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OT: Need opinions on cities....


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Soon to be wife is going to grad school in Sept. I will be moving out there with her.


She has applied to a few places based on the school. Believe it or not I get a choice on the city.


Job-wise I am trying to set up something remotely. But basically I do programming and computer work.


But I am mainly interested in the music scenes. I play Metal ala God Forbid, Dream Theater, Ach Enemy, Nevermore. Sorta euro progressive thrash sound.


Are there a lot of bands/places to play in the cities or nearby? How is the city in general? Safety, jobs, cost of living? How are some of the places close by?


Any info at all would be great.


Cleveland, OH

Minneapolis, MN

Richmod, VA

Philadelphia, PA

Baltimore, MD



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I am in Minn. right now. The twin cities has a diverse and good music scene. A lot of local metal acts. I grew up here and it has great music stores. Cost of living is pretty good. apts are kinda spendy, homes are pretty good! But it is too frickin cold so I am getting outta dodge again. I need warmth and sun damnit!

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I do know that Baltimore is in MD and not MA:D . I guess like every city it has its young college parts of town, fun downtown with the Inner Harbor. Music scene is ok with some good fun places to play. Other parts are dangerous, diseased, cracked out, and like I said dangerous. Im not a city boy so I stay away:thu:

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Yeah my fiance is actually from MN and from looking around on the web, it looks like it has a pretty healthy Metal scene.

I am moving from NM where even our city, is still a pretty small city.

I figure any scene will be better or at least just as good as here.

Any other info?

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Minny has been getting a lot of younger people moving to it over the past few years. I don't know much about it any of the cities except for Cleveland. They have a decent metal scene. The weather pretty much sucks in all of them for about 5 months a year though. I have lived in Ohio all my life and by about the end of January or early February, cabin fever really starts to set in.

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Yeah... all those places are not nearly as nice weatherwise compared to Santa Fe.

I don't want to leave either... but grad schools for what my fiance is going into are not so hot.

But my goal is a better music scene... particularly a metal one.

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stay away from richmond... that place destroys lives... at least 3 of my good friends have gone into totally different downward spirals there, and my ex girlfriend from there is totally out of her mind. besides the city's tendancy to destroy people, it's dangerous as hell out there. I'd choose baltimore over richmond, it's dangerous too but it's got some nicer parts to balance it out.

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I spend alot of time in Richmond, and all my band mates live there. We play gigs there constantly. The music scene...really good for metal. There are lots of venues booking all kinds of metal shows and you basically have to be retarded to not get a gig there. However, many of the venues pay jack {censored}.

Now the city itself...yeah what AnomalyXT said about it being dangerous is right on. It had the highest murder rate in the US, but I think it has gone down the list a tiny bit in the last few years. The downtown district is pretty dirty, and you get hit up for change by at least 2 hobos every block. I wouldn't say the place ruins lives...people ruin thier own lives, but I would never want to live there.

So basically I love the music scene, but hate the city. There are much more attractive choices on your list.


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Originally posted by aortizjr

Soon to be wife is going to grad school in Sept. I will be moving out there with her.

She has applied to a few places based on the school. Believe it or not I get a choice on the city.

Job-wise I am trying to set up something remotely. But basically I do programming and computer work.

But I am mainly interested in the music scenes. I play Metal ala God Forbid, Dream Theater, Ach Enemy, Nevermore. Sorta euro progressive thrash sound.

Are there a lot of bands/places to play in the cities or nearby? How is the city in general? Safety, jobs, cost of living? How are some of the places close by?

Any info at all would be great.

Cleveland, OH

Minneapolis, MN

Richmod, VA

Philadelphia, PA

Baltimore, MD




As much as I hate this f-ing state, Massachusetts has tons of options for schools. Arguably the best in the country. And Boston has a great music scene.

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Are these states options? The Phoenix area is HOT right now, Nevada is still good. Lots of excellent schools, the music scene is wide open b/c you have Scottsdale on the east side-Alice Cooper lives there/has his own club,to the west side of Phoenix where all the growth is. Inexpensive to live there comparatively speaking. You ain't gonna like Minnihaha's weather, based on your present location. Nevada has no state tax. Check 'em out on your 'puter.

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