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New Preamp Day!


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Hell yeah! It sounds GREAT right out of the box, haven't even tweaked it. It came with a nice 4 channel foot switch as well.


I'll post more on it, including a comparison with the ENGL preamp, when I get back from errands.


I now own something from four different amp companies as part of my rig! ENGL, VHT, Mesa, and Marshall. Go figure.

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Looking at your gear list, you better get some KILLER tones. Or else...


lol. I sure hope so. The question isn't whether my rig sounds good (to me anyway)... it's whether I can get it to sound good on a recording. That has proved very elusive for me. :mad:

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lol. I sure hope so. The question isn't whether my rig sounds good (to me anyway)... it's whether I can get it to sound good on a recording. That has proved very elusive for me.

Do you have good monitors? That is crucial to getting good recorded tone.

What I do is get a full mix first, and then I record guitars over the mix. It takes a long time to develop an ear for what will sound good on recording vs what sounds good in the room, but once you get it its just a matter of mic placement.

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now you need a peavey rockmaster, a hafler triple giant by bogner and a mesa fity:fifty

I had a Hafler T3 years ago. I remember liking quite a bit. If you asked me now what it sounded like I can't honestly remember though.

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I do need a Peavey
Can the Rockmaster cop a 5150 tone?

I think they're the same preamp as the ultra plus, which is close to the 5150.

Also, get a behringer fcb1010 to run with your marshall. It opens up the flood gate in terms of usability.

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I had an FCB1010 and hated it. I know it allows you to do a ton of stuff, but I really don't WANT to do a ton of stuff. I'm either recording, playing live, or practicing to do one of the two. For recording, I don't need instant accessibility to 100 settings with two expression pedals. For live, I need to keep it as simple as possible ( three presets: clean, br00tz, solo ). For practice, I don't need an amp at all.


I would LOVE to get a 5150 preamp. That would make my manhood tingle :D

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I do need a Peavey
Can the Rockmaster cop a 5150 tone?

That's kind of why I got mine :lol: Well it's hard to say because you need the right power amp of course. I'm thinking my 2:100 is going to make the RM slay. :D

I might also get it modded by FJA, they do some pretty cool things. But yeah, it's an awesome preamp, especially considering how cheap it is.:)

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I do need a Peavey
Can the Rockmaster cop a 5150 tone?

I made a side by side comparion at studio a few days ago
I liked the rockmaster better
they sound VERY similar, but the 5150 sounds more grainy and open
the rockmaster sounds tigher, more consistent, dense and focused
both have a lot of bass and mids, but the rockmaster EQ knobs are like 3 or 4 times more sensitive
I can't say it sounds more versatile, but it definitely allows a better and more precise tone shaping

ps: it sounds like {censored} and noisy as hell with the stock '94 peavey china tubes
it works great with JJ and electro-harmonix

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I made a side by side comparion at studio a few days ago

I liked the rockmaster better

they sound VERY similar, but the 5150 sounds more grainy and open

the rockmaster sounds tigher, more consistent, dense and focused

both have a lot of bass and mids, but the rockmaster EQ knobs are like 3 or 4 times more sensitive

I can't say it sounds more versatile, but it definitely allows a better and more precise tone shaping

ps: it sounds like {censored} and noisy as hell with the stock '94 peavey china tubes

it works great with JJ and electro-harmonix

I wish I could pretend I never read this :cry: For now I have Rockmaster GAS.

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Here's a clip I did... It's just a laptop mic so you can get the gist of how it sounds. Once I get my Firebox I'll post more/better clips.


1 is OD1, 2 is OD2, and 3 is the ENGL E530, for comparison

Sounds pretty sick man. Cool stuff. Maybe I'll have to pick up a JMP-1 one of those days. Right now I've got one, but without the "J" ;)

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