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buying some pedals for a compact live/practice rig, what to get?


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ok, so far i'm looking for a wah, a clean boost, a delay and maybe an eq or anything else you guys can suggest.


i'm thiniking about maybe a zakk wylde wah but thats all the ideas i can think of. and not too far out guys, i can't afford an $800 delay or something

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for any of those pedals there are alot of options.

with a wah some folks dont like the crybaby but i do, i just open it up and move the pot back 1 notch to tame some of those piercing highs. all of appetite for destruction slash used a stock crybaby and i think it sounded just fine. but to me a crybaby is better at the slow shift thing, just slowly sweeping it or setting it in 1 spot as a boost of frequencies. if you plan to rock it heavily for that vocal thing i think the vox's are better at that

for an EQ, make sure to check out the dano mini fish'n'chips EQ (seriously). i would take it over a stock boss GE7 any day of the week. its totally transparent and quiet like a good EQ should be. if you can spring a little more the MXR 10 band EQ is also very quiet and smooth.

as far as delay, i dont think you can go wrong with the digi-delay if you need longer delay times, it'll give you alot of options. i also love that dan-echo (the big steel one), you can get nice dark slaps out of it like the old recordings, but it does suck a tad of your tone. if you have the $$ id look at the boss DD-20, everything youll need in a delay, if not that digidelay is pretty happening.

for a clean boost im not so sure, ive always relied on OD pedals with the drive all the way down but the volume/level maxed out to push my tube amps harder. maybe someone else can help you there.

but its really a matter of taste and what works with your rig. just dont forget to check out the fish'n'chips - sure, its made of plastic but ive personally never seen one broken and its a great little EQ

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EQ - Fish n Chips by FAR!! Trust me, it's sturdy. I've jumped on it (I weigh 190 lbs) just to see if it'll hold up and so far it has. :) - $20

Delay - Boss DD-20 is the best pedal delay out there IMO. - $230

Wah - I'm real interested in the Dimebag wah with all those adjustable settings. It's what I plan on getting next. - $150

Clean Boost - Can't help ya here. Like the last poster, I use overdrives and/or my EQ to push my amps.

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Originally posted by Code-001

EQ - Fish n Chips by FAR!! Trust me, it's sturdy. I've jumped on it (I weigh 190 lbs) just to see if it'll hold up and so far it has.
- $20

Delay - Boss DD-20 is the best pedal delay out there IMO. - $230

Wah - I'm real interested in the Dimebag wah with all those adjustable settings. It's what I plan on getting next. - $150

Clean Boost - Can't help ya here. Like the last poster, I use overdrives and/or my EQ to push my amps.

i'm only going to use the delay to thicken up my lead tones coupled with the eq. so whats good for that purpose

i have an sd-1 but i'm looking at other options. i'm running a 30 watt laney tube amp at low volumes for a practice rig. would i be better off getting a hotplate instead of these pedals?

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Originally posted by LIAR-502

ok, so far i'm looking for a wah, a clean boost, a delay and maybe an eq or anything else you guys can suggest.

i'm thiniking about maybe a zakk wylde wah but thats all the ideas i can think of. and not too far out guys, i can't afford an $800 delay or something

Well,if you can't think of anything you need,you evidently don't need anything.

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For a delay I use the Visual Sound H2O pedal. It has a very good delay AND a killer chorus built into the same pedal. Both are very good and flexible effects - and the price is pretty good too.

For a clean boost I use a compressor - Dano Surf and Turf. I use it for a bit of compression and a nice boost for clean leads.

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