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Florida Amp Fest in 2 WEEKS!!!


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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

lame non-drinker question

do you have mountain dew or bottled water?

if you don't, that's ok...i'll just run my 5150 as a fullstack on 10 all day

i'm a nondrinker too, but i'm going to be high as a kite checking out all that gear :)

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So, Evan:

What kind of beer is it that you drink at home?

You wanna try something killer? At the Whole Foods Market on Aloma & Lakemont in Winter Park they carry a beer called Dogfishhead 90 Minute IPA. It's nickname is Krippy Beer. Tastes just like the kindest of the kind bud and it's 9% alcohol. That {censored} will kick you in the ding ding!

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Originally posted by BeauNasty

So, Evan:

What kind of beer is it that you drink at home?

You wanna try something killer? At the Whole Foods Market on Aloma & Lakemont in Winter Park they carry a beer called Dogfishhead 90 Minute IPA. It's nickname is Krippy Beer. Tastes just like the kindest of the kind bud and it's 9% alcohol. That {censored} will kick you in the ding ding!



Sorry Beau...


Dogfishhead is pretty common.




I have found that Florida can be a dead end for both bands and beer.



Who wants to send a beer truck down to FLA and deadhead back? It's a one way ticket that makes it difficult to get return value.



You can send something to Chicago, and very cheaply send it to Cleveland, Detoit, Toledo, Columbus, Cinci, and Indy as well.


One of the nicer beers I get aroundhere in Tampa Bay is Rogue American Amber. Very nice rich beer.




Whenever I go north I always bring a few cases of beer back with me.


Don't worry, eb and I will "get by". There's not much help for true beer snobs


(It's raining beer!)

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Originally posted by BeauNasty

So, Evan:

What kind of beer is it that you drink at home?

You wanna try something killer? At the Whole Foods Market on Aloma & Lakemont in Winter Park they carry a beer called Dogfishhead 90 Minute IPA. It's nickname is Krippy Beer. Tastes just like the kindest of the kind bud and it's 9% alcohol. That {censored} will kick you in the ding ding!

Beau, you and I need to go over to Old Germany here on 436/aloma and i'll show you some beers.


dogfish head is very common like 17 said. and i have some beers that break the 20% mark, no joke

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can we get some kinda agenda going here?

is it just gonna be a free-for-all, are is each player/rig gonna have a time slot or some sort, or what?

i don't think we'd need anything too strict, but some kinda general orgization seems like it would be in order

there's a lot of amps i'd like to hear, and a only a small handful i'm really itching to play

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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

can we get some kinda agenda going here?

is it just gonna be a free-for-all, are is each player/rig gonna have a time slot or some sort, or what?

i don't think we'd need anything too strict, but some kinda general orgization seems like it would be in order

there's a lot of amps i'd like to hear, and a only a small handful i'm really itching to play






Inded there will be a lot of people and amps. So we'll have to be careful.



I actually do have an agenda. And I will type that out later. Just a guideline so we can stay focused and get eveyone to see hear and play at leasts a few of the amps.



Don;t worry.



I'm actually think of not bringing any amps, just a couple guitars. There's plenty of amps already, and no one wants to play my {censored}...hah.


I can also concentrate on helping Beauy make this a successful first event.

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

I actually do have an agenda. And I will type that out later. Just a guideline so we can stay focused and get eveyone to see hear and play at leasts a few of the amps.


I can also concentrate on helping Beauy make this a successful first event.



cool man,


sounds like a plan

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Originally posted by ebrecordings

Beau, you and I need to go over to Old Germany here on 436/aloma and i'll show you some beers.

dogfish head is very common like 17 said. and i have some beers that break the 20% mark, no joke



Old Germany sells Dogfishhead. HA! Great food, great beer selection...no smoking, no party atmosphere, and that's enough to make me eat and run.


I'll meet you there for happy hour any time though, man. How about Friday???

