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mac vs pc

Say Ocean

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Awesome wallpaper, are those emulator icons I see? I need to get some more roms, all mine were lost after like my fifth reimaging :mad:

To keep this semi on topic, whats this I'm hearing about mac tablets :eek: I like the versatility of my tablet, but the os and programs for it are failware :mad:

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So why is it that so many people say Macs are better for recording than PCs, anyway?

I view it as Mac owners trying in some way to justify buying their Macs. Its funny how Mac users never get into technical details about their computers, yet, they "know" so much about why they are better.


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I like Macs just having had both. My iBook runs like a dream 5 years later and my PC's seemed to creep to a crawl after a year or two. It's just like preferring Hondas to Fords. Most people don't know the technical aspects of why Hondas are better than Fords other than their personal experience.

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Let's see: as soon as Mac switched to Intel cpus, the first thing that came to Mac users' mind: "How can we run Windows on this thing?"


You don't see many PC users trying to run MAC OS.


PCs are fun, I have an el cheapo E4300 Core 2 Duo chip, yet I run it on a 1333FSB (for a 2.66Ghz core speed), it can run circles around many computer that cost twice as much yet it's 100% stable :thu:

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