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Assuming you already have the tools needed, is it easy to make a good cab?


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/thread and discussion of cabs altogether in my opinion.

The thing is you can't compete on the low end. You can, however make a cab as good as the high end ones for a lot less money. And a big added reason for making one is that you can make it exactly the way you want it. I made a couple of cabs a while back for two drop-tuner nu-metal players with a 15" and a pair of 10"s in each. They ended up very nice and sounded really good for what they wanted. And it was a cab that really isn't very available out on the market. Plus, some people just enjoy creating things. Those are some plus sides of making your own.

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I am planning on making that exact thing, actually.

How did the 2 10's and 15 sound together?

Sounded pretty good. And the 15" obviously moved a little air and gave some extension in the lowend. Wired them up so that the 10"s together got the same amount of power as the single 15".

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Sounded pretty good. And the 15" obviously moved a little air and gave some extension in the lowend. Wired them up so that the 10"s together got the same amount of power as the single 15".



BRILLIANT! Could you tell me how to do that, or do I actually have to teach myself. lol.

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probably cheaper than buying a new nam-brand high end cab.



And that's the reality of it. With that said, you can't beat the price point of one of those Behringer 4x12 cabs. With that same money, you can build a high end cab. I have built some 1x12 fender type cabs that sound and look great for less than 75 dollars. The speakers are the most expensive part. But that's all assuming you have the tools and the want to build it yourself.

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BRILLIANT! Could you tell me how to do that, or do I actually have to teach myself. lol.


Used an 8 ohm 15" and 16 ohm 10"s. The 10"s were connected together in parallel for and 8 ohm load there and then they were connected in parallel to the 15", for a 4 ohm total cab impedance.

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