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OT:What Would You Do?


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Originally posted by Cochise

So, I was at the store this morning(with the Black Friday rush) and as I got out of my car. I glanced into the car next to me. And there was a ziplock baggie with some cash in it. There was a $10 bill showing with alot of bills under it. The car was filled with shopping bags too.

I went in to the store to get what I came for and when I came out the car was still there. So I thought I'd check to see if the door was unlocked, and it was. I didn't open it I just lifted the handle to see if it would open. How careless/stupid can some people be? I wanted to take it but I didn't. I had my kids with me and I hate more than anything when someone steals from me. But, I also thought that the dumbass had it coming. For one he/she left cash on the passenger seat in plain view. And two, left the car doors unlocked. So what would have you done? Take it or leave it? I'm sorta pissed that I didn't, it would have been so easy. But the parking lot had cameras too. Besides, I'm not a thief. I would have enjoyed some free money though.




I'd leave it. I dont steal from people, just because out of naivety or stupidity they leave money in plain view, I dont think it warrants their {censored} be stolen. That kind of careless and stupid putting money in plain view is something my grandma was good for. Even testing their car doors to see if its locked is damn weird to me. Anyone would have enjoyed "free" money, and because of that, thats why we have the word thief.

Not to mention even contemplating committing this crime with kids present.

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I had some stuff stolen, not because I left it out in the open, but some asshole got lucky when he got in.
I would have left it and the bad ju ju that would
have came with it.....I believe folks end up paying for that kinda
{censored} down the line.

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Originally posted by Cochise

Besides, I'm not a thief.



Then the answer of course is "don't take it". It doesn't matter if it's easier to take or not. That's all relative anyway. If you're better at stealing, it's easier for you to steal from people who have what they consider to be adequate measures of protection.


I'm sure plenty of people use that justification to steal from others, every day. Just be glad you didn't succumb to that sort of thinking. You'd have hated yourself for it.

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Originally posted by KirkHammett1

I'd leave it. I dont steal from people, just because out of naivety or stupidity they leave money in plain view, I dont think it warrants their {censored} be stolen. That kind of careless and stupid putting money in plain view is something my grandma was good for. Even testing their car doors to see if its locked is damn weird to me. Anyone would have enjoyed "free" money, and because of that, thats why we have the word thief.

Not to mention even contemplating committing this crime with kids present.

I can't help it. I grew up in Flint,MI.:confused: I used to steal alot of stuff when I was young but I have had alot of {censored} stolen from me too. I know that doesn't make it right but it doesnt' stop me from of thinking it. I didn't take it I just thought about how easy it would be to do so. What can I say I guess I'm just plain EVIL:evil:

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YOu would have to be a complete asshole scum bag to take it. If it was sitting on the footpath in the middle of the street, then thats another question. You should be able to leave things in plain view without C##tS steeling it.

If you think thats ok...I suppose it was ok for the scum bags to steal all of my clothes of my clothes line (in our back yard) the other week too, because it was in plain sight eh?

{censored} that. I've got a metal T- ball bat waiting next to my bed for anyone who {censored}s with my belongings next time (not that I need a weapon). I have even comtemplated leaving clothes out there on purpose just to have another chance at catching them. I work very hard (3 casual jobs that I totally hate but do none the less) and study full time so I hate it when low life bludgers think its ok to take the easy path and steal. Get a {censored}ing job like everyone else.

Maybe someone had their car broken into and was thinking the same thing.

Good thing you didn't take the money. For alot of reasons.

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Originally posted by Strat man 69

E-9 that is great. What future promotions then? That is the highest you can go unless you go Army. Are you an Engineer or Load?



Engineer, and not as much as promotions in rank but positions. I

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