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Epi valve junior as temporary amp...worth it?


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I just sold off my 5150 combo to finance a new head, but ran into some financial trouble so looks like the new amp head will have to wait. All I have now are my guitars and avatar 4x12. Is the Epi valve jk worth the 100 bucks as a temporary amp until I save up enough for a marshall head? It looks fun, and I have an eq pedal to help it out plus an SD-1 if needed. Can it do 80s metal/GNR or classic rock type tones with those pedals or preferably w/o? are they fun to play atleast? looks like a steal


thanks :thu:

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Don`t let anyone fool you. The VJ head is plenty capable of doing rock and a little more with a boost and/or EQ pedal. I`m really happy with mine, but I went in to the deal with an open mind. Let`s face it, the VJ headcost less than $100.00. It`s not perfect, deep or full of world class tone. But it is a killer little amp for raunchy blues and classic rock. With a boost it will cover arena rock and some 80`s hair metal tones.

It is pretty ratty and raunchy though. Don`t expect smooth boutique tone or gain. I bought mine for my little "blues" rig and it`s perfect for the stand out tone I wanted. Really raunchy and rude.

Beyond that I can`t honestly recommend it for much, although at 11:00 and under the clean is really nice.

I think at the price, it`s a great addition to any rig. If nothing else it will be good in the studio for a little texture. In that vein, it`s very good. As a studio amp it will work very well because it`s quiet as hell.


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Yeah, I have lots of pedals I've tried with it, ODs, EQ's, you cant get rid of the ratty sound. Its cool for that kind of a blues tone, and its great for the price and size, but thats basically all it can do.

It's cleans are pretty good though too before it starts breaking up at about 12 oclock, its a nice little practice amp. Its a one trick pony, that's to be expected, but as baz said, it makes a cool addition to a rig.

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I used mine today at a rehearsal first time outside of the house or studio. I used a 2x12 cab half open half closed. I have Scumback H75 (pre-rola G12H30 clone) and an old G12-65 in the closed back part. I used a PODxt Live for FX in front of it. Had the output set to about 7 on the XT and the volume about 2:00. Sometimes I was actually too loud.

Thing totally held it's on in a Rock thing with a drummer, bassist and a singer playing acoustic in the PA. Used the guitar tone and volume to control tonality and gain.

Granted mine's modded to the gills and probably spitting a few more watts, but it worked great.

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Look at the line 6 Spider II 30 watt 1x12 combo. Everyone is clearing them out to make room for the Spider III`s. I traded for one last year and thought it was pretty cool. Great little starter/practice amp in stock form. Change out the stock speaker and it would make a great little jamming amp.

I plan on giving mine to my son for his first amp. Certainly better than the 10 watt Gorilla with a 6" speaker that I started on. Worth a look/listen anyway.


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Originally posted by mtbiac

the line 6 spider II looks pretty neat. would I be able to plug my 4x12 into it by unplugging the speaker in the combo or something like that??



Yes, all you would have to do is wire in a 1/4" plug rather than the factory spade ends on the speaker cables. The 1/4" instrument plug shouldn`t cost a couple of dollars and a few minutes of time. I think it would sound better through a closed back cab.



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Originally posted by mtbiac

I just sold off my 5150 combo to finance a new head, but ran into some financial trouble so looks like the new amp head will have to wait. All I have now are my guitars and avatar 4x12. Is the Epi valve jk worth the 100 bucks as a temporary amp until I save up enough for a marshall head? It looks fun, and I have an eq pedal to help it out plus an SD-1 if needed. Can it do 80s metal/GNR or classic rock type tones with those pedals or preferably w/o? are they fun to play atleast? looks like a steal


I think you'll be disappointed.

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