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What do you do to spark your creativity for a song?


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What do you do to spark your creativity for a song?


Or, what do you think of while playing and building a song?

This really interests me as I want to know if I am the only

one that thinks in terms of themes even for the clips I do.


The last clip I did "Telly Roll" I thought as I played the bass

line that I wanted the bass line to be a constant. Like some

one chanting OHM. I did that and played a bubbling little rhythm

line of broken arpeggiated chords. Then on another rhythm track

I put little harmonic stabs of two notes over that to bring out

harmonic chime like everything was rolling along well in life.

The solo was made to go along with those like things were just perfect. When it comes to the break. a little harmonized guitar trill suggested that something was changing. The bass kept doing its OHM type thing, but the bubbling little guitar line changed to mirror the bass lines OHM. The little harmonic stabs changed to an octave harmony type things to add a little more spice in the background. At this point the lead tried to go on its merry way for

a few notes but then found the going rough and started struggling. It ended up fighting against the change, It started making a few crys and then at the shortened fade out it gave up and gave an in key trill...

Is this silly? Am I the only one that thinks this way about music? I hope not...lol



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Originally posted by Highgrade


Damn you HG, you beat me to it :D

In all honesty though, chronic is the ultimate way to sit down and have your mind take your music in directions that you would have NEVER though about otherwise. All the marijuana hating propaganda can bitch all they want, but it's a solid fact :cool:

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man, i was gonna stay out of this thread for the simple reason that someone was gonna just post the word "weed" and think it was funny. or maybe even a two-word post like "weed, brotha!"

everytime i mention anything about being a musician or being in a band or writing songs or anything like that, someone inevitably asks me if i smoke pot... i wish people could seperate these two things somehow. If you need to use chemicals to make yourself creative, then it's not you that's creating, it's the chemical.

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i play metal, i'm living in cramer hall right now, but by the looks of it I won't be going there next year. their music industry management degree is too business oriented and is for people who like music but have no talent. i wanna go into recording arts , possibly thinking of transferring to indiana university.

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Originally posted by Cas

i play metal, i'm living in cramer hall right now, but by the looks of it I won't be going there next year. their music industry management degree is too business oriented and is for people who like music but have no talent. i wanna go into recording arts , possibly thinking of transferring to indiana university.



too true, man. most of the people in the program are talentless scenesters who wanna get their band or their best friends band heard. I mainly did it for a retail management degree, cuz for some {censored}ed up reason i like retail. I'm the assistant manager at Sam Goody in BR, if you've ever been there...


also, give me your mark iv.

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{censored}, i've been turning this worthwhile thread into a conversation... sorry bout that.

For me, writing is a constant thing. I have notebook upon notebook filled with couplets and choruses and themes... and a hard drive filled with music ideas that i record whenever something solidifies in my head. The best songs, it seems, are the ones that just flood to me all at once. i'll make a drum loop or write a guitar riff... and run with it, layering everything on top of everything else and hen trimming the fat to see what actually sounds good. I'll return to it a couple days later and re-evaluate it... So i guess i'm more like a sculptor, chiseling away everything that doesn't look write to me.

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Originally posted by mrelusive

man, i was gonna stay out of this thread for the simple reason that someone was gonna just post the word "weed" and think it was funny. or maybe even a two-word post like "weed, brotha!"

everytime i mention anything about being a musician or being in a band or writing songs or anything like that, someone inevitably asks me if i smoke pot... i wish people could seperate these two things somehow. If you need to use chemicals to make yourself creative, then it's not
that's creating, it's the chemical.

Uh no. Chemicals don't think for themselves. I guess writers like Byron and Shelley didn't actually write themselves, it was the booze, laudunum and opium, right? :p

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Originally posted by '63-Strat

Uh no. Chemicals don't think for themselves. I guess writers like Byron and Shelley didn't actually write themselves, it was the booze, laudunum and opium, right?

heh, i guess to me it'd feel more like "co-writing" a song with someone who's helped a million other people write stuff... so maybe half the money you make should go to weed... if it doesn't already

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If I like the tone of my amp or even just my acoustic guitar's tone, songs seem to just start flowing out of me usually.
You never know, some of my best ideas come to me while driving and I have no way to record it or write it down, so I forget most of them.

bad tone = I can't write

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Originally posted by mrelusive

heh, i guess to me it'd feel more like "co-writing" a song with someone who's helped a million other people write stuff... so maybe half the money you make should go to weed... if it doesn't already



I spend next to nothing on weed btw. Just stating the facts: THC, alcohol, etc... none of them are capable of creating a song, so I'd have to disagree with your statement. Saying something like lots of people use the mental state that drugs put them in as a crutch to be creative would be far more accurate.

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