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Opeth v Isis, which band do you like better, and why?


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for me, it's definitely Isis. i've listened to Opeth here and there and can't really tell them from lots of other metal bands, which could, of course, just mean i haven't listened to them enough. Isis i have always been able to tell really quickly, even from when i saw them opening for the Melvins and hadn't seen them before, nothing sounds like them to me.

so.. i was gonna post a RAR of four of my favorite Isis songs, should anyone stumble upon the thread that hasn't really heard them, but yousendit is being a bitch.

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Originally posted by FWAxeIbanez

whoa, check out the echo in this room...

eh, who cares anyway? Let people bash. Doesn't mean you have to believe anything. I don't let other people make my mind up for me.

this kinda sounds "flamish" and "attacky" but it's not supposed to... I see your points, I just don't see how it matters, they are respectable opinions tho.

People can be idiots if they want. I can't stop them. However, I don't really see the need to promote that behavior. ;)

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ISIS used to be my all time favourite band. Mosquito control and The Red Sea really are two of my favourite albums. Celestial, Signal 05 were really good, Oceanic was great, Panopticon was OK, and the newest release is {censored}.
I hate to see bands do this. There is 1 riff on the new CD that is killer, and the rest of the 1 hour album is spent building up to anti-climaxes. Aaron turner should be slapped. Having said that, they were great live the other week......

Opeth.......meh....... Morningrise is a great album. Black Rose Immortal is a cool song, but the guitar tone is buzzy and a bit thin. Stuff like "Still life" just pisses me off.

Live, Opeth are really great though, if only they had a bit more stage prescence......

I vote ISIS, even though their new album is a pile of dog {censored}. :thu::bor:

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Originally posted by constrict

dumb comparison.

they are both completely different bands.

No {censored} they are different, I wasn't comparing them. I asked which one you liked better. :rolleyes:

Thing is, you don't hear many bad things about either band on here, so I was interested as to which band overall the forum preferred.

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