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There is a GIGANTIC RAT in my damn KITCHEN!!!


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Alright, I'll set the scene. Earlier today, when I opened the fridge, I thought I felt something brush past my leg...But when I looked I didnt see anything so I figured it was the air from the fridge door hitting my pant leg or something. Now, back to about 30 minutes ago....I woke up and went in the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. And right when you walk into the kitchen from the front room, the fridge is on the left, stoves across from it on the right, then a little further down on the left is the microwave. I put some food in the microwave and hear something, so I turn around.... HUGE {censored}IN RAT RUNNING BEHIND THE STOVE!!! I mean, the thing is bigger than a coke can, big big big bastard. I have no rat traps or mouse traps. No poison or anything. So I gotta wait till morning to figure out a way to kill this bastard. I went back in there a few minutes ago, and opened the cabinet under the sink and I heard him scurring around in there. Now I'm gonna be afraid of waking up to some rat with rabies gnwaing on my toes when I sleep or something. Any tips on the best way to kill this thing?

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Get a cat. Seriously. The closest thing you'll ever find to a rat again is rat guts your happy cat will leave on the floor as a present to you.


If you live somewhere you can't, are allergic, don't like cats, etc...


Get traps... place them EVERYWHERE, so the thing has virtually no choice but get in one. Then ask yourself this: where did it come from? Are there more? How did it get in? Is there a nest? etc.


Then get a cat.

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Originally posted by EvanS

Get a cat. Seriously. The closest thing you'll ever find to a rat again is rat guts your happy cat will leave on the floor as a present to you.

If you live somewhere you can't, are allergic, don't like cats, etc...

Get traps... place them EVERYWHERE, so the thing has virtually no choice but get in one. Then ask yourself this: where did it come from? Are there more? How did it get in? Is there a nest? etc.

Then get a cat.



I have no clue. We've never had a problem with rats or bugs or anything. So I'm guessing he ran in to try and get out of the cold or something. I have two dogs but no cats. I'm thinking about going after him tonight. I think I'll get a laundry basket and as he runs by, cage him up in it. Then kill it somehow. Probably with mass amounts of chemicals or something...like bleach and bug spray.

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Traps or poison. Why any other way? Just wait til tomorrow. If he chews off one of your legs, just hop. :D I haven't tried rat poison, but I suspect if you poisoned em, you'd have dead rats in unobtainable places and harsh dead animal odors lingering. Traps sometimes only maime without killing, so you gotta finish the job with a stick or something. :eek: Scatterered rat blood is {censored}ing gross.

You should buy a cat.

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My friend has those paper mouse traps (with the glue on them) in his house. If it catches the tail, they keep going. Eventually you MIGHT get one. Those are designed for mice, not rats.


Same story with mouse traps. They are just that. Mouse traps. Not designed for rats.


I personally hate cats. But, you don't want dead rats around your house either.


Sounds like this rat is kind of bold appearing multiple times in a day to {censored} with you.


Maybe you can bait him and get him in one of those traps that cages him. Then poison him. Let him die. And you'll know where he is...dead and poisoned in your trap.


-Zach Omega

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You wanna croak the bastids?


Mix Nestle's Quik and Portland cement powder 50-50 (add no water).


Place this in a little dish where the rats are running, and right next to that, place a dish of water.


You wanna talk indigestion? You wanna talk bowel obstruction? The rats will die horribly and painfully, I promise you. You may even hear them cursing your name to the heavens in Ratese as they slowly curl up and die a solid (haha) death.


Here's the cool thing. If you leave the dead rat carcass on a fire ant hill, in a week you will have a little brown concrete model of a rat's digestive tract.

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Here's an experiment for you:

I KNOW that sugar-free cool-aid will kill ANTS(especially inticing to them in paste form, BTW) but I don't know about rats....


Take some sugar free cool-aid, some nutrasweet and...more nutrasweet. and mix that up and add water until it's a paste.THICK paste.


Leave that out. He should become slow moving and shakey. Twitching similar to seizures.


It does it to ants INSTANTLY, and it did it to me over a period of months....

Damned Diet Coke...

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If he's that big, glue traps are going to be problematic. Even the ones made for rats. Also, the downside of glue traps is that he'll still be alive when you find him. Get some good, heavy duty snap-traps, rat sized. That should croak the bastard. (Be careful setting those things - they'll take your finger off!) Poison will work, and is really the only solution if you've got more than one. You don't generally have to worry about them dying in inaccessible places, because the poison works by dehydrating them, and they tend to come out in the open looking for water.


Cats are good solution if you want an ongoing patrol. Also, make sure you keep your house - especially the kitchen - clean, and all food put away. Stuff that's in bags, like your hamburger buns, you might want to consider putting in Tupperware or something. The less food they can find, the less likely they are to come around. Also, check your pipes for leaks; they come looking for water, too. If you can afford it, get an exterminator on contract.

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Originally posted by mnslim

You wanna croak the bastids?

Mix Nestle's Quik and Portland cement powder 50-50 (add no water).

Place this in a little dish where the rats are running, and right next to that, place a dish of water.

You wanna talk indigestion? You wanna talk bowel obstruction? The rats will die horribly and painfully, I promise you. You may even hear them cursing your name to the heavens in Ratese as they slowly curl up and die a solid (haha) death.

Here's the cool thing. If you leave the dead rat carcass on a fire ant hill, in a week you will have a little brown concrete model of a rat's digestive tract.

caustic lime would work, too.

or acid, but lime or lye would work best.


Then you can leave the cool-aid for the fire ants and watch them begin to die as they bring the poison back to the nest.

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I have a friend that runs a nuisance animal removal business, and he's always suggested to me that whenever you are trying to catch rats, squirrels, etc., it's always best to take a standard rat trap and screw it directly to the floor, then bait and set it.


The critters can flip the traps over and set them off without being in them.















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Originally posted by PuppetOfMasters

I have no clue. We've never had a problem with rats or bugs or anything. So I'm guessing he ran in to try and get out of the cold or something. I have two dogs but no cats. I'm thinking about going after him tonight. I think I'll get a laundry basket and as he runs by, cage him up in it. Then kill it somehow. Probably with mass amounts of chemicals or something...like bleach and bug spray.


Hey POM, just play your guitar ... the rat will be long gone :D

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