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Lack of Inspiration


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I feel like quitting now - nobody really takes kids seriously as songwriters, and I'm not much of one as it is - but I know that it'd be a bad idea to stop trying. Maybe it's not what I'm meant to do. In fact, it's probably not, but I've always wanted to be one of the creative types who can write songs and just make awesome stuff like that, so I keep trying and trying. Who knows? I might find somewhere that really makes me feel welcome bringing something to the table, and that'll give me some power to write something good. Just keep trying. Your mind will produce something for you if it's time for it to. Not sure if that helps at all, but that's just my opinion on it

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I feel like quitting now - nobody really takes kids seriously as songwriters, and I'm not much of one as it is - but I know that it'd be a bad idea to stop trying. Maybe it's not what I'm meant to do. In fact, it's probably not, but I've always wanted to be one of the creative types who can write songs and just make awesome stuff like that, so I keep trying and trying. Who knows? I might find somewhere that really makes me feel welcome bringing something to the table, and that'll give me some power to write something good. Just keep trying. Your mind will produce something for you if it's time for it to. Not sure if that helps at all, but that's just my opinion on it



You take that all too serious.


Pop music has to make fun or it is not worth doing it. Think of pop music as a hobby who makes you feel good, just like some folks make model aircraft or collect match boxes.



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You take that all too serious.

Pop music has to make fun or it is not worth doing it. Think of pop music as a hobby who makes you feel good, just like some folks make model aircraft or collect match boxes.



i like this angelo guy.

stop beating yourself up, samuraiBSD. just make your songs and you will get better.

as for me, i don't know what i'm 'meant' to do , but i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be what i'm currently doing. :D

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You take that all too serious.

Pop music has to make fun or it is not worth doing it. Think of pop music as a hobby who makes you feel good, just like some folks make model aircraft or collect match boxes.




I guess I miss your point here because I'm not a pop fan. My major influence is Alkaline Trio, so I would tend to adopt their lyrical style, which is far from what pop is.

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I guess I miss your point here because I'm not a pop fan. My major influence is Alkaline Trio, so I would tend to adopt their lyrical style, which is far from what pop is.



No wonder you miss my point when you listen too much punkrock! I haven't heard of Alkaline Trio, so you must be right, they are not popular. But I also played in punk band based in LA 30 years ago, and we weren't very popular either, but in the mean time they are history and legend.


Just keep our epigram in mind:


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No wonder you miss my point when you listen too much punkrock! I haven't heard of Alkaline Trio, so you must be right, they are not popular. But I also played in punk band based in LA 30 years ago, and we weren't very popular either, but in the mean time they are history and legend.

Just keep our epigram in mind:

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Alkaline Trio are pretty huge actually...

Anyway, in response to Samurai: try remixing stuff, some Alkaline Trio stuff even, it's a good way to create something cool without having to be feeling really "inspired" or whatever..



at least someone's heard of Alkaline Trio....yeah, i try remixing things, but it always comes out too close to the original song, so I end up going back to trying to come up with my own stuff...

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I feel like quitting now - nobody really takes kids seriously as songwriters, and I'm not much of one as it is - but I know that it'd be a bad idea to stop trying. Maybe it's not what I'm meant to do. In fact, it's probably not, but I've always wanted to be one of the creative types who can write songs and just make awesome stuff like that, so I keep trying and trying. Who knows? I might find somewhere that really makes me feel welcome bringing something to the table, and that'll give me some power to write something good. Just keep trying. Your mind will produce something for you if it's time for it to. Not sure if that helps at all, but that's just my opinion on it

Addressing the OP also.
Feeling like quitting because you've had a dry spell seems like a very emotional response. Not uncommon. But the more you chase inspiration and wring your hands about the lack of it, the less likely something cool is going to happen. Inspiration likes to land on your shoulder, and kiss you on the cheek. ;)

If you've perceived yourself to be lacking in some area, you don't have to take it lying down, or throw it all in the trash. You're just indulging your feelings. Address those things that you see as stoppers directly. And I agree, watching your heroes can be a serious boost.

