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EVH's thoughts on Michael Anthony


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Originally posted by evilhomer101

The thing that makes it so stupid is that Michael Anthony is a good bass player. Not great, not *insert bass god name here* but a good solid player whose bass lines were slowly turned into a sequencer by the guitarist. Sometimes it is hard to stomach some of the crap that spews out of EVH's mouth. I think that for too many years editors did him a favor and left this kind of crap out of the interviews that were published.



10-4 that! I read an old interview that Jas Obretch (sp!) did with Ed in the early '80's for Guitar Player. It was over the phone. Then about 3 years ago, I actually heard the transcript of the tape. 1 time Ed said "If you {censored}ing print what I'm about to say, I'm going to drive up there and blow you away". No {censored}! Then he started into some story about critics.


I think Ed was definately helped out with a healthy dose of editing in those days.

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Originally posted by fragglerick

He did, Mike Anthony played bass on it and Gary Cherone sang on it.


Originally posted by cloudnine

Exactly what I've been sayin'

IMO Eddie is trying to stuff too much {censored} into the new songs. The Sammy ones on the BOBW were terrible.

Anyone remember "Respect the Wind"? Thats what I'm talking about. Same genre as Satch, Vai, Timmons etc.

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Originally posted by StewieKablewie

10-4 that! I read an old interview that Jas Obretch (sp!) did with Ed in the early '80's for Guitar Player. It was over the phone. Then about 3 years ago, I actually heard the transcript of the tape. 1 time Ed said "If you {censored}ing print what I'm about to say, I'm going to drive up there and blow you away". No {censored}! Then he started into some story about critics.

I think Ed was definately helped out with a healthy dose of editing in those days.


"Off the record" comments are made to reporters daily, and in large numbers. Ed's Anthony bashing had to have been one of them. Since EVH is a lightning rod these days and his career has deteriorated to the point where no one fears retribution from him, now's a perfect time to trot out this stuff to sell a few magazines.

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Originally posted by evhfan

this interview was taken during the fair warning album...ed almost left the band because he was so unhappy in those days...take that for what it's worth....



Actually, according to the interview, it was taken right after Diver Down had been completed in 1982. Ed was commenting on the differences between the two albums.

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