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You know whats great?? BUYING YOUR FIRST LES PAUL!!!


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Originally posted by L6Sguy

Y'know what'd be even better?

you sending me my Vamp-2 you've got listed in your sig. the one you were supposed to mail back to me months ago.

or at least, if you're not gonna return my property, take it out of your sig, dammit.



Hmmm....this sounds interesting.

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Originally posted by L6Sguy

annoying would be a better word. no response to emails/PMs, and he's left me out to dry since 10-11-05, although there seemed to be some issues of g17 getting to the PO before that.



Wasn't there a huge thread some time back where he ripped somebody off for $400 over some pedals or something like that. I don't remember the details, but if I'm thinking of the right person, he and his friend came off looking really bad.

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Originally posted by L6Sguy

Y'know what'd be even better?

you sending me my Vamp-2 you've got listed in your sig. the one you were supposed to mail back to me months ago.

or at least, if you're not gonna return my property, take it out of your sig, dammit.



That's {censored}ed up. Let the lynchings begin!

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Originally posted by L6Sguy

i've heard from another forumite that g17/chris is friends with another forumite who pulled some
scams. i cannot remember the name of the 'big' scammer, nor can i confirm any connection.


Chris Granger was the person I'm thinking of. Details are still sketchy in my mind, but I think Guitarist17 then came in to defend him and looked like a real ass.

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That is some sick {censored},,,,,,,,,just as bad as the sumbitch that stole my {censored}ing car this weekend, ....I am super sick of thieving tweek {censored}s, that have no moral stand.. Carma.? yep as sure as the sky is blue... L6Sguy , you have a good quality about ya for not flippin harder on this obviouse thief & that is exacty what he is.......then sellin your property to boot.Damn.............I get REAL hot just thinkin about it,,,that {censored}er probably has my damn car.......!!!!!!!!!! LOL

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Originally posted by FLYING V 83

Notice how the original poster has gone missing.....

Pretty stupid to screw someone on the forums then come back with their gear in your sig.

oh im sorry, i actually DO have a life outside of HC.....:rolleyes:

As far as the Vamp goes, i do NOT have your return email address, and it was sent back to me when i tried to send it out to you in november, i sent you atleas 5 PM's trying to get your return address, but i got nothing in return. i dont know if i Pmed the wrong name ( icouldnt remember what your HC name was), so yes, i have been trying to get your return address. WHen i originally tried to send it out, it was sent back, and said the address was not valid. By that time, i had already thrown out the box that my delay pedal got returned to me in, so i didnt have your address. PM me your address and i will send it out tomorrow, no problemo.


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Originally posted by guitarist17

oh im sorry, i actually DO have a life outside of HC.....

As far as the Vamp goes, i do NOT have your return email address, and it was sent back to me when i tried to send it out to you in november, i sent you atleas 5 PM's trying to get your return address, but i got nothing in return. i dont know if i Pmed the wrong name ( icouldnt remember what your HC name was), so yes, i have been trying to get your return address. WHen i originally tried to send it out, it was sent back, and said the address was not valid. By that time, i had already thrown out the box that my delay pedal got returned to me in, so i didnt have your address. PM me your address and i will send it out tomorrow, no problemo.



You drop the ball and blame him.


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A little story about Karma:

YEARS ago, I had a USA Fender up on Ebay. I was after a nice metally guitar.

I got a mail from this guy who lived oop North about something he had for trade. He was offering a USA Jackson KV2 for the USA Fender (it was about the same value) and we exchanged pictures and {censored}. So we finally agreed the exchange and the ship date.

During the discussions and stuff, he pointed me towards his band's website and stuff, so I kinda thought I had no reason to mistrust him.

So I go out and ship my axe, he ships his, or so I thought. Two days later, I get a package with two house bricks in it.

I went {censored}ing mental and he basically told me to bugger off and that was it.

I went to see his band live and sure enough, up on stage, there he was with my strat. So I started heckling them at first about their "stolen gear" and the guy was getting red. So after the gig I started having words. Course his band and his Dad and two (brick {censored}house) brothers sorta kicked my ass.

Anyway went through some other {censored} trying to get my guitar back, or what wanted to trade and stuff and after a while he hired a solicitor to order me to stop or they were going to launch a harassment suit. Well I couldn't afford a snazzy solicitor so I dropped it.

About 2 years later, I was doing sound for a show near where I live. It was a last minute thing so there was no time for soundchecks. But it all sounded good anyways. Lo and behold, y'all will never guess who turned up to play with the last band! Mister dickhead and a bran' new shiny white les paul custom!

I was talking to my mates about what happened in stuff, course whilst I was completely draining the bass guitar of all bass frequencies and applying a strange chorus/flanging effect that was obviously way off on the snare drum... his guitar wasn't in the mix... well, it was, but it was going through an EXTREME amount of limiting!

After the show, he totally recognised me but we didn't say anything - he knew why he got a {censored} sound. Apparently some record company guys had shown up to see them and walked out about half a song into their set.

The evening after, my mates showed up with a brand new shiny white les paul custom for me ;O) And he someone acquired a broken nose!

Not that I like les pauls at all, but I'm glad I got something back from the {censored}er, even if I did have to get my mates to beat the {censored} out of him

Karma - can't beat it, especially when you do it yourself!

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Originally posted by SteveP


You drop the ball and blame him.


oh jeez, gimme a break, i offered to send it back didnt i? so stop whining, i never planned on "not sending it back", i just for the life of me, could not remember the guys HC monikor, and i did not have a phone number, or a return address.

and as far as chris grainger goes, um no, that was not me, i knew the kid, i stated what i knew, and that was it, i was not "sticking up for him " or whatever you wanna call it, i had nothing to do with that entire thing.


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Originally posted by L6Sguy

i've heard from another forumite that g17/chris is friends with another forumite who pulled some
scams. i cannot remember the name of the 'big' scammer, nor can i confirm any connection.

i do know though that g17 should be back soon, with LP pics if nothing else. i wonder whose guitar will be pictured?

i'm waiting.


LMAO!!!!! whoa, this is news to me, id like to see this one. The only person ive ever talked to that is widely known on these forums is mr vince sansevere, thats it. So yes, if you consider me being "affilated with a scammer" because ive talked gear with vince sansevere, then yes, i am indeed "apart of the scamming" LOLOL


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Originally posted by guitarist17

oh jeez, gimme a break, i offered to send it back didnt i? so stop whining, i never planned on "not sending it back", i just for the life of me, could not remember the guys HC monikor, and i did not have a phone number, or a return address.





You made a post that didn't even pertain to the vamp on HC and he was found almost immedialty.


Sounds like you were just to lazy to put any effort into it.

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Originally posted by SteveP


You made a post that didn't even pertain to the vamp on HC and he was found almost immedialty.

Sounds like you were just to lazy to put any effort into it.




then so be it, i was wrong, and i plan on sending it back first thing tomorrow morning.

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