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"Christian" guitarists with $10k guitar rigs, seem odd to you?


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On this forum at least, I've noticed that a lot of the biggest gear whores are Christians. I love gear as much as the next person, but it seems quite hypocritical that someone who accepts Jesus's teachings would be okay with spending so much money on what are essentially toys for adults.

How can a Christian justify a $10k guitar rig when there are still homeless in the streets? Where is their sense of duty?



why is it that non-christians seem to whine so much about christian people on this board?


im on a neutral side of the whole religion thing, but please...give it up.


you have no brain.

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I guess as a Christian I should not have a beautiful home, nice car, my kids should not be well dressed and groomed or go to an awesome school either?



Not bragging nor do I need praise butI tithe more than 10% of my earnings every week and then some. I truly believe the more good you do and the more you help those less fortunate, the more you get blessed by GOD. I've been very blessed and never have an issue helping out my fellow man.


I can also afford to buy myself and family nice things and give back to my church and various charities.


Ohh yea I'm also a huge SLAYER Fan as well.






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the day you truly understand the meaning of the word faith, you'll realize why arguments like this are meaningless...if you believe in an immeasurable power such as god, you believe he can create anything even if it defies science or logic







Even tho i think that things like a 'god' are completely out of left field and not plausible if it makes peoples lives easier and makes them happy and is the thing that holds their life together and gives them some purpose i am all for it. I think that a lot of the holy book(s) are have some great life lessons in (treat your fellow man with respect and so forth) but when it starts encroaching on the laws of our society (arbortion, pre-marital sex, homosexuality) It REALLY puts a bad taste in my mouth.


But if praying to a god makes you feel good than do that {censored} all damn day!

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I fail to see what faith in any deity or religion has to do with how much gear one has..



if this isn't a rhetorical statement, i'll comment.

because faith in Jesus requires us to follow his teachings and he clearly makes points of spending money wisely... to help other people and make friends. If we spend a great portion on ourselves we are selfish and self-absorbed. I for one think about gear more than i think about people and thats where alot of my money goes.


I really think this guy is onto something.

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if this isn't a rhetorical statement, i'll comment.

because faith in Jesus requires us to follow his teachings and he clearly makes points of spending money wisely... to help other people and make friends. If we spend a great portion on ourselves we are selfish and self-absorbed. I for one think about gear more than i think about people and thats where alot of my money goes.

I really think this guy is onto something.




maybe he's spot on with you then....but, I think a blanket statment like the original poster made is, quite frankly, bull{censored} and off base...


sell some of your gear and start thinking of other people then =)

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Even tho i think that things like a 'god' are completely out of left field and not plausible if it makes peoples lives easier and makes them happy and is the thing that holds their life together and gives them some purpose i am all for it. I think that a lot of the holy book(s) are have some great life lessons in (treat your fellow man with respect and so forth) but when it starts encroaching on the laws of our society (arbortion, pre-marital sex, homosexuality) It REALLY puts a bad taste in my mouth.

But if praying to a god makes you feel good than do that {censored} all damn day!



FWIW i'm not really a religious person either...i don't know that god exists and don't claim to, nor do i have a strong belief as such; but i also find it hard to believe that the universe (even limited to our own species) naturally evolved from nothing into the amazing phenomenon that it is


it comes down to respect tho, i respect anyone who believes in something (whatever it be) and can do so without looking down their nose at others or trying to cram their beliefs where they don't belong...christians have a bad reputation in this regard due to a vocal minority, that i don't think is truly deserved


i also don't believe religion should cross paths with law myself, but you also must understand that christianity is a philosophy as much as a religion...jesus was undoubtedly the most prominent human being in modern history, a lot of people admire and respect him and his way of life without necissarily believing he was a holy son

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maybe he's spot on with you then....but, I think a blanket statment like the original poster made is, quite frankly, bull{censored} and off base...

sell some of your gear and start thinking of other people then =)



i think rather i'll keep what i have and just learn to be content with it. Remember too, this was directed towards chrstians so it wasn't a blanketed statement. I do think that christians who are gear whores should re-evaluate

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if this isn't a rhetorical statement, i'll comment.

because faith in Jesus requires us to follow his teachings and he clearly makes points of spending money wisely... to help other people and make friends. If we spend a great portion on ourselves we are selfish and self-absorbed. I for one think about gear more than i think about people and thats where alot of my money goes.