It really only matters to you though. Writing, playing. The world doesn't care. God's gift to songwriting may well be in Bangladesh sewing sweats for Walmart for 18 hours/18cents a day. You're lucky!

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at least someone's heard of Alkaline Trio....yeah, i try remixing things, but it always comes out too close to the original song, so I end up going back to trying to come up with my own stuff...

Well try deliberately combining something like Alkaline Trio with something completely different, like calipso music or something (dunno, something different at least :freak: ). Some of what I like about early hip hop, for example, was that there were more references to their roots, to what hip hop was born out of (i.e. funk and soul) so there was immediately something exciting in the contrast. Hey, even "Walk This Way" was really cool because it combined Aerosmith, then considered heavy rock, with rap. :cool: maybe give something like that a try?

Also, I agree with RockViolin: you'll almost never find something when you're looking really hard for it. Just write when you really feel like it rather than forcing yourself to write a classic. You can't make yourself feel inspired, it just happens.

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Alkaline Trio songs are mostly about alcohol, boredom, death and lovesickness


is there something wrong with that?:freak:

I think it's easiest to write the kind of music that appeals to you. I can relate to a lot of what the Trio writes, so I tend to write like that (not to mention my morbid fascination with death). But that just goes to show inspiration comes from odd places. My parents went to a graveyard during one of my dad's business trips (my mom likes to look at old graveyards, and so do I). I saw pictures and one of them was of a headstone that had been broken and the top 3/4 of it was gone. Perfect premise for a song about...well, maybe I'll record it and post it and tell you then, but broken headstones make a great metaphor. Inspiration tends to strike me rarely, but when it does, I'll take my opportunity to write something cool

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is there something wrong with that?

I think it's easiest to write the kind of music that appeals to you. I can relate to a lot of what the Trio writes, so I tend to write like that (not to mention my morbid fascination with death). But that just goes to show inspiration comes from odd places. My parents went to a graveyard during one of my dad's business trips (my mom likes to look at old graveyards, and so do I). I saw pictures and one of them was of a headstone that had been broken and the top 3/4 of it was gone. Perfect premise for a song about...well, maybe I'll record it and post it and tell you then, but broken headstones make a great metaphor. Inspiration tends to strike me rarely, but when it does, I'll take my opportunity to write something cool

What should I say, may this, God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled, and all our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.

I personally think that writting lyrics to old and existing music is a little odd, quixotic, or virtual, comparable to someone who who just successfully, and in record time, finished 27 rounds in the PS3 Formula 1 (F1) Championchip, and then picks up the phone, calls Ferrari and askes "Do you need a pilot?"


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Alkaline Trio songs are mostly about alcohol, boredom, death and lovesickness


"Different strokes for different folks" I suppose. Or, "it takes all kinds." :idk:

I'd be tempted to think that sources of inspiration are as varied as tastes. It just depends on what a person's trip is. A quick tour of the internet's "42nd street" shows people doing things that they must have seen someone else doing and then were inspired to do themsleves. The question, as always, is who's the genius that thought of...oh...say... shooting bottlerockets out the hiney first? :D

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"Different strokes for different folks" I suppose. Or, "it takes all kinds."

I'd be tempted to think that sources of inspiration are as varied as tastes.
It just depends on what a person's trip is. A quick tour of the internet's "42nd street" shows people doing things that they must have seen someone else doing and then were inspired to do themsleves. The question, as always, is who's the genius that thought of...oh...say... shooting bottlerockets out the hiney first?

and I think you'd be perfectly right about that. It's just a matter of what appeals to you.

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I'd be tempted to think that sources of inspiration are as varied as tastes. It just depends on what a person's trip is.

*But*, I also think it is possible to have a morbid fascination with something so morose as to make escape from it's event horizon nearly impossible. The downward pull can be very...enticing, but not neccessarily inspiring. Mahler's 9th and 10th unfinished symphonies are this way for me. They mostly make me wanna rip my heart out. :cry:

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For the past 2 years or so I had almost completely quit playing because I couldn't play or come up with anything that hadn't already been done. It was frustrating to the point where I didn't feel like I deserved to own all the guitars and amps I own if I cant be productive with them.


