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Everything posted by surgeonofdemise

  1. ....................................... ..............:arg::phil:
  2. ................................ .......................... ................................................. :deadhorse: ............................. .....................................................................
  3. Who agrees this needs to be on this page also? hELL YEAH. African chicks rule!
  4. wehre have yuo been !?? 11? workign hard on tohse cblu docuemtns .... i see i am curerntly finsihing up a resreach on teh mike amott's hair YEs!!2 Yse#2. I've bnee hard at wrok on tohse darn dcomuenst! Tehre are sooo mnay of tehm. I hda to re-tpye alot of tehm becsaue tehy were splelled worng!!2!98 :eekphil: I've aslo been diong smoe intensiev resreahc on a stradn of hair I foudn while hikign Deaht Valley. I belveieve it may be taht of Zkak Wlyde's from 1983. I'm curnerently comlpetign teh cabron dating and will haev reslults soon!2!!% :deadhorse::arg:
  5. I AM POSTING IN THIS VERY IMPORTANT THREAD Thanks for that most informative post! here's some more informative stuff..... INFORMATIVE STUFF :o:o
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