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OT (music related): Just got a new tattoo


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On my right arm, a treble clef. I am finally graduating with my music degree, so I figure I'd get some extra mojo going for finals this last semester, so I got a treble clef on my right arm, me being a piano player these days.. When it's over I'm going to get the bass clef done in the same style.


I had the idea of this kind of thing for a while, and my tattoo dude, Edgar, nailed it. I gave him the Opeth logo and told him to work off of that same victorian/gothic style. After about 20 minutes of talking and sketching, I went to go get some cash to get it done, and come back and he had this drawn. I love it!




Here's what he was working from. I like how much pointier he made it, just due to the nature of the way the treble clef looks anyway.


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Cool and individual to your self



Thanks. It being individual is very important to me, since this one actually means something.


Speaking of individuals (induhviduals?) Yeah, while I was in there, this girl walked in, went up to the wall, saw the SMALLEST {censored}ing butterfly that was up there, and just said "I want that!" and laid down the money for it. She complained the whole time about the pain, and it took like five minutes. Then she complained about the music that was on (Blackwater Park) when nobody wanted it changed.

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Thanks. It being individual is very important to me, since this one actually means something.

Speaking of individuals (in
viduals?) Yeah, while I was in there, this girl walked in, went up to the wall, saw the SMALLEST {censored}ing butterfly that was up there, and just said "I want that!" and laid down the money for it. She complained the whole time about the pain, and it took like five minutes. Then she complained about the music that was on (Blackwater Park) when nobody wanted it changed.

That kind of person is often referred to as a "C-note" by my particular circle of friends. :idk:

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That kind of person is often referred to as a "C-note" by my particular circle of friends.



Yeah, it was funny watching her plunk down a hundred bucks for that, especially considering that's what I paid for mine, and it's pretty big, a custom design, and looks badass.

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Music tattoos rarely seem to work. However, this is pretty solid.



Thanks, Brendan. I agree about music tattoos. For every great one, or even halfway decent one, there's horror stories of backwards stems on notes, ugly cheesy fonts, and just general crapitude.

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Looks good, mang. My girlfriend wants to get "music is love" tattooed on the back of her left shoulder.


You still dating that same major hottie?


I like to write on joints sometimes, so I remember what I put in them. That quote is something I write on them sometimes, if it's my "gotta practice piano for four hours today no matter what" joint. That's White Widow. ;)


Or at least, that's what I would say if I happened to smoke. I wouldn't know anything about that, though.

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You still dating that same major hottie?

I like to write on joints sometimes, so I remember what I put in them. That quote is something I write on them sometimes, if it's my "gotta practice piano for four hours today no matter what" joint. That's White Widow.

Or at least, that's what I would say if I happened to smoke. I wouldn't know anything about that, though.


Yeah we're still together. Been over a year now. Incredible, I know. :cop:

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Nice tat. Funny enough, "Blackwater Park" is on my playlist for today (along with "Slaughter of the Soul," "My Arms, Your Hearse," and "Colors").




Yeah, man. I've been in a huge Opeth mood lately. I can't decide if I like Blackwater Park, Deliverance, or My Arms, your Hearse more.


Colors... is that a Between the Buried and Me album? That band kind of bums me out. They have real moments of brilliance, but a lot of their music just kind of misses the mark for me. I heard a track from their album Alaska called Selkies - The Endless Obsession, and it's got just this great prog vibe about halfway through until the end, but the beginning is just kind of boring.

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Nice tattoo. Very UN-ghey...which is surprising for a musical type tattoo.

Looks like the guy has a steady hand too...I hate diggers that leave fat lines all over the place.


Yeah Edgar's line work is fantastic. He usually does portrait works, but he's the guy I go to. There's another dude at the shop named Chano who's even better, but he's been tattooing for too long and has become kind of bitter. That dude is kind of a dick, but does amazing work.

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