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Lack of Inspiration


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...to each his/her/its own, I guess...



And I'm not convinced you actually believe this. Why is it a problem if someone doesn't dig your thing? Welcome to the planet! Music has developed so many backwaters that have become oceans unto themselves. Your bound to not please everyone.

I'm certain I'd not enjoy a plate of monkeybrains and fisheyes with a cockroach garnish. If that's the only thing the chef can make that's his problem I guess, because I'll be on to the next restaurant, or wait till I'm nearly starved to death before I chow down.

But there's no problem with the whole world if they somehow don't like what you do.


The problem is having the idea that the world owes you something. It doesn't.

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No wonder you miss my point when you listen too much punkrock! I haven't heard of Alkaline Trio, so you must be right, they are not popular. But I also played in punk band based in LA 30 years ago, and we weren't very popular either, but in the mean time they are history and legend.


Just keep our epigram in mind:


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Well, as long the person is not obsessed with the usually erotic interest in or stimulating corpses, or what is called necrophilia, he is okay.... I guess




And there ya go. There are some things EVERYBODY except the .01% that DO it, that think it is just wrong. PPPBbbb. It's all good. :rolleyes: Man, I'm reasonably open minded, kinda like Giger, definitely live and let live. But if you ask me, IT AIN'T ALL GOOD! :mad: Some stuff just sucks outright. Just because somebody makes a comedy off it's suckage outrightedness doesn't mean it didn't suck. :lol:

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The problem is having the idea that the world owes you something. It doesn't.



When did I say the world owed me something? When did ANYONE in this thread say the world owed them something? In fact, I think I owe the world something. While I'm on the planet I should do something to leave it a little nicer then when I found it. Not sure what the point of your sentence was there...

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I guess the problem is that people like you (plus sign carriers) don't enjoy (or much enjoy) works written by people who carry around either minus signs or chopped in half plus signs...



You mention a problem here, with *people like me* because we don't enjoy/much enjoy your thing.


And while the above doesn't state directly that you feel the world owes you, to me it has that air about it. No one, regardless of how you group them, is obligated to enjoy your music, or buy into the whole mindset that goes with it.

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samuraiBSD, listen to whoever you want to and write about whatever you want. At this stage it's more important that you learn the mechanics of putting together a piece of music that has some sort of interest/appeal, however morbid. Keep at it and don't be discouraged by your apparent failure rate. If you need help, start a thread here and describe the issue you have, preferably with an audio sample of what you're working on. Good luck.
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This band was "Still Life" and I remember recording one album with the titel "DESTROY L.A." for a label or company named Mystic Records/MLP; I think that was in 1982.

Another bands I remember is "Bad Religion," and the scene was pretty wild. I stopped playing with bands shortly after and concentrated on my job as composer/producer, and worked at Simone Production in Burbank, where we made an endless amount of soundtracks for many different clients, among them also big studios like Disney or Warner.

That's the way I look at it, everything is pop or rock, and everything else are sub genres of pop or rock.



Still Life... don't think I ever saw you guys. Did you have a keyboard? That sometimes divided things up for the bookers. Bands with keyboards were either art-punks or new wave. :D I saw my share of a lot of it. I found a compilation record from '82 (on the 'net) with you guys, Bad Religion, and Shattered Faith. Search is complicated 'cause there was another Still Life in LA in '89-'93 doing what is described in Wikipedia ab being "emocore" but they started out as "Monster Club."

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, listen to whoever you want to and write about whatever you want. At this stage it's more important that you learn the mechanics of putting together a piece of music that has some sort of interest/appeal, however morbid. Keep at it and don't be discouraged by your apparent failure rate. If you need help, start a thread here and describe the issue you have, preferably with an audio sample of what you're working on. Good luck.



+1 What inspires you may change, the skills you gain whether you write about this, or that, will transfer.



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Still Life... don't think I ever saw you guys. Did you have a keyboard? That sometimes divided things up for the bookers. Bands with keyboards were either art-punks or new wave. I
found a compilation record from '82 (on the 'net) with you guys, Bad Religion, and Shattered Faith.Club



That's the one!


No keyboard player, maybe on some songs there are keys, don't remember.



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You mention a problem here, with *people like me* because we don't enjoy/much enjoy your thing.

And while the above doesn't state directly that you feel the world owes you, to me it has that air about it. No one, regardless of how you group them, is obligated to enjoy your music, or buy into the whole mindset that goes with it.



Would you preferred I said "situation" or "thing" or something? I don't mean it as a problem, I mean it as a specific instance that not everyone perfectly meshes with everyone else, and apparently me and this forum are a perfect example of that. There is no mindset to buy into, you just listen to whatever the hell you like. I don't wear eyeliner and black all the time with extremely tight jeans and studded belts whilst thinking about how much life sucks, but I love My Chemical Romance (or used to before the black parade, anyway). Apparently I just can't find anyone to get along with up here because I clash with everyone (probably a problem with me, so don't get all offended, alright?), so I'll just end with saying that I didn't mean you any disrespect, but you seem intent on interpreting what I say with an air of pugnaciousness, so I give up on that. Thank you all and have wonderful, sunny and otherwise extremely cherry lives.

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Um...it's all good?

I'm Ok. You're Ok?

Dude, don't bolt. Perhaps I was a bit gruff. I'm a bit amped up...coffee. I feel your wound a little tight as well. Things can get a little rough around here. HC in general I mean. I've had people rip me a new one....only to find out they've been hangin out in the political forum and it wasn't meant to hurt THAT bad. :D
I'm with Angelo in that if someone says they're uninspired and then we find out they mostly just listen to really dark music, it follows that there may be a connection. If someone says their stomach hurts and they have no appetite...well, could be the Red Bull and powdered sugar donuts. Just our two grubby grams o' copper.
Anyway, ain't no thang mang.

Write away! :wave:

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... stomach hurts and they have no appetite ...



Apropos appetite...


This guy went to the doctor and said: "I can't {censored}"

Doctor: "Take this pills and come in two day again"

Guy after two days: "I still can't {censored}"

Doctor: "What's your profession?"

Guy: "I'm a musician"

Doctor: "Aah, well then, here are fifty bucks, go and eat something"



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I feel like quitting now - nobody really takes kids seriously as songwriters, and I'm not much of one as it is - but I know that it'd be a bad idea to stop trying. Maybe it's not what I'm meant to do. In fact, it's probably not, but I've always wanted to be one of the creative types who can write songs and just make awesome stuff like that, so I keep trying and trying. Who knows? I might find somewhere that really makes me feel welcome bringing something to the table, and that'll give me some power to write something good. Just keep trying. Your mind will produce something for you if it's time for it to. Not sure if that helps at all, but that's just my opinion on it



I've done TONS of what you do in that clip, and I know some of it was time well spent. But really, as soon as you feel like it, and maybe you have, get a multitrack and some like minded players, or even a drum machine, (it'll show up) and start putting things together that are yours. All yours. Or more yours. I think that could be quite inspiring. Just a thought....

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... I've always wanted to be one of the creative types who can write songs and just make awesome stuff like that, so I keep trying and trying.





But that's what we all do when we compose music, we just keep on doing it. It would be very sad for me if I wouldn't make any progress while keep on trying.


Maybe the way (of trying) is the goal and the gratification.



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