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Got an M50: Sounds Great, Lame Action - Shoot Me..


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So in the efforts to find a good replacement for my dying Triton Le, after several trips to Guitar Wanker & mulling over the "Used vs. New" decision - I pulled the plug and ordered a brand new Korg M50 from Chris at Alto Music in Middletown, NY (great guy, good prices btw)...


I have an S90ES so I stayed away from the Motifs, thinking it'd be redundant but I had checked out a new Fantom G7, considered a used Fantom X7, even thought about getting another TLe used - just to keep things simple... I finally decided the M50 had that right combination of useable sounds, straightforward interface, reasonable price.


UPS brought it last nite so I played the M50 it last nite & this morning & have realized - I DON'T LIKE THE ACTION of THE KEYBED VERY MUCH!! :mad::rolleyes:


I've lived w/the crappy Triton Le action since July 2002 just 'cause I liked the sounds and didn't want the hassle of changing. But now the Le is flaking out on gigs so I have to make the change... The M50 action is only slightly better than the TLe's god-awful action. I guess I was paying less attention to the action & more to the sounds when I tried M50 it out in the store 3 different times!! :cry:


So now I see these as possible options:

    I know the obvious alternative choice is wait to find something decent used but I just don't have the time & even though I see some Triton Extremes on evilbay I'm wary of going that route. If there was a local seller I'd consider it but no one is local. :rolleyes:


    I feel like I've poked myself in the eye w/a sharp stick :poke: - - please make the pain stop!! :cry::lol:

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I have noticed that if you play more towards the "end" of M50's keys, it feels a little better... whereas the part of the key that goes into the chassis of the 'board itself doesn't feel so good - there's no snap to it.


The TLe even had more snap but the keys were too lighweight and plasticky.


Someone posted pics of the inside of an M50 - was it McHale? I don't even think there's any springs in this damn thing's keys...! :facepalm:


I think I remember that the M3 action was better than the M50 - maybe Rich F. the Korg guy can shed some light...?

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* return M50, get M50-88.


Thanks for the thought, evildragon :evil: - - but I already have an S90ES, which has 88 weighted keys. Don't need a 2nd 'board w/88 weighted keys, which is why I was looking at the M50 73 or Fantom G7/X7... :thu:


if I had found a good used Triton Extreme locally I would've only gotten 61 keys as those suckers are heavy, built solid like a tank. :cool:

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I think I remember that the M3 action was better than the M50 - maybe Rich F. the Korg guy can shed some light...?



Hi GigMan,


Yes, the M3's 61 and 73-key action is a step up from the M50's, and has pressure-sensitive aftertouch.


Congratulationss on the purchase, sorry the keys haven't grown on you yet. I hope you'll give them some time... I know any time I get new keys, I need a little while to really get to know them 100%.


If you decide to go with another option (hopefully #2), Chris is definitely a good guy, and I'm sure he'll help you out. He knows a lot about the M3, and can probably show you a few cool tricks.

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Hi GigMan,

Yes, the M3's 61 and 73-key action is a step up from the M50's, and has pressure-sensitive aftertouch.

Congratulationss on the purchase, sorry the keys haven't grown on you yet. I hope you'll give them some time... I know any time I get new keys, I need a little while to really get to know them 100%.

If you decide to go with another option (hopefully #2), Chris is definitely a good guy, and I'm sure he'll help you out. He knows a lot about the M3, and can probably show you a few cool tricks.


Thx Rich -

Btw, just to be clear, lest I be painted as a Korg-hater: I actually think the Korg 50 is a GREAT bang-for-the-buck value in sounds, features, capabilities, even "fun-factor"... the "tap-tempo" button and ability to turn off "drum track" from any Combi patch is really cool... I'm just particular about the tactile feel of the keys and having used the Triton Le since (also great sounds on that thing), I was hoping to have a 'board this time that actually feels good to play it! :thu:

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Soon, very soon.


Yah, except I can't wait that long - I can't take the chance of my TLe flaking out on more gigs, I have gigs every wknd. between now and mid-November... :cry: I was planning on having tomorrow's wedding gig be the "swan song" for the old silver gal (Triton Le)... ha ha :lol:


What'll that thing cost, anway - the Kurz. PC3Le6?

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Yup, it was me that posted pics of the inside.




