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OT: Tonight's SOUTH PARK


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Originally posted by Allthewayto11

There are several "dont's" in the Catholic doctrine that happen every day, but I'm not apt to threaten anyone with death because of it. There's not one trump card for this discussion. Someone else is welcome to pick up the torch.



maybe you're not but someone else, i'd willing to bet, is. same with Muslims, i've met bunches of Muslims who were ridiculously friendly (i've been to a few mosques, and i grew up in a town where there were major populations of Jews and Muslims), and i'd bet most of them wouldn't kill me if a drew a picture of Mohammed, but apparently there is someone who will. same deal, just because there are a few wackos doesn't mean the population is wacko in general.

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Originally posted by bullhead

maybe you're not but someone else, i'd willing to bet, is. same with Muslims, i've met bunches of Muslims who were ridiculously friendly (i've been to a few mosques, and i grew up in a town where there were major populations of Jews and Muslims), and i'd bet most of them wouldn't kill me if a drew a picture of Mohammed, but apparently there is someone who will. same deal, just because there are a few wackos doesn't mean the population is wacko in general.


There are likely several "christians" who thinks its ok to kill because someone has poked fun at their god, but they would be ignoring other tenets of the religion to get there. It really is time for the friendly muslims to rise up against their not-so-friendly affiliates. If they don't, coexistence will likely prove to be impossible.

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Originally posted by FuelGTRX

I almost got pissed off (while laughing about it, though) when that Terance and Phillip thing came on. I thought they were pulling the same thing tonight they did on the Cartman's Father sequel. I was thinking they did it again, but I still thought they might have been doing this to get a rise out of the audience. It was funny when it went back to the show
. Viewers got PISSED OFF when they pulled that stunt the first time. They got alot of flack and hate mail over that.

Hahahahahaha I thought the exact same thing:D

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Originally posted by Allthewayto11

There are likely several "christians" who thinks its ok to kill because someone has poked fun at their god, but they would be ignoring other tenets of the religion to get there. It really is time for the friendly muslims to rise up against their not-so-friendly affiliates. If they don't, coexistence will likely prove to be impossible.



i'd love to see that, but it seems unlikely to me for a couple reasons:


1) people outside of any social group always like to totalize a whole group as similar to its most visible members. i've spoken to lots of non-christians who think that lots of christians are off the wall like Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson, but they aren't very knowledgable about christianity and don't know many active christians. similarly: people who don't know any muslims or much about Islam just totalize the whole group as being mini-Ayatollahs, or Al-Qaeda members.


2) the peaceful members are just that, peaceful, which means i highly doubt they're going to be very vocal and up in arms about it. they usually have better things to worry about like most normal people. similarly: you don't hear christians coming out and saying "Katrina was NOT punishment to New Orleans for allowing homosexuality" because it's just absurd, and most people dont' even want to waste their time to say that.

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Originally posted by bullhead

maybe... but what does that have to do with the South Park episode?

in the case presented in the episode, Fox would have been just as wrong for being totally intolerant of the Muslims by showing an image of Muhammad, as the Muslims would have been for ignoring our rights to free speech.



question, why would it be acceptable to depict God sleeping with women, dodging phone calls from his estranged son, picking up chicks in the bar, accidentally shooting them with lightning then bouncing out in an escalade... but not to show an image of muhammad?

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Originally posted by nvcreations

question, why would it be acceptable to depict God sleeping with women, dodging phone calls from his estranged son, picking up chicks in the bar, accidentally shooting them with lightning then bouncing out in an escalade... but not to show an image of muhammad?



simple, because Christians don't have a specific rule against it the way Muslims do.

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Originally posted by bullhead

soo... then explain to me the big deal about the Danish cartoon, then

because they got their panties in a bunch when they saw their profit depicted in a not so holy form. These people who are freaking out about it, are the ones who LOOK for an excuse to go nuts.

Honestly, its sad to see how many people actually think that t his is a direct sin or something, like you do.

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Originally posted by nvcreations

because they got their panties in a bunch when they saw their profit depicted in a not so holy form. These people who are freaking out about it, are the ones who LOOK for an excuse to go nuts.

Honestly, its sad to see how many people actually think that t his is a direct sin or something, like you do.



from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons#Islamic_traditions_involving_Muhammad_and_aniconism


"Direct prohibitions of pictorial art are found in certain hadiths, e.g. "Ibn

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Originally posted by nvcreations

if thats what you think, ok

umm... what? in what way did i say that's what i think? unless i'm mistaken, that's the opinions of different Muslim groups regarding the depicition of Muhammad... did i miss something?

