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Can the West defeat the Islamist threat? Here are ten reasons why not.

Burka Gone Wild

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Originally posted by 50calexplorer

Also, when this 'terror' threat is over do you think the government will no longer seek these powers?

If you do think that, I have a bridge to sell you.



The "terror threat" will never be gone. As long as Islamo-facists exist, and Muslims are teaching their 5 y/o that America and Israel are evil and giving them AK-47s for their 5th birthday we have a problem.


Whatever the case, America is will always be the greatest nation on earth because of our freedom and.


I don

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Originally posted by Burka Gone Wild

The "terror threat" will never be gone. As long as Islamo-facists exist, and Muslims are teaching their 5 y/o that America and Israel are evil and giving them AK-47s for their 5th birthday we have a problem.

Whatever the case, America is will always be the greatest nation on earth because of our freedom and.

I don

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Originally posted by 50calexplorer

But look at you and how you are willing to trade those freedoms to feel secure.

And I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you are also okay with torture.

At this point I'm done arguing with you. I suggest you read up on the histroy of the Middle East, particularly are involvement in the region from 1920 on and take a few theology courses studying Islam and you might be very suprised at what you will find.

Through the past you may understand the present.

Anyways, good luck and godspeed.



Hey man, no argument really, just a conversation about this stuff.


What freedoms have I really traded? I

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Originally posted by Dave Owens

what bull{censored}..

we push a button and it becomes a very quiet place over there..

in a matter of 30 mins or less..

you dont think for one second if they mess with us again we wont level

Iran.?...try again..



Not that I'm trying to side with the idea that the U.S. will someday be overrun by Islam, but there are enough Muslims in other countries that blowing up Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan at the same time wouldn't really be enough to accomplish that much at all, IMO. I'm talking about Muslims on the whole -- not just the radicals since that's pretty much what the threadstarter seemed to be talking about.

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Originally posted by 50calexplorer

I can't believe we have htis much irrational fear in America.

I can't imagine living like that.

This very small minority of religous fundmentalists cannot end the America we know. They know it and it isn't even a stated goal of Al Quaeda. They end at ending our influence in Muslim nations.

The only ones who can take the America we know, th eleader of democracy, the leader on human rights, and the leaders of basic liberties are the very people we elect to 'protect' us.

Think about that.

A very serious misunderstanding of everything happening in the world. :(

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Originally posted by LavaMan

Well put!





What do you mean "well put"



OF course you can fight an idea.




Used to be a good idea to make black go to the back of the bus, or not drink out of the WHITE faucet. Kill the "witches". Drink and drive.



But we do everything we can to fight these "ideas".




The only problem is there are too many chicken{censored} people that just want to watch American Idol and not give a {censored} about what's happened, what could happen.


TOo many chickn{censored} people in France and Germany only interested in getting money and oil for weapons and protection.



TOo many people not fed up with the bull{censored}.


Not everything in the world is perfect...I understand THAT! But he have...maybe HAD?...and opportunity to do something about it...and most everyone was too interested in theri opnw little world, their own agenda...or lookingn all NPR tres cool to have the courage and fortitude to end it. To make SOME diffference in the world.




How mnay lives have been wasted, because we couldn't unite. Because we wanted "our guy". Becuase we didn't think it has anything to do with us. (oh it did!).


Becuase we were chiecken and cowards...while our enemy will die for what they believe in.

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Originally posted by 50calexplorer

In the past past five years you had no chance of be killed in a terrorist attack on American soil. None.

Iran is years off form having Nuclear capability, and that comes from anyone who is actually knolwedgeable on the subject. There is also no proff of the IRanian government being involved in terrorist attacks. They may simpithize with the goals of Al Quadea but they havne't been involved in attacks any more than Saddam Hussein.

It is irrational. I am not willing to lose my country to fear, because that is all it is. Fear. And as I stated before, this minority of religous fundamentalists can't bring down our country, but the government officials can whip enough fear that you'll give it over willingly to feel 'safer'.

If you want to trade your liberty for security no trade is going to make you feel secure.




On September 10, 2001, a lot of people would have scoffed at the idea of the twin towers being knocked down.

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Originally posted by 50calexplorer

But look at you and how you are willing to trade those freedoms to feel secure.

And I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you are also okay with torture.

At this point I'm done arguing with you. I suggest you read up on the histroy of the Middle East, particularly are involvement in the region from 1920 on and take a few theology courses studying Islam and you might be very suprised at what you will find.

Through the past you may understand the present.

Anyways, good luck and godspeed.




Which freedoms have we traded?


Who has been "victimized" by The Patriot Act?



I know....things tend to start small and escalate...bu tjust give me a few fer-examples....to illustrate your concern.

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On the issue of Iran being mere months away from a functioning nuke...

Neighbor #1: Whatcha building there?

Neighbor #2: Something to destroy your home and everything in it, including your spouse, kids and pets.

Neighbor #1: How close are you to being finshed with that?

Neighbor #2: Maybe a few...

[Neighbor #1 pulls out 12 ga. and ends the project].

I think we will know Iran is close when Israel turns it into a slag heap.

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