the recommendation. The Unisom is working great. For some reason one of those puts me to sleep where I was taking 2-3 Zanax with varied results.

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I've been not sleeping for a while. IDK what the deal is. I havent been going to bed till about 4:30 every morning. I used to go to bed around 12:00 or 1:00 when i was working.

I guess being laid off isnt so bad, but there's no reason to wake up early anymore, so why bother going to bed early?

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Hang in there Ed! I'm a border-line insomniac myself. I've got to try that Unisom also. I used one of the generic ones for a while and it worked fairly well.

I have to do the exercise thing though- you're on the right track with that!:)

Wish you well on the other stuff, bro!

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Originally posted by IVcrane

Dude, thank you for the recommendation. The Unisom is working great. For some reason one of those puts me to sleep where I was taking 2-3 Zanax with varied results.

Hey Bro.....really happy to hear the stuff is working for you!! :)
Its a hellava lot better than taking Zanax too....That {censored} will catch up in the long run...


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You're not gonna build up a tollerance to Unisom. With Xanax you will, which is why you get the varied results. I used to have to take TylenolPM every night for years to fall asleep. I've asked a few docs and it won't hurt you if you're concerned about that. Unisom's active ingredient is the same as TylenolPM's active sleep ingredient, FYI. Which is Benadryl :D. It's all the same.

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Originally posted by MitchSchaft

You're not gonna build up a tollerance to Unisom. With Xanax you will, which is why you get the varied results. I used to have to take TylenolPM every night for years to fall asleep. I've asked a few docs and it won't hurt you if you're concerned about that. Unisom's active ingredient is the same as TylenolPM's active sleep ingredient, FYI. Which is Benadryl
. It's all the same.

Yeah it is the same.......but for some reason thankfully...the Unisom doesnt seem to give that Benadryl hangover as bad.....at least for me....

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Originally posted by David Simpson

Yeah it is the same.......but for some reason thankfully...the Unisom doesnt seem to give that Benadryl hangover as bad.....at least for me....


I take the straight liquid Benadryl a lot if I can't get to sleep. Doesn't give me too much of a hangover as long as I don't overdue it. Works in half an hour or less too!

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