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OT: Any skydiving experts here?


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Originally posted by Paragraph51

The odds are the same for each jump, they don't accumulate, meaning 2 jumps doesn't mean 1 in 500 odds of dying.

Ah probabilities.... Odds don't accumulate in the sense of simple addition. Yet, clearly the odds of dying do increase greatly when you increase the number of jumps. The computation of the probability of dying is quite simple using "Poisson law" which is a probability law especially designed for that kind of rare event in a huge number of trials.

Using your probability of 1/1000 at each jump (seems a bit high to me, but hey, I know nothing about skydiving), one can directly deduce for example an "a priori" probability of dying for 1000 jumps. It gives roughly (I'll save you the formulas) P=0.63 which means odds of dying are fairly high, more than 1/2 if you jump a thousand times. I wouldn't get involved too much in skydiving if I were you... :freak:

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Originally posted by anonymousalien1

Haha.. you guys make it sound like there's a high probability I'm gonna die doing this..




Originally posted by BrendanO

Well, jumping out of a perfectly good plane isn't going to do you any favors.




In all seriousness and not to be the bearer of bad news, but a canadian mate of mine who did his first solo dive got his leg broken.


And personally, just after new years I did a dive here in Aus and the next plane that went up had problems,cliped a tree and crashed into water......both our instructors (who were from the UK and ireland...nicest blokes you could ever meet) were killed only 2 people survived...it was all over the national news for a week

We had just left for the gold coast but started getting phone calls on the way down and then saw the news that night:(


If my buddys GF had dived with us, we would have been on that plane....so many other varibles as well


Its kinda threw me for a loop because I love to skydive ....its the best feeling in the world


the strange thing is, its made me even more crazy as far as living it up goes in other ways (and I have had quite a few close calls already)


Don't let this put you off because like I said, nothing comes as close to the feeling of diving

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I'm no expert but I think you'll have a blast. I did six jumps (two tethered to the instructor/four by myself with the instructor floating closeby) and I hate extreme heights. Make sure you do the freefall jump (your instructor will pull the cord) and not static line (no freefall-your chute opens shortly after you jump) The sensation is like nothing else you'll ever experience. I can close my eyes and still get those butterflies just thinking about it. Do it- you'll never forget it and may want to do it more!

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Skydive JerseyShore. That's where I've taken my jumps.
(see avatar) My daughter & I made our first jump three years ago.
Have gone twice more since.

It's located at Allaire Airport in Monmoth County.
(don't know if it shows up in the avatar but Bellmar beach is in
the background)

Get the photo & video package, you won't regret it.

Another jumper leaves the plane just before you w/ a video camera attached to his helmet & a digital camera in his hands
& films your entire experience from ground to ground.

btw, your chute is not deployed AS you leave the plane. The
PROFESSIONAL who you are tethered to opens the chute after
approx. a 60-70 second freefall. You then get to control your flight
to the ground.

It's amazing. Don't miss it.


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I am an an experienced Army Static Line jumper (more than 135 jumps over a 22 year period and still on jump status) and a novice skydiver - 15 jumps - gradaute of Accelerated Free Fall (AFF) Course.

You have two choices:

1. Go tandem w/video package - safe, tethered pretty thrilling

2. Begin AFF - your fist two jumps will be with two instructors holding on but you will not be tethered...more thrilling!

I recommend your Dad do #1 and you #2....

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Originally posted by dav2321

I'm no expert but I think you'll have a blast. I did six jumps (two tethered to the instructor/four by myself with the instructor floating closeby) and I hate extreme heights. Make sure you do the freefall jump (your instructor will pull the cord) and not static line (no freefall-your chute opens shortly after you jump) The sensation is like nothing else you'll ever experience. I can close my eyes and still get those butterflies just thinking about it. Do it- you'll never forget it and may want to do it more!





I only jumped once but that's how I felt about it. It's like no other feeling....complete natural high like you can't even imagine. I too get butterflies just thinking about it....it was that exhilarating.



I definitely want to go a few more times before I get too old. Great experience.

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I did 2 tandem jumps a few years ago. 30+ seconds of freefall and it was absolutely amazing. Not sure if the rules are driven by state or what, but here in NY to get your license to dive whenever you want you have to do 5 tandems and each one you control more of the jump and the instructor has to pass you. After that you do a few jumps where you have your own chute, but they jump with you and hold on during freefall. Once you have your license you just pay someone to get you up to altitude and off you go.
I second the call on the video and pics....well worth it, especially if you don't get to go again. I was going to work towards my license and did some turns and pulled the chord on the 2nd jump, but then I got married and also realized I couldn't afford it with my guitar buying habits :)

Go to a reputable place. Accidents can happen and you are putting yourself at risk....that should be obvious. But if they know what they are doing you will live to tell us how awesome it was!

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I did AFF my first time, with video. 14,500 feet, one step forward, and then nothing. For several seconds, I heard and felt nothing. Then the air hit my face and it was loud! Greatest sensation ever. I pulled at 5000. Those next few moments, waiting for it to open, were the longest of my life! Under canopy was nice. Almost stuck the landing, but hey, it was my first time.

It was so worth it, I say do it!

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