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Funny video of a pimp getting smacked down


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Originally posted by CatsGoMoo

That's a load of {censored}. In a real fight any good fighter will tell you that your technique changes to the situation. You can't throw and land perfect and clean punches when you're in a real fight situation.

Look at any MMA match. Pride, UFC, you name it. Those are trained professionals and tell me if their technique remains perfect in the middle of a confrontation.

This guy hit the pimp hard as hell and with precision. It took one hit to lay the guy out, and he wasn't getting up without help.



+1 A fighter needs to conform to every situation and sometimes that requires "sloppy technique." However, you did see him start to go into a classic Karate stance after he hit him. Great video!

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Originally posted by zadiqof

that jay lee dude has really really bad technique... it worked, but it was technically sloppy.




Perhaps you should contact him to set up a sparring match. Be sure you video tape it when you whoop his ass so we can all see what a bad mother {censored}er you are. Should be no problem for you going up against "sloppy technique" like that.

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Originally posted by CatsGoMoo

That's a load of {censored}. In a real fight any good fighter will tell you that your technique changes to the situation. You can't throw and land perfect and clean punches when you're in a real fight situation.

Look at any MMA match. Pride, UFC, you name it. Those are trained professionals and tell me if their technique remains perfect in the middle of a confrontation.

This guy hit the pimp hard as hell and with precision. It took one hit to lay the guy out, and he wasn't getting up without help.



The funny thing is that it looks more or less like he didn't really hit him all that hard.


So, either the black guy is a pansy (most in that situation are - all bark and no bite) - or that guy is very accurate in where he landed his shot.

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Originally posted by TU BE

Perhaps you should contact him to set up a sparring match. Be sure you video tape it when you whoop his ass so we can all see what a bad mother {censored}er you are. Should be no problem for you going up against "sloppy technique" like that.

Exactly....hopefully we get to be graced by a demonstration of his technical greatness.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by kannibul

The funny thing is that it looks more or less like he didn't really hit him all that hard.

So, either the black guy is a pansy (most in that situation are - all bark and no bite) - or that guy is very accurate in where he landed his shot.




More likely he was accurate in his shot placement. I am not sure if you have ever sparred with a Master or Grand Master but it is an interesting study to say the least. With enough experience a martial artist can take you down without much effort.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

LOL!!!! In context, it was exactly what was needed. And, poor technique with that little range of motion, particularly with a backfist, would not produce a knockout.

I watched this thing several times and the punch doesnt look that hard though the hat went flying. If you look at the slo mo, hes leaning back and looked flat footed when he hit the guy when he hit the guy. I think Rufus was a little out of it as well


Thats my ringside opinion:cool:

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