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The Ceriatone Matchless Clone is HERE!


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Originally posted by rememberduane

To be honest, I'm not 100% sure who uses them. I've heard Tom Petty does, and even Pearl Jam.



Dude....why???? Was @ Casa Campbell in North Hollywood 'bot a month ago-NO Ceriatones. Pearl Jam??Doubt guys w/ a half dozen Trentino amps, and a few rooms of top shelf gear are saving a few bucks buying Klones from the Phillipines.


You bought an Agile w/speakers...enjoy it for what it is, but please...don't be a complete douche......:D

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Originally posted by outtahear

...don't be a complete douche......


Perhaps you should take your own advice.


The vast majority of the 'boutique' stuff out there are 'clones' or variations on old circuits. Where do you think Dr. Z, Matchless, Fuchs, and Valvetech got their designs? Hell, even Jim Marshall built a variation on an existing Fender design, and that's one of the amps that helped launch the company!


The Ceriatone stuff is top notch. Guitars and amps are two different things, and to imply that the Ceriatone is substandard is ignorant.

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Originally posted by silverfacechamp

Perhaps you should take your own advice.

The vast majority of the 'boutique' stuff out there are 'clones' or variations on old circuits. Where do you think Dr. Z, Matchless, Fuchs, and Valvetech got their designs? Hell, even Jim Marshall built a variation on an existing Fender design, and that's one of the amps that helped launch the company!

The Ceriatone stuff is top notch. Guitars and amps are two different things, and to imply that the Ceriatone is substandard is ignorant.



He's just pissed he paid too much for his 'boutique' amp :D

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Originally posted by rememberduane

I'd be interested to hear the comparisons too -- I'm fairly sure these are cheaper than Metroamps.

They are kits, but Nik will send them to you pre-assembled (which is the route I went -- solder fumes make me REALLY sick, I think I may be allergic), and he and his team do (as you can see) an amazing job of it.

Check out




I love teh solder fumez :love: i thingk itz teh lead :)





































































































































:cry: :cry:

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Originally posted by bullhead

if they made a Hiwatt clone, i would be basically their slave.

even so... the Superbass clone looks {censored}ing sweet


If you want a KILLER Hiwatt clone, look for an Audio Bros DR103 ...... they made them just about as well as Harry Joyce and team..... even used Partridge transformers and original cabs. They will run you around $1200ish. on ebay ..... if you can find one.


If you figure, Ceritone will probably charge maybe $800+ shipped for a big amp like that (I am basing this on the cost of the superlead that they offer) .... then by the time you have a cabinet made .... it could be expensive. The other nice thing about the Audio Bros is the face places and logo plates are accurate.


Now not to take anything away from Nik..... Nik's faceplates so far are great!! the JTM45 is more accurate than Marshall's own reissue :eek: ......


It will be interesting to see what they offer in the future. I am jonesing for a 36W with an EF86 front end. :love:

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Originally posted by rememberduane

Just about $700 shipped too.

Add $200 for the cab (custom made, shipped to my door), $100 for the speaker, $150 for tubes, and like $5-10 for speaker cable + solder, I'm looking at a Matchless SC-30 clone (with just as quality of a wiring job and Nik uses top end parts -- I've owned Matchless before) for $1150 or so brand spanking new. I'd say that's a rather good deal.


Damn right that's a good deal. Here in Ottawa, a Matchless amp usually starts at about $3500 for a combo amp.

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I bought two amps from Nik... 5F4 (this one I ordered for my friend actually) and a 5E3 clone for me. I'm still waiting for mine to come.

Nik is incredible guy. All my emails were answered so quickly and it didn't matter what time I sent them. I even got a discount for ordering two amps.



Here you can find some 5F4 clip I recorded.

5F4 clip thread





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Originally posted by outtahear

Dude....why???? Was @ Casa Campbell in North Hollywood 'bot a month ago-NO Ceriatones. Pearl Jam??Doubt guys w/ a half dozen Trentino amps, and a few rooms of top shelf gear are saving a few bucks buying Klones from the Phillipines.

You bought an Agile w/speakers...enjoy it for what it is, but please...don't be a complete douche......


Me don't be a complete douche?


We were referring to DC-30's, not Ceriatones.


Don't be a complete douche.