One big dilemma (or i thought) for me is that I am an addict of several different genres of music. A lot of Thrash, some Surf rock, Rockabilly, Ska, Punk, Death metal... So i'll write a couple of riffs that are extremely surf rock. And some good Thrash riffs. And some good Rockabilly stuff. And i could never make any single cohesive result... On top of that, I felt like if i took all the surf riffs I had, or all the thrash riffs I had, there was nothing original, because even if the notes and rhythms and chords were different, it still sounded like thrash or surf rock, which is definitely not new...


So lately I've been trying to make sure everything I come up with is a good blend of styles, without being any one style. I've been listening to other kinds of music for inspiration. Like listening to folk melodies and chord progressions, taking snippets, and morphing them into heavy riffs that sound nothing like the first, but are a good marriage between the different styles. So far my new approach seems to be working a lot better than it was to just sit around and wait for the music to spontaneously flow from my hands.

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Like listening to folk melodies and chord progressions, taking snippets, and morphing them into heavy riffs that sound nothing like the first, but are a good marriage between the different styles.



Dvorak, Bartok.... especially did this, but others also. Brahms, Mahler, etc.

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*But*, I also think it is possible to have a morbid fascination with something so morose as to make escape from it's event horizon nearly impossible. The downward pull can be very...enticing, but not neccessarily inspiring. Mahler's 9th and 10th unfinished symphonies are this way for me. They mostly make me wanna rip my heart out.

Well, doesn't that just say that if one of your fascinations is death (just as an example), a lot of your work will use death as a reference or perhaps a metaphor? Personally, I see nothing wrong with this, but it would give all your work a hint of death and sort of a bitter/sickly sweet tinge to them (again, just for use as an example), so I could see how someone would get tired of it...

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Well, doesn't that just say that if one of your fascinations is death (just as an example), a lot of your work will use death as a reference or perhaps a metaphor? Personally, I see nothing wrong with this, but it would give all your work a hint of death and sort of a bitter/sickly sweet tinge to them (again, just for use as an example), so I could see how someone would get tired of it...



Well, it *just* says to you whatever it *just* says to you.


I think your defense speaks volumes.


I think that at the very bottom of a deep dark hole what you have is the bottom of a very deep dark hole. For me there's nothing inspiring about that. I don't feel inclined to crawl into evey crack and crevice of it looking for nothing. Personally, I think death is as well worn a subject as any. Big deal. We're all gonna die. I prefer to carry around a "plus" sign.


But I certainly don't think there's anything "wrong" with finding something to write about there. Mahler certainly did. He was MAD, full of anguish and despair, and it shows in those works I listed. Much as I get it, it's not inspiring for me though.


There certainly are people in this world for whom up is down, and down is up.

I know an artist that can only paint when he is deeply depressed. Which for him is such an unhealthy state that he gave up painting, so as not to feed the beast.

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Well, it *just* says to you whatever it *just* says to you.

I think your defense speaks volumes.

I think that at the very bottom of a deep dark hole what you have is the bottom of a very deep dark hole. For me there's nothing inspiring about that. I don't feel inclined to crawl into every crack and crevice of it looking for nothing. Personally, I think death is as well worn a subject as any. Big deal. We're all gonna die. I prefer to carry around a "plus" sign.

But I certainly don't think there's anything "wrong" with finding something to write about there. Mahler certainly did. He was MAD, full of anguish and despair, and it shows in those works I listed. Much as I get it, it's not inspiring for me though.

There certainly are people in this world for whom up is down, and down is up.

I know an artist that can only paint when he is deeply depressed. Which for him is such an unhealthy state that he gave up painting, so as not to feed the beast.



I can see what you mean by this. I guess the problem is that people like you (plus sign carriers) don't enjoy (or much enjoy) works written by people who carry around either minus signs or chopped in half plus signs...to each his/her/its own, I guess...

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I guess the problem is that people like you (plus sign carriers) don't enjoy (or much enjoy) works written by people who carry around either minus signs or chopped in half plus signs...



I think the flipside to that is much the same. And one can be as ridiculous as the other.

And it's not that "people like me" walk around all day singing, "Yummy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy".


But yes, for me, life is an infinitely richer source of material than death.

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