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OT: Any skydiving experts here?


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Hey guys,


Birthday's on Friday, and I asked my dad if he would go skydiving with me and he agreed. Pretty awesome as we don't do much together. So, I looked up a skydiivng place near me, found one called Freefall Adventures in Williamstown, NJ. The website ( here ) looks pretty legit and everything, but since it's my first time, I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with them? How are they? Safe/professional/nah?


ALSO, they have an option there for skydiving from a turbine helicopter in a steady hover. It's twice the price, but does that also mean twice the experience? Would that be preferable to skydiving from a regular plane?


Thank you very much for your time, I'm really excited about this. Later bro bros

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a friend of mine used to fly the planes that dropped people here locally for that...i know he said the first time you had to have an instructor strapped to you, and then after that you would have to take classes and get a permit to jump alone

that may be just in SC, or the company he worked for tho because i know people who've jumped for their first time without having someone strapped on

i'd love to do it someday, but i'm afraid of heights :o

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Originally posted by anonymousalien1

Haha.. you guys make it sound like there's a high probability I'm gonna die doing this..

FWIW the guy i knew was involved with skydiving for 15 years, did the flying for 5; he said he never saw any serious accidents, and only one case where he saw someone have to use a reserve parachute (i can't explain how it works, but they do have a backup of sorts ;) )

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Originally posted by anonymousalien1

I'm deathly afraid of heights but I enjoy doing all the bungee jumping stuff, and I love rollercoasters. Go figure.



Here's something they may have neglected to tell you:


You're going to be very, very high when you jump out of the plane.


Just a heads up if you're not good with heights.

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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

FWIW the guy i knew was involved with skydiving for 15 years, did the flying for 5; he said he never saw any serious accidents, and only one case where he saw someone have to use a reserve parachute (i can't explain how it works, but they do have a backup of sorts

serious accidents?

im betting most of skydiving accidents are serious;)

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One of my friends has a wife and two kids, and he still refuses to quit skydiving. He's done well over two thousand jumps, and always packs his own chute(s). He was always a little bit crazy like that, ever snce I've known him. I think he's still alive, but it's been a few months since I'd last heard from or of him. We don't keep in touch, much, either. They say the odds of dying are 1 out of every 1000 jumps, so you'd better hope your first jump is one of those 999 times out of 1000 when things work out OK.

The odds are the same for each jump, they don't accumulate, meaning 2 jumps doesn't mean 1 in 500 odds of dying. However, your chute will be deployed for you by a tether line as you jump from the plane, so the odds of a successful chute deployment are better. Also, every now and then a highly experienced jumper will get so into experiencing the fall that they won't realize to open their chute.

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