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The most effective place to punch someone


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If the asshole is standing in front of you, bring your hands up (don't make a fist) and act like you're trying to get the guy to calm down.



Alot of Reality based martial arts teach that:thu:. Your basically setting up the attacker for a pre-emptive strike like an eye gouge or punch. I would never punch anyone in a street fight, you run the risk of breaking your hand and I have heard of people getting teeth fragments embedded in their hands causing infections(you could run the risk of amputation). Besides there are much nastier things to do than punch.

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If you haven't said NOSE, you probably haven't been punched there. I was sucker punched once in a bar right in the nose and I've never forgotten how painful that is. Chin is a crapshoot, you might knock them down or out, but you'll probably end up hitting them in the side of the head. One good shot in the nose and the fight is over every time.

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Any boxer or karate guy will tell you the front jab is the most effective punch. If you're successful with it, you can follow up with a combination and the fight is over. The left jab right uppercut always worked for me. You see, I'm a mill hill redneck from North Carolina.

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Any boxer or karate guy will tell you the front jab is the most effective punch. If you're successful with it, you can follow up with a combination and the fight is over. The left jab right uppercut always worked for me. You see, I'm a mill hill redneck from North Carolina.




Any? obviously not cuz my black belt friend told me the previous.....

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If you haven't said NOSE, you probably haven't been punched there. I was sucker punched once in a bar right in the nose and I've never forgotten how painful that is. Chin is a crapshoot, you might knock them down or out, but you'll probably end up hitting them in the side of the head. One good shot in the nose and the fight is over every time.

IDK.....I got hit in the nose before and although I bled like a stuck pig and it broke my nose it didn't stop me from {censored}ing the dude up. Although I was pretty drunk at the time so maybe that had something to do with it. :)

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IDK.....I got hit in the nose before and although I bled like a stuck pig and it broke my nose it didn't stop me from {censored}ing the dude up. Although I was pretty drunk at the time so maybe that had something to do with it.

Yeah it depends on who you're hitting,I've had my nose broke 7 times,my jaw twice and my eardrums busted,my head is like rock now,but you hit me in the adams apple I'm takin' a ride downtown to the ER,anybody will stop after that.Problem is you can kill a dude there quick!

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I cant fight worth a {censored}..but if someone gets that close
and i have to wrestle the poor bastard to the ground..
then its a different story..ive studied Kempo and wound
up with my brown belt.but i grew alot bigger since i was a
kid and i got bulky and strong..but less agile...

im not scared of anyone.( i dont care how big they are) if
i wind up getting physical and i dont have to throw a punch
there going to wind up the worse for it..i dont have much
to worry about..id get in the ring with tyson if i had to..

btw a punch to the nuts is fair game...if someone picks
a fight..i dont care how gracefull you are if you can end it ..
(not thats its my first choice of an area to hit either )

they mean to {censored} you up..so there not thinking about
being your friend and they should get what they deserve..

so be it..

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well, if you dont want to kill the dude (homicide cases are great right?), the nose..no fun being punched right in the middle of your face. unlikely to cause permanent damage other than cosmetically haha.. use palm for the non practiced aswell, you wont hurt yourself as much

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the last person to break my nose was my brother..
after he kicked me in the nads..i bent over and he hit me.
the fun part was blowing my nose all over his face as i
bleed...( my parents freaked when they came home.)
they thought we a sacrificed a chicked in the room..
lots of blood..altho i did beat his ass as i was bleeding.
(pretty funny when i think about it.) .:)

IDK.....I got hit in the nose before and although I bled like a stuck pig and it broke my nose it didn't stop me from {censored}ing the dude up. Although I was pretty drunk at the time so maybe that had something to do with it.

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I cant fight worth a {censored}..but if someone gets that close

and i have to wrestle the poor bastard to the ground..

then its a different story..ive studied Kempo and wound

up with my brown belt.but i grew alot bigger since i was a

kid and i got bulky and strong..but less agile...

im not scared of anyone.( i dont care how big they are) if

i wind up getting physical and i dont have to throw a punch

there going to wind up the worse for it..i dont have much

to worry about..id get in the ring with tyson if i had to..

btw a punch to the nuts is fair game...if someone picks

a fight..i dont care how gracefull you are if you can end it ..

(not thats its my first choice of an area to hit either )

they mean to {censored} you up..so there not thinking about

being your friend and they should get what they deserve..

so be it..



oh yea, apart from the nuts.. if your in a situation where your defending yourself against serious harm and you havent initiated it (which will be the case unless your an asshole), who gives a #&*%# how you take them out?

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I had a freind of my brother's..(his older brother)
bit some guys little finger off in a fight. which we
all thought was pretty crazy..but thats what it took..

oh yea, apart from the nuts.. if your in a situation where your defending yourself against serious harm and you havent initiated it (which will be the case unless your an asshole), who gives a #&*%# how you take them out?


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