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E906 vs SM57 Comparison Clips


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Hey everyone,


I decided to do some more recording today.


I've been experimenting with the E906 some more and got what I think is a really killer tone. Here's what I used:


Ibanez RG421


VHT 2/90/2

Avatar 412, speaker is a WGS British Lead 80


Here's the clip with just SM57: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=442291&songID=6653913


Here's the clip with just E906: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=442291&songID=6653904


Here's a blended clip: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=442291&songID=6653886


Working on a track with vocals now... :evil


These links are pictures of the mic placement I used for all three clips. I recorded the blend first, and then just muted the mic I didn't want on.






Thanks for checking it out!

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Sounds ok, but I think you could get better results still if you mixed up the positioning. At the moment, the two mics don't really sound that different. It looks like you've aimed both mics at basically the same area on the speaker. I'd probably look at having one of them dead centre and the other off a bit like you have now. That way one mic will pick up a brighter sound, one will pick up the darker more mid-rangey sound. Mix 'em together and you'll have a big full tone.

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Sounds ok, but I think you could get better results still if you mixed up the positioning. At the moment, the two mics don't really sound
different. It looks like you've aimed both mics at basically the same area on the speaker. I'd probably look at having one of them dead centre and the other off a bit like you have now. That way one mic will pick up a brighter sound, one will pick up the darker more mid-rangey sound. Mix 'em together and you'll have a big full tone.



That's what I usually do. I just made this clip to showcase how the mics handled a very similar sound. Kind of like an A/B if you will.

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