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Intelligent lo-fi jazzy hip hop


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Well that's what my brother calls it, lol.


The song is called "Kinetic Avenue". I'm trying for a lo-fi sound here. The vocal sample may be clipping a touch, and the mix is a little muddy. Any tips on getting a better mix are greatly appreciated!!! ....anyway, thanks for listening



Mods: sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum


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I mostly like it pretty well. It has that poppy bounce that David Holmes used to get. I think the jazzband samples seem handled very well. I don't know if you did the manipulations on the but the mangling is pretty top flight.


I'm not so sure about the sound fx kind of thing that pops up about midway and occurs a few more times... it seems more a distraction that a development.


Right now it's a bit monochromatic. I like what you've got but it seems more like a beginning spliced to an end. (Nothing wrong with that for a short piece, of course, a lot of folks find room for that sort of thing on their albums.)


A nice little bump.

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Right now it's a big monochromatic.

A nice little bump.



Thank you for the feedback as well as the listen. :)



I hope I understand this right, monochromatic meaning the track is in the same Key throughout and the scale is chromatic. Is this correct?

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My bad typing -- I had typed (just fixed) "...it's a big monochromatic..." but I meant "a bit monochromatic" -- but I meant it more in the visual, sense, so a couple mea culpas stacking up there.


Let's put it this way... I think it could be really cool if you expanded the middle by developing or exploring or inverting or mutating what you've got in some way... maybe even a breakdown of some kind.


Or you could leave it as a little minute-plus mood thing. I guess I just liked it enough that I wanted it longer -- but knew that there'd have to be some development to sustain that.


Anyhow, like I said, the basic groove is pretty cool.

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