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I finally did it....


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Where did you source the parts from? Ceria or elsewhere?

Keep us posted - first builds are always fun.

Tube depot for the bits and pieces and turretboards.com for the , you guessed it, turret board.

A my friend helped me snag the parts needed from the schems / layouts at ceriatone.

Happy Birthday by the way....you old fart....(im 35 btw)

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Heyoer transformers? If so, it should be a great sounding build.

2203 or 2204?

2203....not that I need 100w but what the {censored} ...why not...im an american im supposed to be power hungry right .... lol
Actually its NOS Drake from a Marshall Major (pretty huge!) and the OT is just a Torroid made in Jersey or something. I hope it still sounds good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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board's pretty elegant.. man i love turret boards!

what're the big yellow caps for? i recognize the orange drops.. but what're the others, and what're they for?



.68 uf cathode bypass caps, IIRC.


The other caps appear to be Xicons, not OD's. :poke:

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.68 uf cathode bypass caps, IIRC.

The other caps appear to be Xicons, not OD's. :poke:



y' think? could be.. my eyes can't see any markings.. just the big orange blobs.


ouch.. quit pokin me, y'.


i always wonder what drives peoples choices for parts in their amps-- i'd think there'd be more messin' around with carbon comps and different flavor caps-- but there's not too many builders blabbin about it around here. probably much better places like the builders forum.. but since i'm just a tweaker and NOT a full-on builder.. i go where i speak the vernacular a bit better...

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How come so many people here have "amp nerd friends" but only a few of us here are actually amp nerds?



'cause i understand the guts to a certain extent-- but there's not any amp nerds around here that're too hip on explaining what circuits do what, what parts do what inside circuits, and how it all goes together! i've got bits and pieces-- but i'm a speaker nerd... i can't die from making crossovers!

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'cause i understand the guts to a certain extent-- but there's not any amp nerds around here that're too hip on explaining what circuits do what, what parts do what inside circuits, and how it all goes together!

That's what tube amp books are for :idea: Nobody spoon fed me anything :wave:

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there's only so much time in a day... if most folks could get into EVERYTHING they wanted, what a life. plus, it'd pay to be independently wealthy enough to not care if you blew stuff up... that's not MY particular problem for sure. you DO need some scratch for parts, measuring equipment, and amps too.. which you don't necessarily risk yer number one gigging amp to experiment on..

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How come so many people here have "amp nerd friends" but only a few of us here are actually amp nerds?

Hey. I'm working up to it. I would like to maybe use this as a platform for me to get a grip on at least some of what there is to know. At the least I would like to be able to fix it if something pop's or tweak / hot rod the settings you know. That, to me, would be the {censored}! :thu:

thanks for the comments / encouragement. I know some of you have been here before and im glad my scrappy little turret didn't make you :freak: too much....but there's still time!

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Hey. I'm working up to it. I would like to maybe use this as a platform for me to get a grip on at least some of what there is to know. At the least I would like to be able to fix it if something pop's or tweak / hot rod the settings you know. That, to me, would be the {censored}!

thanks for the comments / encouragement. I know some of you have been here before and im glad my scrappy little turret didn't make you
too much....but there's still time!


I was just kidding around, I just found it amusing how many people say they "have a friend...". Kinda wish we had more amp nerds here.


But seriously, the best way to learn is with a good book. This place is actually pretty bad overall for getting good tech info (there are a few exceptions) and there's really no short cut to learning this stuff, it just takes time to understand. With all the books that have already been written, it's kinda silly to expect someone to explain it all in a forum post. You can get specific questions answered but learning the fundamentals is something you really need to sit down and spend the time reading up on.


BTW, the turret board is the easy part, wait till you start wiring up the chassis :p Seriously, looks good so far. Stay patient, pay close attention to detail and make sure everything is wired up correctly and you should be fine and end up with a very nice amp. Good luck :thu:

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