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Originally posted by septopus

You're really missing the point, everything in the episode is directed to show the dangers and inherent risks in curtailing any form of free speech. And they pointed out in the first episode that pictorial representation of Muhammad may be forbidden by Muslims, but they (the American viewer and Family Guy writers) aren't neccessarily Muslim. I really hope that
are not so willing to set aside the first amendment when there is the risk that something may make you or others uncomfortable...



i know what you mean, and it's certainly something i had considered, but a drawing of Muhammad in a cartoon is very different than a news story, or someone's personal expression. I wouldn't promote television having porn on during daytime, or having "{censored}" said on Sesame Stree. these could also both be first amendment issues, but nobody treats them as such. there's a difference between simply making someone uncomfortable and offending HUGE groups of people.


however, i believe South Park shot themseleves in the foot if their intention was to promote the first amendment. if that really was their intention, why would they refuse to show Muhammad, i think, FOUR times in the span of four episodes. i highly doubt that it was ACTUALLY censored by Comedy Central, as they give South Park tons of room to move as it's the #1 rated cable show, and a cornerstone of the network, before you even begin to mention the production practices which somewhat limit CC's ability to censor the show. IF they were promoting the first amendment, surely they wouldn't have curtailed to the same stresses they were ridiculing?

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who gives a {censored} what a bunch of overly sensitive muslims want? last i checked, they didn't have to watch south park...or did i miss the rise of a world government that put a gun to everyones head to make them watch south park?

Lets ban sexual content in the media too, that seems to offend allot of religious wankers too

. if that really was their intention, why would they refuse to show Muhammad, i think, FOUR times in the span of four episodes. i highly doubt that it was ACTUALLY censored by Comedy Central

they didn't show it first because theres a thing called PLOT DEVELOPMENT, they were skewering the fact that the US media refused to publish the images of mohammad, as well as Comedy Central's censoring of their Scientology/Bloody mary episode.

Why do you highly doubt that? Matt and Trey don't actually run comedy central you know, just because they are best rating show doesn't mean they can get away with everything.

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Originally posted by bathory

they didn't show it first because theres a thing called PLOT DEVELOPMENT, they were skewering the fact that the US media refused to publish the images of mohammad, as well as Comedy Central's censoring of their Scientology/Bloody mary episode.

Why do you highly doubt that? Matt and Trey don't actually run comedy central you know, just because they are best rating show doesn't mean they can get away with everything.



the keyword in your post is "first". there were 4 instances in which Muhammed wasn't shown, even after the plot had been resolved... and resolved IN FAVOR of showing Muhammed.


and the major reason, which i wasn't going to get into in my first post, why South Park gets away with so much is their production schedule. it's common for an episode not to be ready for air until a couple of hours beforehand, in which case CC doesn't even have time to edit it even if they wanted to.

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the keyword in your post is "first". there were 4 instances in which Muhammed wasn't shown, even after the plot had been resolved... and resolved IN FAVOR of showing Muhammed.



3 instances?


the first fg ep, terence and philip and the second fg ep


the terence a philip one was part of a joke, which wouldn't have worked had they actually show mohammad because they weren't allowed to show mohammad by CC so they would have had to censor it like they did for the second fg.


Comedy central refused to let them show mohammad, comedy central pussed out as they put it.

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Originally posted by bathory

3 instances?

the first fg ep, terence and philip and the second fg ep

the terence a philip one was part of a joke, which wouldn't have worked had they actually show mohammad because they weren't allowed to show mohammad by CC so they would have had to censor it like they did for the second fg.

Comedy central refused to let them show mohammad, comedy central pussed out as they put it.



do you know for a FACT that CC are the ones who censored it? post a link if you do, as i'd be very interested to read it.


Matt & Trey's PR release after the Scientology episode got pulled is {censored}ing hilarious

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do you know for a FACT that CC are the ones who censored it? post a link if you do, as i'd be very interested to read it.



no, but it makes more sense than Matt and Trey not showing it and putting up a black screen and white text stating Comedy Central wouldn't let them show mohammad.


Consider what comedy centrals reaction to eh scientology and bloody mary episodes were, its not really out there to assume they were the ones who censored it.

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Originally posted by Abouttreefitty

Is everyone forgetting this episode? They have already shown Muhammad!!!


Super Best Friends!!!

yeah, that's most of the reason why this one kinda bothers me. the episode is supposed to be about how Americans overreact to stuff like this... but then they pull their own image? doesn't sit right with me. either Matt & Trey pussed out themselves, or Comedy Central did. and it seems very unlikely that CC would ever TOUCH South Park, as it's by far their most profitable show, and just won the most prestigious award a television show can win for doing exactly what this episode was supposed to. neither way makes any sense to me whatsoever.

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Originally posted by bullhead

yeah, that's most of the reason why this one kinda bothers me. the episode is supposed to be about how Americans overreact to stuff like this... but then they pull their own image? doesn't sit right with me. either Matt & Trey pussed out themselves, or Comedy Central did. and it seems very unlikely that CC would ever TOUCH South Park, as it's by far their most profitable show, and just won the most prestigious award a television show can win for doing exactly what this episode was supposed to. neither way makes any sense to me whatsoever.

I can see Comedy Central pussing out personally. I dont think Trey and Matt would though... i could be wrong... :)

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