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Amp Problem


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I switched my Peavey JSX to standy..i heard a loud pop ....i plugged my guitar back in and switched back to play mode and nothing...no sound...amp powers up fine...i have a G major in effects loop...i noticed no signal is being received to it..so i'm thinking bad preamp tube? your thoughts appreciated

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all 4 power tubes glow nicely...all 3 preamp tubes glow as they should....however the driver 12ax7 for the poweramp section does not glow...could that be the culprit as to why there is no sound on any channel? i've made sure all cables are plugged in as should be and it's nothing to do with the guitars output jack, cable or anything ....it is the amp....the fuse has continuity (checked with multimeter)....anybody else have suggestions?

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thats probably the PI (phase inverter) tube for the power amp tubes. If its gone, nada


yeah it's the phase invert tube....it doesn't glow...so it's probably the bad culprit...so if it's bad i'll get no sound from the amp at all right? because i have t urned on amp and tapped all tubes and no sound from anything...I'll go buy another 12ax7 tomorrow and check things out

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