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OT: A book suggestion...


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I just read "Who Wrote the Bible" by (I think) Richard Friedman. Fantastic book which explains in an accessible way the documentary hypothesis as well as placing each author of the Bible in context throughout the history of the Hebrews.


Anyone who has any interest in this stuff academically should read this one. Apparently, it was quite popular when it first came out, but I just read it for a class and thoroughly enjoyed it and it's helped me quite a bit when reading the Pentateuch especially.

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I just read "Who Wrote the Bible" by (I think) Richard Friedman. Fantastic book which explains in an accessible way the documentary hypothesis as well as placing each author of the Bible in context throughout the history of the Hebrews.

Anyone who has any interest in this stuff academically should read this one. Apparently, it was quite popular when it first came out, but I just read it for a class and thoroughly enjoyed it and it's helped me quite a bit when reading the Pentateuch especially.


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River of Gods: FANTASTIC book. I don't go for a lot of sci fi, but this is amazing. Very pertinent, well written, sometimes frightening and even a bit touching.





Also, if you like music, there's a real good historical fiction novel about Robert Schumann and Clara Weick Schumann that I enjoyed a lot. It really does a great job putting into perspective the whole attitude of the time, and just HOW {censored}ED UP Robert Schumann was.



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River of Gods: FANTASTIC book. I don't go for a lot of sci fi, but this is amazing. Very pertinent, well written, sometimes frightening and even a bit touching.


Also, if you like music, there's a real good historical fiction novel about Robert Schumann and Clara Weick Schumann that I enjoyed a lot. It really does a great job putting into perspective the whole attitude of the time, and just HOW {censored}ED UP Robert Schumann was.


I'm still {censored}ing mad at you for suggesting a great sci fi/fantasy that had no sequel and ended in a completely unfulfilling way like 3 years ago.

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Which one?



Something with Eyes in the title. It has a black cover with a big green or blue eye or something like that on the cover.


Post-apocalyptic (sorta) with mutated/genetically designed humans with things like telepathy, multiple classes of drivers licenses (vague details I remember in the back of my mind).

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Something with Eyes in the title. It has a black cover with a big green or blue eye or something like that on the cover.

Post-apocalyptic (sorta) with mutated/genetically designed humans with things like telepathy, multiple classes of drivers licenses (vague details I remember in the back of my mind).



Damn it. Some of that is familiar sounding, but I can't remember the book, author, or plot. This is weird, I'm not used to not remembering things like that.

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I've decided to start reading again.. not sure where to start, into sci-fi/fantasy stuff. My friend recommended the Hobbit and Silmaraisorasirjlon (can't spell it, or remember the title). Anything I should check out first? I'm a pretty fast reader as long as I concentrate.

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I've decided to start reading again.. not sure where to start, into sci-fi/fantasy stuff. My friend recommended the Hobbit and Silmaraisorasirjlon (can't spell it, or remember the title). Anything I should check out first? I'm a pretty fast reader as long as I concentrate.


if you like fantasy stuff, the hobbit and then the lord of the rings are pretty much the gold standard.


don't bother with the Silmaraisorasirjlon until you've read the other stuff and really really really like it (I like the hobbit/LOTR but still can't read the Silmaraisorasirjlon, it's too dry/dull)

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I've decided to start reading again.. not sure where to start, into sci-fi/fantasy stuff. My friend recommended the Hobbit and Silmaraisorasirjlon (can't spell it, or remember the title). Anything I should check out first? I'm a pretty fast reader as long as I concentrate.


I suggest George R R Martin's "A Game of Thrones", and the other books in the series if you like the first one. I've been reading them on and off for the past year or so.

Can be a little long-winded, but generally is quite good and doesn't fall into typical fantasy cliches.


As far as sci-fi goes, I read Dan Simmons' "Hyperion" last year and I dug it.

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if you like fantasy stuff, the hobbit and then the lord of the rings are pretty much the gold standard.

don't bother with the Silmaraisorasirjlon until you've read the other stuff and really really really like it (I like the hobbit/LOTR but still can't read the Silmaraisorasirjlon, it's too dry/dull)



Yeah, the Silmarillion is VERY dull.


I recommend the George R. R. Martin "Song of Ice and Fire" series if you're into fantasy. It's probably my favorite all time series. Lots of great plot twists, it's very well written and done on a massive scale. Start with A Game of Thrones and work from there.

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I haven't really read much fantasy since I was a kid (though I tend to re-read LOTR every couple of years, just for kicks), but I remember enjoying Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea stuff, and Lloyd Alexander's Prydain series, and the Narnia stuff.

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Reading a lot of history books for my Renaissance class so if your into that kinda {censored} 'A history of Venice' by John Julius Norwich is quite enjoyable.

In terms of fiction I'd have to say C.S.Lewis' cosmic trilogy (Out of the silent planet, Perelandria, that hideous strenght.).

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