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Avatar? it looked like a black and white of Metallica?

WTF? the ice is getting real thin around here....



i meant to say his sig, not avatar. i dont know what it was.


{censored} highgrade and {censored} whatever moniker he comes back with:wave:

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Im 21, but turn 22 on the 15th of this month. I have a diezel herbert which i got at 18 by working my ass off stacking shelves and a bunch of nice axes. And before anyone whines about having great gear too young, Id also be willing to bet i can outplay the majority of people on here ;)


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im 32, ive been working since i was 16. thats the main reason i have decent gear, when your young naturally you wont have as good of a job as when you get older in most cases, i never played guitar till i was 20 and i had a crappy set up, but once i learned to play decent i bought some better gear, its took me about 10 years to gather the stuff i have. i dont have credit card debt and ive been very blessed and try and invest my money wisely for my familys future since i work and my wife doesnt and i have 2 kids. but i always leave myself a few bucks on the side to buy some new stuff, now that i have alot of guitars i usually sell one to buy another, or a borrow from myself which i consider a debt until i sell a guitar to pay myself back. and some of my guitars my wife saved up for, she sells junk on ebay sometimes and after a few months it adds up. i wont buy stuff if i cant afford it, my wife and kids are more important, sometimes ill say i need to sell this guitar to pay a debt but that really means i didnt want to charge it and i borrowed from myself till i sell a guitar, and i have too many to keep adding more and more.

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