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Why musicians should stay clear of politics

Dark Angel

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Originally posted by Negative K3 fan

the tone in and the subjects of everything on that website... the only place where it could have been created is the US i guess.

edit: for examle; the 'righteousness' (i don't {censored}ing know how to spell that) was dripping from my screen when i skimmed through a few of those articles.

Ill agree with you a lil bit, but you ever see some websites from the other side? ALA Micheal Moore? or other left-wing nutjobs? College Campuses? (Professors, facilty staff, etc) Just saying its a 2 way street, right/left web sites..

They can be FRIGHTENING! :(

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Originally posted by Negative K3 fan

the tone in and the subjects of everything on that website... the only place where it could have been created is the US i guess.

edit: for examle; the 'righteousness' (i don't {censored}ing know how to spell that) was dripping from my screen when i skimmed through a few of those articles.



Yes you spelled it right...thats pretty good cuz Europeans don't have much use for that word anymore

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Originally posted by ***1776***

Ill agree with you a lil bit, but you ever see some websites from the other side? ALA Micheal Moore? or other left-wing nutjobs? College Campuses? (Professors, facilty staff, etc) Just saying its a 2 way street, right/left web sites..

They can be FRIGHTENING!

uhh what? how much experience do you have with college campuses? first, most of the students are having too good of a time to be politically active. second, most non-adacemic university staff are semi-conservative blue-collar types that could hardly be characterized as "liberal". and third, in most classes a prof wouldn't even have the opportunity to voice his or her opinion on politics because the class isn't even ABOUT politics, and most classes move too {censored}ing fast for the prof to sit there and pontificate about stuff like that. i NEVER had a prof step out of his or her role and preach to students and I went to a LIBERAL school.

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Originally posted by vlad

I dunno... How should I feel about him?


Uhhmmm... He's a great drummer?

Well golly, gee, Vlad.

I coulda swore Rush delved into political and social commentary in their songs, and that Neil DOES write the lyrics and has been KNOWN to be a little.... highbrow.

I thought I might ask you how you felt about a band like Rush, and specifically, Peart, and their essays and deleivery.

You know, given that you said this:

"I have the utmost respect for musicians that create music without the need for gimicky political statements. But they're few and far between. Most are babbling baffoons."

But you have no clue what I am talking about so...never mind!

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Originally posted by clay_finley

You need to take into account that the article was from Capitalism Magazine also.



Take it into account how? Did Carlos Santana not wear said shirt, showing a comical ignorance to his fashion statement?


This was hardly a political philosophy dissertation or something that has an ability to be discredited through personal belief.


Facts is facts, and Carlos Santana don't pay no attention to them pesky facts, just what his stylist says... that or he realizes his playing has gone nowhere over the last two decades and proposes listening to it should result in prison time.

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Originally posted by ColourOfFire

Some good old exaggerating.

Besides; does everybody in Guantanamo Bay get an honest trial?

Sorry it's not an attack to the americans or somethin, I think it's good to lock away terrorists, but if your country puts people away without a fair trial, you can't blame other countries for doing it too.

It just pisses my off that people who accuse someone elso of being hypocrit can be so hypocrit themselves in thesame article.



Point taken... but isn't there a big difference 'Bohemians', 'homosexuals', 'roqueros' et al... and people captured shooting at your army?


I mean, real world here...

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

Well golly, gee, Vlad.

I coulda swore Rush delved into political and social commentary in their songs, and that Neil DOES write the lyrics and has been KNOWN to be a little.... highbrow.

I thought I might ask you how you felt about a band like Rush, and specifically, Peart, and their essays and deleivery.

You know, given that you said this:

"I have the utmost respect for musicians that create music without the need for gimicky political statements. But they're few and far between. Most are babbling baffoons."

But you have no clue what I am talking about so...never mind!



I gotta tell you, I'm not a huge Rush fan, so this isn't something that I would know off the bat.


Also, don't take my post too seriously. It's merely my opinion and my observation. If you have different experiences that contradict this. That's cool. I see them as exceptions to the rule.

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Originally posted by ***1776***

Ill agree with you a lil bit, but you ever see some websites from the other side? ALA Micheal Moore? or other left-wing nutjobs? College Campuses? (Professors, facilty staff, etc) Just saying its a 2 way street, right/left web sites..

They can be FRIGHTENING!

i know about micheal moore, but i have yet to see a website from a (so called) 'liberal' professer or whatever, really curious what i could find there...

i wasnt talking about sides here, just about the US as a whole.

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