And it's FAR from an Agile with speakers. :rolleyes:

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Never said they were crap-but they aren't exactly Matchless either. Nik's a great guy (although I wish he'd invest in some

transformer endbells). I brought up the "I HEAR TOM PETTY HAS SOME!" reach because, again, I was @ their rehearsal space in NoHo weeks ago, and...ta-da!....no Ceriatones.


And as someone who's worked on hundreds of JTM-45/plexis over the past 20 years, i can attest that while they're (CERIATONE) great sounding amps, they do not "NAIL!" that tone. Unfortunately, lots of people who never heard an original example of a particular amp tend to show up on boards claiming their clone (whomevers) sounds EXACTLY LIKE AN ORIGINAL! (??)


Great bang for the buck, though. If not Agile, at least Edwards :wave:


Enjoy the amp.

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Originally posted by outtahear

Never said they were crap-but they aren't exactly Matchless either. Nik's a great guy (although I wish he'd invest in some

transformer endbells). I brought up the "I HEAR TOM PETTY HAS SOME!" reach because, again, I was @ their rehearsal space in NoHo weeks ago, and...ta-da!....no Ceriatones.

And as someone who's worked on hundreds of JTM-45/plexis over the past 20 years, i can attest that while they're (CERIATONE) great sounding amps, they do not "NAIL!" that tone. Unfortunately, lots of people who never heard an original example of a particular amp tend to show up on boards claiming their clone (whomevers) sounds EXACTLY LIKE AN ORIGINAL! (??)

Great bang for the buck, though. If not Agile, at least Edwards

Enjoy the amp.


There was no reach. We were discussing DC-30's, not Ceriatones. You misread. I don't know of any famous musicians using Ceriatones. Why would you if you can afford the real thing?


Just because it was made overseas doesn't make it of lesser quality. It's not a Matchless, but it's certainly not a fair comparison to say it's the same as a mass produced factory copy. This is a hand-wired amp with high quality parts. I don't expect it to be a Matchless, but your comparison is way off.

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Originally posted by Marc Roy

Yep. Finally found my amp. It just works. I love bare bones amps.

I'm getting a custom strat built by a friend of mine. Should be a good match.


Custom strat = :love:


I'm jealous, but I'm fairly sure this will be it for me once I snag a Lehle switcher and a strat. At least as far as utility goes. :D

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Originally posted by rememberduane

Custom strat =

I'm jealous, but I'm fairly sure this will be it for me once I snag a Lehle switcher and a strat. At least as far as utility goes.


Well, the strat I'm getting is basically just Warmoth parts, but this guy is a luthier and the setups and attention to detail are second to none.


Now I just need to figure out what kind of pickups I want. He suggested Fralins, but I've heard that they're pretty bright sounding. I run my amp pretty bright to begin with, so I might need something different for pickups. Any suggestions?

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Originally posted by rememberduane

There was no reach. We were discussing DC-30's, not Ceriatones. You misread. I don't know of any famous musicians using Ceriatones. Why would you if you can afford the real thing?

Just because it was made overseas doesn't make it of lesser quality. It's not a Matchless, but it's certainly not a fair comparison to say it's the same as a mass produced factory copy. This is a hand-wired amp with high quality parts. I don't expect it to be a Matchless, but your comparison is way off.

Okay at least we know the edit function works:


quote:Originally posted by rememberduane

To be honest, I'm not 100% sure who uses them. I've heard Tom Petty does, and even Pearl Jam.


My point; You're excited about the new amp: Check.

Pulling the "I heard" stuff out of your ass, not productive, nor is going back, and editing your post to take it out.


(re; quality of amp iron/components: How many amps have you built/repaired again??)




Here's your graceful exit: Enjoy your amp.:wave:

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Originally posted by outtahear

Okay at least we know the edit function works:

quote:Originally posted by rememberduane

To be honest, I'm not 100% sure who uses them. I've heard Tom Petty does, and even Pearl Jam.

My point; You're excited about the new amp: Check.

Pulling the "I heard" stuff out of your ass, not productive, nor is going back, and editing your post to take it out.

(re; quality of amp iron/components: How many amps have you built/repaired again??)


Here's your graceful exit: Enjoy your amp.


What are you talking about?


The edit is at the bottom of the post. I didn't take it out... it's still there...


I've heard Tom Petty and Pearl Jam used DC-30s. I said specifically I didn't know.


What is wrong with you? Are you just looking to start a fight?


{censored} off troll. :rolleyes:


Edit: I'd rather be able to communicate and be vaguely literate than have whatever experience you have regarding amps. :idea:

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