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OT: Post Your Crazy Ex-GF Stories


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any of you guys remember about a year ago, I started a thread "Women my age cant {censored}ing cook." ?

I was all pissed cause at lunch my girlfriend was making me a grilled cheese, and she burnt the {censored}ing thing. I mean how the {censored} do you {censored} up a grilled cheese? Good god man. :rolleyes:;)

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Originally posted by telephant

any of you guys remember about a year ago, I started a thread "Women my age cant {censored}ing cook." ?

I was all pissed cause at lunch my girlfriend was making me a grilled cheese, and she burnt the {censored}ing thing. I mean how the {censored} do you {censored} up a grilled cheese? Good god man.


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Originally posted by telephant

any of you guys remember about a year ago, I started a thread "Women my age cant {censored}ing cook." ?

I was all pissed cause at lunch my girlfriend was making me a grilled cheese, and she burnt the {censored}ing thing. I mean how the {censored} do you {censored} up a grilled cheese? Good god man.

Ha, I remember that. :D

My gf made meatloaf the other night. It was HORRIBLE!! One bite had some hard thing in it and I don't even know what it was. :freak:

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Originally posted by telephant

any of you guys remember about a year ago, I started a thread "Women my age cant {censored}ing cook." ?

I was all pissed cause at lunch my girlfriend was making me a grilled cheese, and she burnt the {censored}ing thing. I mean how the {censored} do you {censored} up a grilled cheese? Good god man.

Its true. I come from an italian family and we all know how to cook some damn good food. So I always end up cooking dinner...I have yet to find a chick my age (24) that can really cook.


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Originally posted by OverDriven

I think you guys all know my crazy story. If not, you haven't been here very long.


Oh yeah. I remember your story. Was pretty bad. I also remember you made a thread saying you had forgiven her and was back with her or something to try and shock everyone lol.

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Years ago, a crazy ho wanted me to have sex with her in her husbands bed while he was away on a hunting trip (so I did). The thing is, she didn't know exactly when he was coming back, and every time she heard the slightest noise, she thought it was him coming back. His impressive gun cabinet was right next to the bed, filled with $$ rifles, and no doubt he would have had some guns with him when he returned!

I had to hit it 007 style (hit it and GO!). Wouldn't do that again for moral and safety reasons, but damn I was in need of some action and she was hot!! :D:freak: She kept trying to get me to come back, making up elaborate schemes to sneak around and not get caught, but I declined, having visions of myself being the murder victim on some documentary on one of those court TV type shows. :eek:

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Originally posted by telephant

any of you guys remember about a year ago, I started a thread "Women my age cant {censored}ing cook." ?

I was all pissed cause at lunch my girlfriend was making me a grilled cheese, and she burnt the {censored}ing thing. I mean how the {censored} do you {censored} up a grilled cheese? Good god man.

I Do! :D

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Originally posted by anonymousalien1

Damn Koa, that's a crazy story.. I wonder what the hell is wrong with those women that actually enjoy the sneaking around and cheating? I don't understand it.

I felt like {censored} after doing it too, never went down that path again. I have had 3 married women try to pick me up, she was the only one that succeeded. I don't know why married women love me so much, I guess because I will actually listen to them? Maybe I'm being too nice and they take it the wrong way? :confused:

If I had my way, I would chose for 18 year old college cheerleaders to lust after me instead of married women, although the married women were hotties. :thu:

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Originally posted by OverDriven

Its true. I come from an italian family and we all know how to cook some damn good food. So I always end up cooking dinner...I have yet to find a chick my age (24) that can really cook.






You're like me....when I want to I can cook like a mofo(Italian)...bitches can't cook these days.

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Originally posted by anonymousalien1

Damnit overdriven what's your story. I have class in 40 minutes I wanna know



Man i don't even want to post the whole thing again as its fairly long. To make a long story short, it involved my GF of 4 years who had lived with me for 2 years {censored}ing some fat 45 year old doctor that she worked with, and lying through her teeth about it over and over till I pried it out of her and kicked her ass out.



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Originally posted by OverDriven

Man i don't even want to post the whole thing again as its fairly long. To make a long story short, it involved my GF of 4 years who had lived with me for 2 years {censored}ing some fat 45 year old doctor that she worked with, and lying through her teeth about it over and over till I pried it out of her and kicked her ass out.


Oh yeah! I remember that story. I just coudln't remember who posted it. :(

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Oh yeah, OverDriven, I do remember that. That was a crazy story dude. But at least you had the balls to kick her ass out... Lots of dudes woulda been punks about it and been like "oh well, she didn't mean to... she loves me... she made a mistake blah blah blah." Good things man.

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man, i feel sorry for you guys who cant find girls who can cook...all the women ive been with could cook.

must be something about being in the South...or im just lucky. i remember being in Biology in High School, and the teacher asked "how many girls can cook?" and 2 raised their hands...he asked how many guys and nearly all of us raised our hands. pretty sad huh?

keep in mind this was a class of about 25, with about 15 girls in it. :wave:

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Originally posted by OverDriven

Man i don't even want to post the whole thing again as its fairly long. To make a long story short, it involved my GF of 4 years who had lived with me for 2 years {censored}ing some fat 45 year old doctor that she worked with, and lying through her teeth about it over and over till I pried it out of her and kicked her ass out.




ahhh I remember that...{censored}ttty.



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Originally posted by OverDriven

Man i don't even want to post the whole thing again as its fairly long. To make a long story short, it involved my GF of 4 years who had lived with me for 2 years {censored}ing some fat 45 year old doctor that she worked with, and lying through her teeth about it over and over till I pried it out of her and kicked her ass out.





yeah i remember that. what a horrible situation.

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Nothing big, just the usual...

Hooked up with a beautiful girl who dipped after a few weeks and got knocked up a few weeks later. Now she's fat and single with 4-year-old.

Went out with one girl for about a week, broke it off before things got serious (or even physical), and she's been stalking me for the past 3 years. She threatened to kill herself when I broke up with her.

Dated another girl on and off for a year and a half...she wouldn't leave me alone for months after I tried to break up with her, then she'd invite me over for sex. Kept turning it down, as it was kind of morally disgusting...but I gave in, and the next day she accuses me of rape but doesn't file charges.

Dated a lesbian for a few months, you can guess what happened there.

I hate women.

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Ill keep it short. Pick up a HS sweetheart, virgin, 3 years, extremely hot and the chick everyone was trying to get with and for some reason I ended up by default (not trying to act like a badass just kinda one of those things). She flipps out many times and cops have to get involved. Jumps out of moving car on high way, extremely violent. Cheats. I end it cus I'm not into projects. My childhood buddy gets outta jail and catchs up with her despite my best advise. I lose touch when he gets outside. They start lab togeather and burn a hotel down. They almost win a suit AGAINST the hotel. Her lifestyle now has caught up with her and she is perpetually on the run from the law. Sad, I wish her the best. Just don't talk to her anymore.

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