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If you and Craig could handle the agenda I would appreciate it. Craig and I will be there early in the morning taking all of the tables out of the bar and moving them outside to the BBQ area. Then I've got the BBQ and other operational issues to manage, so I won't be of much assistance to you other than answering questions.

Craig is full on prepared to help you all day long since the two of you were the ones who got the ball rolling for this event. Please make contact with him ahead of time so he knows what it is you need him to handle.

We're looking forward to this event. I'm psyched about meeting everyone and having the HC family present and accounted for during Craig & my birthday party. Craig and I will not escape the DH/Muldoon's family without getting blinded by alcohol during our show. We may employ the guitar services of many of you HC seasoned veterans.

I can't wait! I'm dying to play a Framus.

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I'm totally open to ideas. I hate to put too many rules on it without knowing how many people will show and with how much gear. Personally I think if less people show, than anything goes.

I think as long as everyone has some common courtesy it will go smooth. Now if 100 people show up, than yeah we need to number all the rigs and and take turns,, etc etc etc etc..

My {censored} will be onstage from the night before,, so no worries here. I'll be happy to help out in any way I can,, except for physical labor. You guys can haul your own {censored} in and out of the bar,, hahahaha.:D

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I'm half tempted to contact Full Sail and have them send me some roadies for load in and load out. They get Show Pro intern credit hours for doing dumb {censored} like that. Before it's all said and done, everyone's {censored} will probably be mixed up and you'll spend more time sorting out your {censored} than you will if you just load and unload your own {censored}.

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17 Tubes:

Please advise me of how many people RSVP'd and plan to come, so I don't overbuy on BBQ. The chicken leg quarters, potato salad, & baked beans are a go. I have a buddy that's talking some {censored} about roasting a pig over a firepit. Bring a thirst and appetite, pal. We treat our musicians like family.

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Originally posted by BeauNasty

17 Tubes:

Please advise me of how many people RSVP'd and plan to come, so I don't overbuy on BBQ. The chicken leg quarters, potato salad, & baked beans are a go. I have a buddy that's talking some {censored} about roasting a pig over a firepit. Bring a thirst and appetite, pal. We treat our musicians like family.


what are the restrooms like at this place? decent or countyfair-like? :)

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I will post this in it's own thread in like tomorrow or something, but since there's so many requests I'll do it here/now.

We'd like to get a little bit of a start by 1 o'clock. What that means is we all be arriving at different times, and setting up and we won't really "START" until about 2pm. That's my guess. You know how these things can go. So:

1PM. Arrive and load in.

2PM. Dig in.

We'll start with intros and what gear you have. For some of the rare amps it's a chance to talk about what the features are, mods, cabs/speakers. Even a quick demo maybe. Not everyone will do this so I am guessing 5-10 minuntes each will be sufficient.


Here is where we'll break it down a little. Not everyone will be able to play all the amps....and we won't play all at once. So after the 2pm session, will make a list of what you want to try.

Maybe we can break down into 2 or 3 smaller groups and gather around our favorite selections.

I am hoping everyone gets a chance to play at least 2-3 amps. With other people trying other amps, you should be able to at least HEAR many of the amps there.

I would say this will go on for a couple hours, wouldn't you?

5-5:30-ish...we take a break, and I would say the grub should be ready. We could go for a little break in the amp trials...OR....we could make time for "emergency" trials during this time. Depends on everyone ears and patience.

About 6-6;30, I'd like to see us jam a few tunes. Give a few of the amps a REAL workout....in a band setting.

And I would say we'd be easing out by 8-8:30-ish to make way for the patrons and get ready for the night's show.

So...we have a little bit of agnda, but we need flexibility too.

I will take pics and video, as well as MC or moderate the proceedings.:D I will also be co-ordinating with Beau on things.

Just to make sure, do we have a drummer. Bass gear? I am sure some of us can double on bass. I can bring a drummer if needed. He's not th best, but he plays in bands and can keep the beat for many things.

Let me know what you think.

Beau, theres been some additions. I will get you that tonight or tomorrow.

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