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I need some support/advice...Dealing with family members with addictions...


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My mom has serious chronic back pain, she was born with two extra lumbar vertabrae's in her back and she has to take pain medication. She's been taking pain medication for almost all of her life so she has an extremely high tolerance for it, so doctors keep having to give her stronger and stronger stuff.


I'm not privvy on all the medication takes right now, but I know for sure she takes loratab, methadone, and something called Zyprexa. Loratab is like her "tylenol", those hardly do anything to her now. But lately shes been getting REALLY out of it. Falling asleep on the toilet, falling asleep outside while shes smoking, falling asleep at the computer. One time she was washing dishes and actually fell asleep standing up over the dishwater. About a half an hour ago I had to bust open the bathroom door cause she fell asleep on the toilet and had the door locked. No matter how hard I banged on it or yelled she wouldnt respond, so I had to bust it open just to make sure she wasnt dead or something.


My dad's a truck driver so he's only home 3 or 4 days every two weeks, so I'm the only one here with her. I'm only 18, I shouldnt have to play the {censored}ing parent. Its really wearing me down mentally. She hadnt done this in almost a year, but this path month shes been doing it constantly. She gets really delusional too and says {censored} totally off the wall. It was like 3am last night and she asking me if I needed her to go pick up my pizza. She started going to see a shrink about a week ago to help deal with the addictions and other {censored} but I dont know if thats going to work or not. We've had probably every talk you can imagine, I've expressed to her many times how I feel about it and she agrees.


She knows she has a problem and it seems like shes trying to do something about it, but it sure isnt showing. I'm {censored}in scared to go to the movies with my friends or something for fear of me coming home and finding her dead or passed out outside or in the bathroom. I just dont know what to do anymore.....

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If i were you i'd try to get your dad involved, tell him your concerns and see what he has to say. If she's seeing a shrink that WILL help, but those things take time. I wouldn't let it control your life though, she is an adult and i'm sure she knows how to take care of herself, and ultimatly she's responsible for herself.

Best of luck to you though.

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Yep, involve your dad, it is often easier to not bein alone with things. Also, talk to her doctor and explain your concerns even if he`s bound by the patient-doctor relationship and can`t say anything. Even better, write the doc a letter, and keep a copy of it, so you have documentation for your concerns. Good luck, man. Hope everything works out for your family :)

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My dad is involved, but hes not a very rational guy. He's more of a "get pissed off and threaten to divorce" kinda guy. Its hard to describe my dad, you'd just have to know him. He loves us both to death and tries to help her, but neither of us know what to do, we've talked about it several times. He calls me constantly and asks me how she is and if shes in bed. He just has a very low tolerance for her when shes like that before he gets really pissed off. He's talked with her doctors before but I guess the doctor didnt seem to give a {censored}.

Actually as I was typing this, my mom came in here and told me that she was sorry and that she loved me. She seems to have sobered up a little bit and went to bed, thats good.

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Dude, I feel for you. I was like 15, 16 or 17 years old, when my mom was addicted to the same type of crap. It got so bad my dad moved out (because all they did was fight) and oneday my mom feel down the stairs and when I got her to finally respond she thought I was my dad. :cry:

She was soooo {censored}ed up on pills that she didn't know what was going on, or who I even was.

I couldn't get her up, so I had to finally call the ambulance. The hospital sent an ambulance and they helped her get some therapy insteed of just returning home and doing some more pills.

All in all, in hind site if I never called the hospital and asked them to "please come get her", she would have most likely gotten worse.

When we got to the hospital to see her, she was a wreck. She did finally realize who I was. And she was still so {censored}ed up on the pills (drugs/medicine) that she cursed me out, for doing this to her.

I was only like 16 man, that {censored} hurt me. Even though I didn't understand what was happening to my mom.

That was 15 years ago. She is much better now.

I'd say next time ANYTHING odd happens and you can't take it any more. Try calling the ambulance and ask for some help. Explain to them what is going on. You and I are not used to these situations, but the dotors and nurses see this stuff everyday. And they know how to help your mom.

Good luck buddy! I hope all this goes away for you, and your mom makes out better than ever.
Peace bother

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Originally posted by .homewrecker.

That sucks about your dad. Addiction is a tough thing. You could try to get in touch with AA they might be able to point you in a better direction than us. We had to do an intervention for my uncle, and that actually worked very well. But it's different for different people.



NA is for drug addictions. NA would be useless until your mom goes into detox and rehab. A person on pain meds for "almost a lifetime" simply does not get off them. Your mom needs to go away for a while. End of story. Your dad needs to find a place that will take her, sign the papers and leave her there.

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my honest advice to you...talk to your mom about severely lightening up on her meds, to take as little as she can possibly stand and try to help her get out and get some kinda excerise; nothing strenuous but something that will work her back muscles a bit

myself, and quite a few people i know have dealt with back pain due to some problems of varying degrees...a little bit of proper excercise and rest can really go a long way

good luck man...i grew up having to deal with stuff like that in my house, and had younger siblings that really caught the worst of it...it really sucks when you have to speak up to your parents like that, knowing it shouldn't be your place

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Being on this medication, she must be seeing doctors for checkups and stuff, right?

Well you be sure that next time she goes, you're with her and you make sure the doc knows all about it. This is probably as embaressing for your mom as it is an inconvenience for you! But really its the only way!

Good luck, mang. If I were a religious man, I'd be praying for you, but you're going to have to make do with a sixpack drunk in yer honour... except I'm teetotal.... errr...

Good luck!

edit: It sounds like what you're talking about is medication for pain, not a voluntary self-induced addiction. Nevertheless, it is addictive stuff. I had to have a methadone substrate for a brain operation I had many years ago. It took me about a year to properly ween off of it. But again that was controlled. It just sounds like you need the Doctors to intervene and if necessary consider some form of full time care, such as social care or secondary care.


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