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Gibson Les Paul Custom or Standard


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I"ve always had standards as most people do. I'm gassing for customs all of a sudden. I went and tried one at GC. It sucked. That is nothing new for Gibson. What a let down. Then again production model standars with the 60s or 50s necks don't do it for me either. You have to get a R7, R8 or R9 if you want a standard I guess. Who here favors customs or has both and likes them.

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i like customs.
that's the only kind of LP i've ever owned,but i liked it.
it was a ZWLP(a gibson) with the EMG's.
i'd like to have one in heritage cherry sunburst,but to be honest-- i think there are too many companies out there that make better quality "les paul type" guitars to buy a gibson.

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I"ve always had standards as most people do. I'm gassing for customs all of a sudden. I went and tried one at GC. It sucked. That is nothing new for Gibson. What a let down. Then again production model standars with the 60s or 50s necks don't do it for me either. You have to get a R7, R8 or R9 if you want a standard I guess. Who here favors customs or has both and likes them.



I like the style of the customs more, the gold hardware with the alpine white looks cool, or maybe a blue burst woldn;t be so bad, but in function and tone there is little to no difference, if i got an LP anytime soon it would certainly be custom tho

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I"ve always had standards as most people do. I'm gassing for customs all of a sudden. I went and tried one at GC. It sucked. That is nothing new for Gibson. What a let down. Then again production model standars with the 60s or 50s necks don't do it for me either. You have to get a R7, R8 or R9 if you want a standard I guess. Who here favors customs or has both and likes them.

I found this 1987 Custom at GC, I a/b'd it against 4 brand new Customs and it killed them all. The new Customs seem to be lacking something IMO.

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I"ve always had standards as most people do. I'm gassing for customs all of a sudden. I went and tried one at GC. It sucked. That is nothing new for Gibson. What a let down. Then again production model standars with the 60s or 50s necks don't do it for me either. You have to get a R7, R8 or R9 if you want a standard I guess. Who here favors customs or has both and likes them.



I actually like the regular production Standard Les Pauls. I hate the pickups that are in them. I like the R7 Goldtop, but I don't like the neck.


As for the Customs, I don't like an ebony fretboard on a Les Paul. It doesn't sound nearly as warm and makes the guitar sound too spunky. They sure do look pretty though!





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ull get the exact same quality from either

Yeah, people will debate back and forth about the long neck tenon and all that jive. Every LP I've played with the long neck tenon, with exception to the Customs, have this flubbiness in the low-end that I don't particularly care a whole lot about. The Customs are just too tight in the low end and too bright in the highs for what I like.

I love my Standard with the Bare Knuckle VHII set.

It's like the saying goes..... To each his own. I'm happy if I'm happy and I'm happy if you're happy. :thu:


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I have owned over 15 Les Pauls including Standards, Customs, Classics, Studios and Historics and of the 5 I now have, my fav is a 92 Custom. The feel of a great Custom is like nothing else.

And on a side note: I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but to me buying a guitar because it has a specific kind of pickup is like buying a car because it has the kind of tires you prefer. Pickups are easy to swap and have never influenced any guitar purchase I have ever made.

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I'd vote Custom. I've owned a Standard and only played Customs, but IMO they had a leg up.


I would never buy one new, however. You can get an older used Custom for the same price that would play circles around anything manufactured today.

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I'd have to say go with the custom because of the ebony fretboard. I have a 79' custom that absolutely plays flawless, that is after a refret. Watch out with these older guitars because most of these have been played the hell out of so a refret might be a possibility.

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one of the best LP's i've ever played was a 70's custom



the two best guitars i've ever played were both beat up, wine-red '78 Les Paul Customs. {censored}, if i was thinking i would've bought the last one, it fit my hands perfectly, body resonated like crazy, it was just a total dream. would've been worth the debt.

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