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Went to pick up a TSL100 and come home with....


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So I get the cash to make a sweet deal on a MArshall TSL100 half stack for $1000 when I see MINT condition H&K Triamp MKII w/fs. I couldnt resist it! Im not even going to tell you what I paid for it in fear of people flying clear up to Alaska to kick me in the balls! :D


NOw I just have to figure out how to record a decent clip on my computer!


Anyone else have or played through one of these!?

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I have the triamp mk1 with el34s in it, so it's a very similar vibe. Bubbly clean to crunch to suped leads, I just sent it in to have it serviced. I'm trying to find a combo that'll sound just as good for gigs. It's a pain having to lug the triamp out several times a month. anyone know a good combo that can pull of the triamp tones?

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I haven't played the triamp but I have a friend that has one that loves it. I have been meaning to get together with him to try it out but we both have families and bands so it's tough. I have played the Trilogy however which is supposed to be the same only with two less channels and I really dug that.

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Was it the Triamp sitting at Mammoth for the past 7 years?. How much did they take off the price?.



You guessed it! I had been eyeballing that thing since I first saw it there in 2003!


They gave me a VERY nice deal! I figured at the price they were asking that the lights or one of the channels was broken.


They actually didnt even have it sitting out for about a year now. I just happened to ask one of the reps whatever happened to it and he checked the computer. It was sitting in the back room. I guess someone who worked there was saving it for themselves.

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Are you playing in a band up there in Anchorage?. I still have quite a few friends in that "scene".



I was putting a band together with my roommate who is a phenomenal drummer, but then he picked up a job in DC. Now I'm just wanking at home trying to get some new stuff together until I get back in the scene again.


Were you in a band up here?

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Yes and no. It never really went anywhere, but we had a project called InnerEcho with Rob Bingham from Brokin/Eyesore/Mercy Should Hurt (on drums), and Rawb Hardcastle from Outlet (guitar). I was singing and playing guitar.


We recorded a few tracks over at Ace and Nate's place (Rumblefish/Rebus).

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