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OT: Anyone ever delivered Pizza?

Sgt. Funk

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1000 a month smartie pants

i was on teh verge of a career change there-lol

i've always wondered,though-- how do pizza delivery guys always know exactly where to go just by an address? do they have a computer with map software at the store or something?:confused:

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i was on teh verge of a career change there-lol

i've always wondered,though-- how do pizza delivery guys always know exactly where to go just by an address? do they have a computer with map software at the store or something?

I d:ont kn:ow


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i was on teh verge of a career change there-lol

i've always wondered,though-- how do pizza delivery guys always know exactly where to go just by an address? do they have a computer with map software at the store or something?

You just memorize every street, where the numbers are, etc... You can pinpoint every address within a few houses once you get good.

Thats why you really dont make as much the first year or so. But after that, once you learn the area, know the regular customers, and can be quick and can do 3 to other people doing 1, the cash rolls much better..

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i was on teh verge of a career change there-lol

i've always wondered,though-- how do pizza delivery guys always know exactly where to go just by an address? do they have a computer with map software at the store or something?

w:ow , y:ou are teh n:o:ob :o

teh pizza place has an amp in the store and you look up directions to teh house and write it down or just remember it :o

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It's a weird job, some people get used to it, some people don't.

Everything depends on what side of town you're on.

Pay is pretty decent. I work 20-25 hous a week for anywhere from $10-$20/hr with tips.

Make sure your car can handle it and you're willing to learn to do your own mechanic work, because that's the key to making it as profitable as it can be. Knock on wood, but nothing serious has gone wrong with my truck, my Camaro on the other hand has just lost oil pressure, but it's about to push 190,000 miles. I've been trying to kill that motor anyway, but still. :rolleyes:

Got a new motor in the works. ;)

ANy place you work for will have a map, and likely a coordinate/grid system in the computer or paper ordering system they have. We have a written index by road name.

It's not a bad job, you'll get anywhere from $10-$20/hr if you're on any kind of decent side of town. But DO NOT DO IT if you're on a {censored} side of town. It will really {censored} with your head and make you a very paranoid, bitter person.

On a good side of town though, it's great. Very little managerial supervision, a lot of time to listen to music, decent pay for few hours.

But the key to a good driver is you've GOT to be relaxed. If you're not, you'll have to learn to relax. {censored} will come up, and you'll get frustrated, you'll have to learn to deal with it or it will ruin your whole night.

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teh first YEAR OR SO11!!!???

how f'n long does it take you to "learn an area"? lol


Every street, every address, every trick, into the woods {censored}? It can take longer than you think...

Plus, depends on the area. Many places may do a 10 mile by 10 mile area. If you are in a populated town, thats a lot of numbers...

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The area I do is a relatively small area, my house is actually in the middle of it. Its only about 5-6 square miles of city, city that I know very well.


I was curious how they know all the houses too, it was something I asked when I was in there. Basically, they'll have a big map on the wall of the area that the location covers, and its real easy. You just have to remember.



The area I live in is like 20% low-income apartments, 20% middle-class apartments (where all the rich SMU students live) and then 60% is middle class neighborhoods.


Dirtybird: I got a new (10k miles) Honda CRV so I should be trouble free. I am concerned that I will pack on a {censored}load of miles though. I dont wanna wear out my new car, but I figure It wont be too bad if I only do it for a couple of months. And. . I am a relaxed driver, I am a hell of a driver if I do say so myself. :D Never had a wreck.

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Every street, every address, every trick, into the woods {censored}? It can take longer than you think...

Plus, depends on the area. Many places may do a 10 mile by 10 mile area. If you are in a populated town, thats a lot of numbers...

Yeah, it'll take you at most a dozen deliveries for you to know the major streets if you dont already know them.

It will take 3 dozen for you to find most of the shortcuts

It will take 6 dozen for you to find the rest of hte short cuts.

ANd it will take a long ass time for you to learn every single side sreet. It's the little dinky streets that no one ever sees except people in that neighborhood that you will always be delivering to.

It's those low-income sections of town you need to be worried about. For some reason, poor people love pizza and they hate to tip. :o

And you'll put tons of miles on your car, from 50-150 miles a shift. But if you maintain it and dont drive like an idiot it isnt that big of a deal. But it's still a lot of miles.

I have a guy I deliver with, he has a bachelor's degree in English. He makes more delivering pizzas than he can with his degree. He only pulls around 30g's a year, but that's AFTER taxes and he's working on opening his own restaurant.

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I did it for a while in high-school for Dominoes, but that was a long time ago.


