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A spider just walked onto one of the burners on my stove top...

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Thinking that spiders live in teh toilet is to horrible to comprehend, doncha think?


Even worse is the shower. One time I went on a camping trip in the Appalachians and stayed in an old cabin that hadn't been used in some time. The first time I turned the water on to take a shower, as soon as the water hit the drain a friggin HORDE of giant orange spiders poured out of the drain and they all scattered all over the bathroom. Creeped me the {censored} out.

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Even worse is the shower. One time I went on a camping trip in the Appalachians and stayed in an old cabin that hadn't been used in some time. The first time I turned the water on to take a shower, as soon as the water hit the drain a friggin HORDE of giant orange spiders poured out of the drain and they all scattered all over the bathroom. Creeped me the {censored} out.



Dude I would run

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Even worse is the shower. One time I went on a camping trip in the Appalachians and stayed in an old cabin that hadn't been used in some time. The first time I turned the water on to take a shower, as soon as the water hit the drain a friggin HORDE of giant orange spiders poured out of the drain and they all scattered all over the bathroom. Creeped me the {censored} out.




Total freak.



I found http://whatsthatbug.com/spiders.html and although I'm gonna have nightmares now, I couldn't stop looking at them.



Here's one:




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They were doing construction on my house the last few weeks and they had to do some digging in the backyard. This past week we've had two centipedes, each measuring about 6 inches in length, in the house. Those things scare the {censored} out of people over here in Hawaii. I'v never been bitten by one but supposedly it is pretty painful.


Man-o-wars and Sharks suck over here too. :p

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Even worse is the shower. One time I went on a camping trip in the Appalachians and stayed in an old cabin that hadn't been used in some time. The first time I turned the water on to take a shower, as soon as the water hit the drain a friggin HORDE of giant orange spiders poured out of the drain and they all scattered all over the bathroom. Creeped me the {censored} out.


Eek! One time I was gettin in the shower & there was a small tarantula sitting on the drain having some water.. I jumped the {censored} out.. FAST!! Damn near broke everything on the way! :D

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Eek! One time I was gettin in the shower & there was a small tarantula sitting on the drain having some water.. I jumped the {censored} out.. FAST!! Damn near broke everything on the way!


Are you sure it was a tarantula? Maybe you just looked down and saw your hairy d**k. :D

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LOL, that woulda been one BIG tarantula! :D


We lived out in the sticks back then & had lots of critters..

One time I was working on my truck & was lying on my back underneath. It was night & I had a drop light nearby. I looked over right beside the truck to see a nice BIG tarantula staring at me... Once again, I nearly beat the {censored} outa myself scrambling out from under there! He just sat there watching. :D

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pics or it didn't happen.

Like this beast I slew:





man i had 2 spiders that looked like that in my basement jump out and scare the {censored} out of me last week, except they had orange stripes on thier legs- and they could jump and move fast as hell it creeped me out and it took me like 4 days to get them both because i had to take off for work- and it bothered me the whole time because i knew they were "waiting for me"--lol


after i got them both- i went over my whole basement with the vacuum cleaner and got all the webs and everything.

total sweep and clear operation.


the vacuum is still on the back porch-L:oL

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I've had 2 huge ass brown spiders with black stripes down their backs nearly make me {censored} my pants at work in the past month. I'm pretty much a 3 year old girl when it comes to spiders. A female coworker had to kill the first one, and I shrieked, literally shrieked, in front of a customer the second time.

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My most recent spider attack was my g/f and I snuggly getting into bed, with my laptop on our laps ready to watch a movie. Opening the movie, moving the mouse up to File > Open.... BAM, huge spider jumps onto the screen. And the lights were off with this bright screen, so all you could see was this creepy {censored}in' silhouette of death on the corner of my computer.


I tossed that {censored} to the floor and we both ran out of there. Scary, scary stuff.

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There was a black widow in the car when I was helping my aunt and cousins move to there new house in Fresno


Dude, my family was having a garage sale a few months ago, and we must have seen 6 or 7 black widows while clearing our {censored} out. One memorable thing was we sold a dresser to some woman, so we helped her carry it over to her pickup. When we lifted it up and laid it on it's back in the bed of the truck, a big ass black widow ran across the bottom and up the front. Luckily I had a rolled up paper in my pocket, and crushed the thing.


I {censored}ing hate spiders. I'm not afraid ... I hate them. Just seeing them pisses me the {censored} off. I think I have problems ...

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