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Blackheart "Little Giant" half-stack or Marshall Zakk Wylde MicroStack?


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Before I start, I just want to mention that I am not new to these boards. I went under the name Zero_Drop some years ago. I have been playing bass for about 12 years now, and taught myself guitar. As my skills are progressing, I'm outgrowing my Silvertone practice amp, and need something that's flat out better. Now before you think o O (use the search function), I already have. I'm familiar with web forums as well.


I'm in the market for a new amp. These 2 are decently priced around $300 CDN, which is in my budget. I play mostly punk/ska and metal.


Now, obviously the Marshall is solid-state, but at 15 watts, it pumps pretty loud, and I have had a chance to use it.


Now, the reason I'm debating this amp over the Black Heart is that the BH is an all-tube amp, and I really want a tube amp. I love the warm, sparkly sound of a tube amp's clean channel, especially when I'm playing ska.


The BH rocks in at 5 watts (and I'm not concerned about it, as I know tube amp wattage is different vs. solid-state). I've heard how this amp sounds via YouTube videos and I love the sound of it. However, I am a bit confused about this amp. From what I've read/seen, it's a single channel amp. Now, in terms of a clean/OD sound; has any one used this amp? I'm picking up a Dano Fab-Metal next week, it sounds perfect for what I play, so I'll be running that for distortion.


In terms of the BH's overdrive, can some one who has this amp explain to me how this works with the clean/overdrive on this amp, and as well if possible, post a sound clip of the heaviest you can make this amp sound?


I'm leaning more towards the Blackheart, but I've heard the OD channel on the Marshall and it sounds great too..


Ahh.. Decisions, decisions...

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Before I start, I just want to mention that I am not new to these boards. I went under the name Zero_Drop some years ago. I have been playing bass for about 12 years now, and taught myself guitar. As my skills are progressing, I'm outgrowing my Silvertone practice amp, and need something that's flat out better. Now before you think o O (use the search function), I already have. I'm familiar with web forums as well.

I'm in the market for a new amp. These 2 are decently priced around $300 CDN, which is in my budget. I play mostly punk/ska and metal.

Now, obviously the Marshall is solid-state, but at 15 watts, it pumps pretty loud, and I have had a chance to use it.

Now, the reason I'm debating this amp over the Black Heart is that the BH is an all-tube amp, and I really want a tube amp. I love the warm, sparkly sound of a tube amp's clean channel, especially when I'm playing ska.

The BH rocks in at 5 watts (and I'm not concerned about it, as I know tube amp wattage is different vs. solid-state). I've heard how this amp sounds via YouTube videos and I love the sound of it. However, I am a bit confused about this amp. From what I've read/seen, it's a single channel amp. Now, in terms of a clean/OD sound; has any one used this amp? I'm picking up a Dano Fab-Metal next week, it sounds perfect for what I play, so I'll be running that for distortion.

In terms of the BH's overdrive, can some one who has this amp explain to me how this works with the clean/overdrive on this amp, and as well if possible, post a sound clip of the heaviest you can make this amp sound?

I'm leaning more towards the Blackheart, but I've heard the OD channel on the Marshall and it sounds great too..

Ahh.. Decisions, decisions...



Go BH..if your already using a distortion petal...BH, with the volume knob goes from a light clean to a grittier overdrive sound...theres a lot of you tube videos of the BH w/ moderate overdrive.

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Thanks for the input..


Just for clarity, this thing will overdrive, the louder you turn the volume up, correct?


I need this thing to be able to have a nice sparkly, warm, clean sound that I can adjust the volume on without overdriving, then use the FAB-Metal for distortion..


I do apologize for my ignorance, but I can't find t he answers to what I'm looking for anywhere.

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Thanks for the input..

Just for clarity, this thing
overdrive, the louder you turn the volume up, correct?

I need this thing to be able to have a nice sparkly, warm, clean sound that I can adjust the volume on without overdriving, then use the FAB-Metal for distortion..

I do apologize for my ignorance, but I can't find t he answers to what I'm looking for anywhere.



yes it will, but you can still get a clean sound out of it.


this site has some sound samples with the volumes listed:



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Go with the Blackheart!!! This is my first tube amp and I love the tones I'm getting out of it that my solid-state practice amp can't get...The 3W/5W switching is perfect if you want the flexiblilty in headroom...and yes, the louder you turn it up...the more overdrive you'll get!!!

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Go with the Blackheart!!! This is my first tube amp and I love the tones I'm getting out of it that my solid-state practice amp can't get...The 3W/5W switching is perfect if you want the flexiblilty in headroom...and yes, the louder you turn it up...the more overdrive you'll get!!!



So then how do you make it loud without it overdriving?

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So then how do you make it loud without it overdriving?



Well... You don't. The prupose of it is to get a non-master volume overdrive (ie power amp satursation) at a reasonable volume. Its like any other non master amp, the louder the volume gets, the more you overdrive.

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The cleans are plenty loud...infact, when the overdrive kicks in after the 12 o'clock mark (as Trextomb) indicated...it's too loud for bedroom/apartment-friendly volumes (especially in 5W mode)...that's why I'm looking at getting an attenuator.

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See, that's what was deterring me from this amp. I just want an all-tube amp, for around $300-$400 that has a nice clean channel.


I was looking at some Vox's, but I'm still unsure. I guess I'll just have to make another "jam trip" to Long & McQuade sometime soon.


PS. if it makes a difference, I'm running a Fender MIM Tele (stock), into it. I'm most likely going to swap at least the bridge pickup out of it with an SD or something similar soon.

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Out of those two - neither. If you're going blackheart, wait for the 15 watter. It will be out soon, I don't think any companies are shipping yet, but I know you can preorder at mf.



But, as mentioned above, go into a store and try everything. There's really a {censored}-ton of amps in your price range, you just need to look.

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I think you'd be better off getting a Vox Valvetronix or a Fender Super Champ XD personally.



I'd really like to get my hands on a Vox, but they're crazy expensive, even for smaller amps.


I was actually just browsing for tube amps on MF and found the Super Champ XD. It's all-tube AND has a footswitch. If I can use the amp's overdrive, I will. That was one of the main reasons I decided against the Marshal Micro, lack of footswitch.


Regardless, thanx for the info.

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like to get my hands on a Vox, but they're crazy expensive, even for smaller amps.

I was actually just browsing for tube amps on MF and found the Super Champ XD. It's all-tube AND has a footswitch. If I can use the amp's overdrive, I will. That was one of the main reasons I decided against the Marshal Micro, lack of footswitch.

Regardless, thanx for the info.



There's actually not expensive at all -



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Put a 12at7 or 5751 tube in the pre in the Black Heart. Problem solved. Volume dimed it's all clean, and loud. Or use a super efficiant speaker. you'll have to back off on th volume before your tone will get dirty...


IMO, it's apples and Oranges comparing a MV tube head, no matter how small, to SS. If you want, and like tube riffage, buy the tube amp. Buy an SS when you need versatility.

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I must've overlooked this amp on MF.


Anyways, the VSF-2 footswitch is extra, but only $25 which isn't a big deal. Now I understand that since it's a 2-button, one would be for channel switching, and the other for effects, am I wrong here?


Also, I believe L&M have this one in stock at the location up the road from me. I didn't particularly like any of the settings that the MF clips had to offer, but I guess I'll just have to test it and tweak it for my own sound.


I really would prefer a head/cab setup vs. a combo, but we'll see. I'm going to see if they have the Super Champ XD as well.


As for versatility, I don't need it really to be honest. I just need a really nice clean channel from the amp. The distortion/OD will come from a pedal if I go with a tube amp.

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