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OT: Why Mommy is a Democrat


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Originally posted by Def_Pearl_Pilot

Hmm, I'm not sure if this is a joke. It could be.

Either way, I'm a firm believer in the idea that you don't teach children two things: politics and religion.



I hear you on the religion thing. IMO, churches should be like bars. You can't go in until you are 18. So many young minds polluted with utter nonsense.

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

I hear you on the religion thing. IMO, churches should be like bars. You can't go in until you are 18. So many young minds polluted with utter nonsense.



Which is better, a kid going to church to learn or coming into forums like this and reading the previous posts which are the equivalent to swimming in a septic tank?

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Originally posted by dughaze

Which is better, a kid going to church to learn or coming into forums like this and reading the previous posts which are the equivalent to swimming in a septic tank?



it would be better to allow people to decide for themselves what their religous beliefs are instead of inheriting them from their parents via a lifetime of brainwashing. It starts in infancy and by he time you are an adult it is so ingrained into you that otherwise intelligent and rational people end up believing complete and utter nonsense. And by then it is too late. The evidence is all around you if you care enough to see.


To be fair, religion does a lot of good. Unfortunately it is also responsible for far too much BAD. Especially when it involves killing in the name of God. I am beginning to question the social value of this artifact of ancient history and whether the good outweighs the bad.

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Originally posted by Def_Pearl_Pilot

Hmm, I'm not sure if this is a joke. It could be.

Either way, I'm a firm believer in the idea that you don't teach children two things: politics and religion.


if you want an argument...talk about politics, race or religion...


as far as 'politics' go...any one's guess...


as far as religion goes?..biblically, we are mandated/commanded to teach kids (everyone really) about God...it is, however, up to them to believe it!


if they don't believe it?...they drift off and become liberals..:D

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Originally posted by Echoes

if you want an argument...talk about politics, race or religion...

as far as 'politics' go...any one's guess...

as far as religion goes?..biblically, we are mandated/commanded to teach kids (everyone really) about God...it is, however, up to them to believe it!

if they don't believe it?...they drift off and become liberals..



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A couple Jack Handy thoughts on kids:


I love hearing kids opinions on raising kids...not saying that applies to everyone here, but I do see it often enough.


Having kids is metal because having a family tests your mettle.


I learned from having 4 kids that parents teach their kids about everything whether they want to or not. Kids learn by watching and listening to everything a parent does, not just the things you might think you want them to pickup on. This also applies to when a parent is not around. There's a strong set of messages there.

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Originally posted by ninjaaron

It's blatant propaganda, like, the mamma is protecting the baby's from a GIANT ELEPHANT. Usually, people these days try to be more sneaky about that stuff... unlesss, of course, they are a major news network, in which case the propaganda is usually of equal blatancy.



what part of american democracy don't you understand?

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Originally posted by Echoes

if you want an argument...talk about politics, race or religion...

as far as 'politics' go...any one's guess...

as far as religion goes?..biblically, we are mandated/commanded to teach kids (everyone really) about God...it is, however, up to them to believe it!

if they don't believe it?...they drift off and become liberals..


the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was definitely a godless liberal.

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Originally posted by guitarslinger

I'm beginning to question whether the phasing out of relgion is resposible for much of the bad in our country today.


Yeah because the US is SO freaking devoid of religious influence. You have got to be kidding






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