Do me a favor with your M50. Play it for a while with headphones on. And I mean REALLY play it. Don't think about the action, just play a bunch of stuff and think about the music. THIS is when I started to love my M50. When you play in a live situation, you're not going to hear the clanking of the keybed...


I have the M50-73 (I'm betting you bought the M50-61). I actually REALLY like the keybed. It's faster than the M3-73 and the weight of the synth in general is REALLY appreciated at the end of the night.



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Do you need a 2nd board?

If not how about the M3 desktop?

If you need keys too I would suggest M3 desktop + Novation Remote SL 61


Yes - 2nd board is necessary for live work, at least for the gigs I do... having ability to punch up a sound from either kybd. at any given time is key, plus while I'm playing one I can dial up a patch on the other. I play in bands that don't use set lists (or don't even rehearse, for that matter). :facepalm::p

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Yup, it was me that posted pics of the inside.

Do me a favor with your M50. Play it for a while with headphones on. And I mean REALLY play it. Don't think about the action, just play a bunch of stuff and think about the music. THIS is when I started to love my M50. When you play in a live situation, you're not going to hear the clanking of the keybed...

I have the M50-73 (I'm betting you bought the M50-61). I actually REALLY like the keybed. It's faster than the M3-73 and the weight of the synth in general is REALLY appreciated at the end of the night.



Yes - I did play it w/my phones on for 2, 3 hours at Gtr. Ctr., over the course of seveal visits... that's why I bought it - I thought the sounds were good! :lol: I did get the 73 key version, btw


Plus the "clanking" of the keybed isn't the issue - it's the feel of the keys to my fingers and how they depress and come back up. :cool: It looks to me from your giant picture that there's no springs in it, corredct? Maybe that's why it feels weird.

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You'll get used to the whiteness of the M3 far faster than the crappy action of the M50. Well you never get used to a crappy action - that's just the way it is.


Don't hesitate. Return the M50. After that do what you want. All your other choices are good ones except another Yamaha. You've got one of those. And no - a Motif won't prod you to learn your S90 better. You'll just end up with two boards that you don't know well.

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McHale, btw - what case do you use for the M50 73 key, to transport to gigs & such?



I have 2.


For gigs I use this (SKB R5220W):




AMS price matched it and I think I got it for $199. It's not as sturdy as my SKB ATA Flight case but I don't fly with my gear. It's sturdy enough for riding in my car or a truck. I also handle my own hear.


For rehearsals, I use this (I'm pretty sure it's this specific model):




I have to carry gear up and down a spiral staircase and hard cases suck for that.



The reason I asked about playing with headphones on, did you notice the keyboard action when you played with headphones? I hated the M50-61 when I played it in Guitar Center. I ordered the 73 and figured I'd get used to it. I played it for a week with just headphones and I never took issue with the keybed. I've been gigging it since I got it and I absolutely love the keybed action. It's fast and smooth for fast runs but I do play a few piano pieces on it and it doesn't bother me. Compared to some of my much more expensive older synths, the M50 keybed is way superior.


As far as going with a different keyboard, my only advice is go with what sounds the best. You *WILL* get used to a keyboard's action. You *WILL NOT* get used to it's sounds if you don't like them. Every keyboard I own has a different feel than every other one. I don't even think about keybeds most of the time.



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I wouldn't return the M50. I would try to accommodate to the keys. The M50 gives a lot, considering its price.

Besides that, it's another keyboard in your rig and not the only one. You still have the s90 for full expression.

I have a Roland RD700GX and I play the keyboard mostly alone on stage. But, whenever I put a second synth weighted keyboard on stage, regardless which model, the keys simply doesn't feel right. It's because I'm used to play weighted keyboards.

I like the keybed of the M3 or Motif XS, but I remember when I tried a Motif XS8 in the shop and after that the keys on the M3 and XS6, they felt very crappy to me. They are not really crappy, it was just my feeling after I played a weighted XS8.

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Whats wrong with your Triton LE? Chances are you can get it fixed, including replacing the keybed assy if necessary.


It plays out of tune sometimes, like an oscillator's dying... not all the time but at certain times, the worst times on gigs - in the middle of a ballad, when I'm laying on a nice string patch - it'll play sour-sounding notes... :cry:

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