I really think this guy is onto something.



beyond money tho, it's about what you do with your life and what you do to help other people who really need it...i know a ton of people who don't donate to charity for various reasons, but have seen them help total strangers just because they needed it


taking someone's possesions out of context and judging them based on that (as the original poster did) is lame IMO...it's perfectly acceptable to make judgements about your own behavior as a result of such a discussion, but personally i think it's weak for anyone here to judge someone else based on that

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beyond money tho, it's about what you do with your life and what you do to help other people who really need it...i know a ton of people who don't donate to charity for various reasons, but have seen them help total strangers just because they needed it

taking someone's possesions out of context and judging them based on that (as the original poster did) is lame IMO...it's perfectly acceptable to make judgements about your own behavior as a result of such a discussion, but personally i think it's weak for anyone here to judge someone else based on that



Remember, this was directed towards christians. If you're not a christian you're kinda engaging in a discussion that isn't directed towards you.


you can't seriously take someone's possesions out of the context because it becomes a big part of their character. Reading Luke, Jesus made that weak judgement call too. hmmmm, maybe its not so weak. maybe how we use and prioritize materialism and consumerism is not inline with how Jesus wants his followers to live.

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"it comes down to respect tho, i respect anyone who believes in something (whatever it be) and can do so without looking down their nose at others or trying to cram their beliefs where they don't belong...christians have a bad reputation in this regard due to a vocal minority, that i don't think is truly deserved"


Where does this come from? Is anyone in here cramming any beliefs on anyone else? Is there a new inquisition we havent heard about yet? There is only one religion (cult,actually) that Im aware of in modern times that is doing so,that being Islam. Wherin if you dont believe as they do,they are wanting to blow you up or behead u. Where is the criticism of this?

If trying to maintain some sort of standards in this world-by way of our laws or governments-in order to seperate us from the animals and savages is such a bad thing then what of the alternate?


I consider myself a Christian in so far as I believe in God-but Im not a practicing/church going type. But its annoying as hell seeing thread after thread after thread of christian bashing,just because some of you out there have guilty consciences and fear the concept of a consequence for your actions -or inactions-on this world. If you choose to believe-great,if you choose not to believe-thats great too. But try and consider pointing your ignorance towards genuine threats to your day-to-day existence,rather than a false boogie-man.

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beyond money tho, it's about what you do with your life and what you do to help other people who really need it...i know a ton of people who don't donate to charity for various reasons, but have seen them help total strangers just because they needed it

taking someone's possesions out of context and judging them based on that (as the original poster did) is lame IMO...it's perfectly acceptable to make judgements about your own behavior as a result of such a discussion, but personally i think it's weak for anyone here to judge someone else based on that

I never thought i would have any respect for anyone on this board but you just became the first. Kudos you seem like you have a damn good head on your shoulders. FWIW.


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"it comes down to respect tho, i respect anyone who believes in something (whatever it be) and can do so without looking down their nose at others or trying to cram their beliefs where they don't belong...christians have a bad reputation in this regard due to a vocal minority, that i don't think is truly deserved"

Where does this come from? Is anyone in here cramming any beliefs on anyone else? Is there a new inquisition we havent heard about yet? There is only one religion (cult,actually) that Im aware of in modern times that is doing so,that being Islam. Wherin if you dont believe as they do,they are wanting to blow you up or behead u. Where is the criticism of this?

