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how to sing properly


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i need to learn how to sing properly...

i made it through college music theory voice training and have sung some tunes in various bands, but i've never really learned the proper way to sing... the way to sing where i won't lose my voice before the show is over and won't lose my voice completely years down the line


so... i don't smoke, that's a good step in the right direction, right?


but can anyone direct me to any good lessons regarding proper breathing and projecting techniques?


I'm developing my voice towards a rock style... elvis but whiny... kinda like win butler of, you guessed it, arcade fire



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I was hopng you were going to tell us... :D



Yeah, if you're losing your voice, you're obviously doing something "wrong" or not protecting yourself enough from the stress and damage inherent in some techniques.


You don't say what style you're singing in but, obviously, some techniques require greater care, prep, etc, than others.


I was amused to see there are voice teachers who specialize in various forms of metal singing... but it really makes sense because several typical metal styles can really shred your pipes if you're not careful.


But even -- or maybe especially -- if your goal was to sing like a cross between Tom Waits, Louis Armstrong, and Captain Beefheart, training and preping your voice, and learning techniques to minimize stress and damage make a lot of sense.



And, heck, if you sing straight, a voice teacher might even help you singer better, too. ;)



(That said, I have no idea, myself. I just muddle through and -- if I can't stand to hear playback, I figure it's just too far out of pitch. If I wake up the next day and sound like Kim Carnes, I figure I did some kind of permanent damage and I should consider vocoder.)

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Singing isn't just about pitch or tone, it also incorporates a LOT of breathing and breathing techniques. I've taken vocal classes, and currently enrolled in classes at the moment.


So there's so much stuff to learn that you've probably never even considered or heard of. Most of it is to complicated to type over the net, but quite simple to learn at a community college.

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One main tip I use every night from my voice classes is to keep your chin down. Dont stick your chin out.

Another is to visualize the air column. keep it straight up (good posture)

Dont be afaid to open your mouth wide. Thats where the power is.

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One main tip I use every night from my voice classes is to keep your chin down. Dont stick your chin out.

Another is to visualize the air column. keep it straight up (good posture)

Dont be afaid to open your mouth wide. Thats where the power is.


#1. Yes, some of us do tend to stick our chin out while singing, just make sure not to put it down when correcting yourself. One's neck shouldn't be sticking out, nor should it be pushed down. Look normal.


#2. GOOD POSTURE. Isn't the number one key to singing, but it's pretty close. Slouching can decrease the air flow, lessening one's ability to sing.


#3. THE MOUTH IS NOT WHERE THE POWER IS. The mouth is where the power is released. The power is the air carrying out one's voice.



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For a long time I tried to teach myself singing through exercises and tips on the internet. Finally I went to a singing coach, and that was the smartest thing I could do. I learned more from three voice lessons than from several years of reading tips on the web.


Proper breathing is key, and it is almost impossible to learn by reading. You need somebody who can show you and tell you when you do it right and when you do it wrong.


I'd recomend going to a classically trained singer and study classical singing. That will teach you proper breathing which you can take with you to whichever style you want to sing.

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I'd recomend going to a classically trained singer and study classical singing. That will teach you proper breathing which you can take with you to whichever style you want to sing.





That's exactly what i'm doing and been doing for a while...


And don't be fooled, just cause their style is different, doesn't mean they can't teach you anything.

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