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SPLAWN GUYS!!! TRY these settings with your quickrod WHEN RECORDING!!!!


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I couldn't believe how huge my tone was recording through a marshall v30 loaded striaght cabinet, with an i5 and a sm57!!!! i know these settings sound bogus, but WOW! I was impressed!



bass-3 oclock

midrange- 4-5 oclock

treble- 0/ off

presence- 4 oclock

gain- 11 oclock, od2, 3rd gear



seriously guys, ibiggest guitar tone I've ever recorded in my life! this was done in a studio on protools, but absolutely NO EQing at all, just double tracked and it sounds insane, ill post a clip when i can :D






EDIT!!!!*** presence 10 oclock!!!!!

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Originally posted by shreder75

that's alotta mids =D

how loud were you recording?

also, how did it sound commin' outta the cab itself?




i know, it sounds crazy haha, but really, it was just completly sick sounding. Everything you know about eqing amps gets thrown out the window when it comes to recording a band in my opinion. as far as how it sounded through the cab itself, nothing real inspiring from what i remember, i really dont remember actually. as far as volume, id say it was at about 9 oclock on the dial, which im sure you know is uberloud.

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Originally posted by guitarist17

i know, it sounds crazy haha, but really, it was just completly sick sounding. Everything you know about eqing amps gets thrown out the window when it comes to recording a band in my opinion. as far as how it sounded through the cab itself, nothing real inspiring from what i remember, i really dont remember actually. as far as volume, id say it was at about 9 oclock on the dial, which im sure you know is uberloud.



yeah, recording is a totally different beast..being that I have no (good) means or will to record, these settings probably wouldn't do it for me just noodling around at home...




just for {censored}s and giggles I'll try it at home though...but I won't be able to get it up that loud..wife would kill me..lol

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Originally posted by shreder75

yeah, recording is a totally different beast..being that I have no (good) means or will to record, these settings probably wouldn't do it for me just noodling around at home...


just for {censored}s and giggles I'll try it at home though...but I won't be able to get it up that loud..wife would kill me..lol




haha i hear ya :D . and yes, it really probably won't do much for you just playing at home, also you have a splawn cabinet loaded with those manowar speakers and the governor speakers correct? i was recording through a V30 loaded straight cabinet, big difference. also it was in a full professional studio, in a sound proof room, with the splawn head in the control room, so i could sit there and tweak until it sounded great: big difference to recording at home. Again, ill try and post some clips when i get it mixed :D

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Originally posted by danjovi

no treble? crazy : O

id like to hear clips.. those are some pretty extreme settings

(not saying it wont sound good)

just havent seen that too often hehe : )





i know man, i can't blame people for thinking it looks like it would sound horrible but damn, the tone was thick, mean, pissed off and just sat in the mix perfectly. with the treble up when recording, it seemed to have a "scoop" effect on thet one as the treble went up....can't say it will work for everyone, but sounded awesome with my setup.




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Originally posted by Tonemeister69

This thread is silly because it all depends on teh rest of the signal. Not everyone uses the same guitars.





well excuse me......i use some pretty regularly available guitars, a stock Les paul with 11-54 strings in C tuning, and a jackson RR-1T...there was nothing else in my signal, cab, head,guitar,period. pro tools rig with a digi 002, a mackie onyx 1604 board, a mac computer, a marshall straight v30 cab, with an i5 and a sennheiserr 609 mic on 2 different speakers....sounds simple enough to me.




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Well, you were right. I got a kickass sound by using those exact settings on my Splawn Competition. The first half of the clip are the following settings:


Presence: 4:00

Bass: 3:00

Middle: 4:00

Treble: Off

Gain: Noon


I was using my Fender with a Pearly Gates in the bridge so it is not as "metal" as a JB would be.


For the rest of the clip I used my normal settings:


Presence: Noon

Bass and Treble: Noon

Middle: 11:00

Gain: Noon


Here is the clip. It does seem to sound a bit better in the beginning and stands out better in the mix in my opinion:



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Originally posted by Tonemeister69

I can't stand 'settings' threads. They're utterly pointless


I don't think they are completely pointless. They give you a starting point and you can tweak from there. I would have never tried those settings in a million years but I got a great sound from it.

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Originally posted by Romanian Reaper

Well, you were right. I got a kickass sound by using those exact settings on my Splawn Competition. The first half of the clip are the following settings:

Presence: 4:00

Bass: 3:00

Middle: 4:00

Treble: Off

Gain: Noon

I was using my Fender with a Pearly Gates in the bridge so it is not as "metal" as a JB would be.

For the rest of the clip I used my normal settings:

Presence: Noon

Bass and Treble: Noon

Middle: 11:00

Gain: Noon

Here is the clip. It does seem to sound a bit better in the beginning and stands out better in the mix in my opinion:





sounds pretty good man :D, only thing idifferent in mind is the presence was at 10 oclock. ill post my clips when i can, i think you all will be impressed

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Originally posted by Romanian Reaper

I don't think they are completely pointless. They give you a starting point and you can tweak from there. I would have never tried those settings in a million years but I got a great sound from it.




romanian reaper, i just realized, i had the presence at 10 oclock, not 4 oclock!! DOOOH!!!! Try that instead if like, i have no idea what it would sound like with the presence that high.....try 10 oclock and tell me what you think :D

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