I picked up a VW diesel rabbit for $200 and used that to deliver pizza so I didn't trash my car, plus it got great mileage. It also had a great smoke screen if you held in the clutch and gunned it.


Great tips, better then any other HS job you could get, plus free food. You get sick of pizza but we used to trade with all the other resturants for dinner.



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I did it for a while in high-school for Dominoes, but that was a long time ago.

I picked up a VW diesel rabbit for $200 and used that to deliver pizza so I didn't trash my car, plus it got great mileage. It also had a great smoke screen if you held in the clutch and gunned it.

Great tips, better then any other HS job you could get, plus free food. You get sick of pizza but we used to trade with all the other resturants for dinner.





Damn, where did you get a car that cheap?

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teh first YEAR OR SO11!!!???

how f'n long does it take you to "learn an area"? lol

Definitely depends on the area...most places are easy to get ahold of in the first few weeks. Some drivers ,alas, would never learn the areas no matter how much they tried. Some people literally just don't get it.

I had one driver, a 46[!] year old 'Tennis Instructor' in his spare time, he was clueless. The last night he worked he took a pie and I asked him if he was ABSOLUTELY certain where this place was -he had problems in the past- and he says 'Oh yea, I know exactly where that is, no worries'...

fast forward to an hour later and he comes running in.....'I can't find it'... calls them up....'where are you? Are you by the water tower? Harrison and 11th? Oh yea, I know where that is.'
Those cross streets were written on the pizza box when I took the order. Really.:freak:

That was it. I told him his night was done and he says ' No I know where it is now' .....I said 'give me the {censored}ing pizza, you're done'!!!
Counted him out and...... sayonara.

It's hard to get competent help in the restaurant business.

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I did it as a teen in the 80's. Was high all the time, always had cash on hand from the tips, & the work was never too stressful. I had a fulltime job, but wound up scaling that back to part time in order to keep the pizza job. That was great, too. Two jobs sounded like a bitch at first, but then I discovered that just as the afternoon was dragging on at the day job, it was time to clock out & head for the fun job. Neither job became a real drag that way.

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year old 'Tennis Instructor' in his spare time, he was clueless. The last night he worked he took a pie and I asked him if he was ABSOLUTELY certain where this place was -he had problems in the past- and he says 'Oh yea, I know exactly where that is, no worries'...

fast forward to an hour later and he comes running in.....'I can't find it'... calls them up....'where are you? Are you by the water tower? Harrison and 11th? Oh yea, I know where that is.'

Those cross streets were written on the pizza box when I took the order. Really.

lol-- imagine being an over the road truck driver constantly going places you've never been relying on directions that look like they were written by 10 year olds pulling a 53' trailer that is almost 14 feet high-:D

if i thought i could make over 30 grand a year delivering food 20-40 hours a week and had a little 4-banger to drive i would quit driving trucks tomorow.
that's probably what i'll do when i get my house paid off in 10 years or so-
my big dream-lol

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lol-- imagine being an over the road truck driver constantly going places you've never been relying on directions that look like they were written by 10 year olds pulling a 53' trailer that is almost 14 feet high-

if i thought i could make over 30 grand a year delivering food 20-40 hours a week and had a little 4-banger to drive i would quit driving trucks tomorow.

that's probably what i'll do when i get my house paid off in 10 years or so-

my big dream-lol

My drivers made great tips...late night ,everyone stoned and drunk. At times they even got some nice 'buds' that I had to confiscate.:D

My bro delivered to TOOL when they were in town. Thye were all cool and mellow, he said. They were watching 'The 7 Samurais' [Akira Kurosawa] on the tour bus......no groupies. Just chilling after a show.

Also my bro delivered to Ron Jeremy when he was touring doing some music crap. Gave us some autographed pics saying' rock out with your cock out' but no tip. He was stoned out of his gourd.

I could go on and on about all the {censored} -good and bad.

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My drivers made great tips...late night ,everyone stoned and drunk. At times they even got some nice 'buds' that I had to confiscate.

i come work for you now,yes?:o

seriously i suppose location has alot to do with how mauch money you can make
i suppose i live in a middle class area that does have some lower income and also some higher income people.

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i come work for you now,yes?

seriously i suppose location has alot to do with how mauch money you can make

i suppose i live in a middle class area that does have some lower income and also some higher income people.

Location and time of day. Everyone stoned and drunk at night...the money flows freely. I sold the place back in 2001. No more retail hell for me. The bad outweighed the good...But for delivering as an employee, you can make some real good money if you have a Geo Metro or equivalent.

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