If trying to maintain some sort of standards in this world-by way of our laws or governments-in order to seperate us from the animals and savages is such a bad thing then what of the alternate?

I consider myself a Christian in so far as I believe in God-but Im not a practicing/church going type. But its annoying as hell seeing thread after thread after thread of christian bashing,just because some of you out there have guilty consciences and fear the concept of a consequence for your actions -or inactions-on this world. If you choose to believe-great,if you choose not to believe-thats great too. But try and consider pointing your ignorance towards genuine threats to your day-to-day existence,rather than a false boogie-man.

Way to go you just stereotyped an entire group of people. :thu:

speaking of ingnorance :wave:

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On this forum at least, I've noticed that a lot of the biggest gear whores are Christians. I love gear as much as the next person, but it seems quite hypocritical that someone who accepts Jesus's teachings would be okay with spending so much money on what are essentially toys for adults.

How can a Christian justify a $10k guitar rig when there are still homeless in the streets? Where is their sense of duty?


It's called a blessing!!!


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i think rather i'll keep what i have and just learn to be content with it. Remember too, this was directed towards chrstians so it wasn't a blanketed statement. I do think that christians who are gear whores should re-evaluate



nothing wrong with being content with what you have...


I think having alotta gear is the least of some people's problems...if that's the worst thing some of the more 'outspoken' christians do, then I think they're ok...


just cause they can afford alotta gear doesn't mean they neglect the needs of others...

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true enough
i'm more thinking of the mental priority gear can take.

I think I can see where you're comming from....I wouldn't say it's an 'invalid' point or anything...I guess I just see it a little differently

I have more of an issue with those who are outspoken yet don't practice what they preach...

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This thread is amazing.......and totally ignornat for the most part. Since when does your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the integrity of that relationship become associated with how much gear a person may have or not have? If "excess" is the issue, we all need to have only one of everything. Shoes, socks, underwear, pants so we don't "waste" our money or consume more than we ought to. That is rubbish. Works do not get you to heaven. A personal relationship between a person and Jesus Christ does. That means accepting Jesus as your lord and savior. NOTHING ELSE GETS YOU TO HEAVEN PEOPLE!!!!! Sure the bible has guidelines and we can pick bits and pieces and manipulate them out of context any way we want to if we so desire. It is rubbish. We are called to follow Jesus and love our fellow man. End of story. I do help people, give through my local church to missions etc. I tithe, help sponsor programs to feed homelss and all kinds fo other stuff. As nice as that is, it will not get me to heaven. I like helping people and I think it is good to do so. But to say a person is off base by having a cerain amount of gear is foolish to me. If you can afford it and not jeopardize your well being then why not get it. If excess is the root issue we are discussing, that can go in many areas....food, drinking, sex, blah blah blah. I have a lot of gear, I work hard for what I earn in my business, I do my best to live right, what more am I to do? It is amazing to me how often times we lose sight of the practical application to life when we discuss spiritual matters. I guess I could stop eating meat and start eating rice cakes or something to save more money to give away...Maybe I need to sell all my gear and give up on my once partial career and now enjoyable hobby and get REALLY Happy. That makes a lot of sense. And since I eat a few meals, maybe I need to cut back and just eat once a day. I guess I could walk everywhere and save gas money and help the environment too. I guess I have been living my life all wrong the lst 20 years I have been a christian.



3 cheers for martin luther, right!

but seriously, you can't deny that there are things that chrsitians MUST do and MUST NOT do as we continue to work out our salvation. Faith without works is dead, right. All that nice stuff you do is great, no it won't get you to heaven but i would question what would happen if you didn't do those things. Just to be clear, i'm not talking about gear anymore. This is the faith and works discussion now.

btw, i find it interesting that your avatar is barely safe for work... i'm looking over my shoulder while reading your post hoping that someone doesn't think i'm looking at porn.


2 things i phrased very specifically:

we continue to work out our salvation

Faith without works is dead

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