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15 minutes with the Peavey Vypyr 75


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Stopped by GC yesterday and they had one in the amp room, so I was able to hear well and crank it a little. I am still not able to play very well due to my accident with the table saw (gross pic), but I was able to get a taste for the amp. I focused on the basic tones, with compression on, as I don't care so much for all the effects.


The good:

-the high gain patches were nice and thick and tight, responded to palm mutes well. I expected this having owned a Peavey Transformer.

-cleans were very nice, especially the Fender and Bad Cat models.

-the real test for me was how does it do the low gain blues stuff, on the Brit, Fender and BadCat models. I was presently surprised. Either they have refined the transtube stuff a bit, or my ears are fooling me, but this sounded way smoother than my Transformer.


The bad:

-there is a slight digital hum when you turn it on, and it went away when I plugged the guitar in (Laguna Strat).

-after about 10 minutes, there was a soft static sound and the amp powered off. I power cycled it, no help. I waited 30 sec, power cycled it, and then it came back. Hopefully this is just a rare defect.

-I found myself wanting to crank up the bass on most patches, and the bass freq was tuned a tad high. The totally open cab is probably partly to blame, if I buy one, I will prob close it halfway.


Overall, I think this amp is a hit. It doesn't sound exactly like tube distortion but it is really close.

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Stopped by GC yesterday and they had one in the amp room, so I was able to hear well and crank it a little. I am still not able to play very well due to my accident with the table saw (
gross pic
), but I was able to get a taste for the amp. I focused on the basic tones, with compression on, as I don't care so much for all the effects.

The good:

-the high gain patches were nice and thick and tight, responded to palm mutes well. I expected this having owned a Peavey Transformer.

-cleans were very nice, especially the Fender and Bad Cat models.

-the real test for me was how does it do the low gain blues stuff, on the Brit, Fender and BadCat models. I was presently surprised. Either they have refined the transtube stuff a bit, or my ears are fooling me, but this sounded way smoother than my Transformer.

The bad:

-there is a slight digital hum when you turn it on, and it went away when I plugged the guitar in (Laguna Strat).

-after about 10 minutes, there was a soft static sound and the amp powered off. I power cycled it, no help. I waited 30 sec, power cycled it, and then it came back. Hopefully this is just a rare defect.

-I found myself wanting to crank up the bass on most patches, and the bass freq was tuned a tad high. The totally open cab is probably partly to blame, if I buy one, I will prob close it halfway.

Overall, I think this amp is a hit. It doesn't sound exactly like tube distortion but it is really close.

Sorry about your hand man, that looks horribley {censored}ing painful. Hope you at least got some percocts for the waiting out the pain part. Nice review of the 75. I own one. It's a good/decent/above average practice amp. It's not the second coming.. We all knew it wouldn't be. It IS the best modeling amp out there at the moment. AND, if just ONE KID buys one of these amps over a Marshall MG or Spider f'n III, it will have done its job because one thing the amp is NOT, is an ear torturer (depending on who's playing of course :lol:)
Hope your hand heals quick bro. Neosporin is your friend. Apply generously and often! ;)

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Stopped by GC yesterday and they had one in the amp room, so I was able to hear well and crank it a little. I am still not able to play very well due to my accident with the table saw (
), but I was able to get a taste for the amp. I focused on the basic tones, with compression on, as I don't care so much for all the effects.

The good:

-the high gain patches were nice and thick and tight, responded to palm mutes well. I expected this having owned a Peavey Transformer.

-cleans were very nice, especially the Fender and Bad Cat models.

-the real test for me was how does it do the low gain blues stuff, on the Brit, Fender and BadCat models. I was presently surprised. Either they have refined the transtube stuff a bit, or my ears are fooling me, but this sounded way smoother than my Transformer.

The bad:

-there is a slight digital hum when you turn it on, and it went away when I plugged the guitar in (Laguna Strat).

-after about 10 minutes, there was a soft static sound and the amp powered off. I power cycled it, no help. I waited 30 sec, power cycled it, and then it came back. Hopefully this is just a rare defect.

-I found myself wanting to crank up the bass on most patches, and the bass freq was tuned a tad high. The totally open cab is probably partly to blame, if I buy one, I will prob close it halfway.

Overall, I think this amp is a hit. It doesn't sound exactly like tube distortion but it is really close.



I am gonna close the back on mine as well. I noticed the amp doesn't get very hot at all so I'll just leave a breathing hole near the heat sink. The amp has too much high end for me but I am able to roll off the treble enough to make it work. Also, try a mellower speaker.

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Hope you at least got some percocts for the waiting out the pain part.


Thanks. I had my share of vicodin. It would have been nice if they had properly anesthetized my middle finger before stitching it, that was actually the worst part. There was that weird moment, before leaving for the hospital, where I realized I needed to look and make sure all the pieces were there before I left. My doc thinks it may be infected deep in there, so now I am going to a surgeon. It's so weird not being able to form a G chord.


It's not fair to compare the Vypyr to my Vetta, but for the money I think it is great.

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Thanks. I had my share of vicodin. It would have been nice if they had properly anesthetized my middle finger before stitching it, that was actually the worst part. There was that weird moment, before leaving for the hospital, where I realized I needed to look and make sure all the pieces were there before I left. My doc thinks it may be infected deep in there, so now I am going to a surgeon. It's so weird not being able to form a G chord.

It's not fair to compare the Vypyr to my Vetta, but for the money I think it is great.



Damn man, you're making me cringe just thinking about that. Be very careful about keeping that wound clean. My buddy got a nasty staff staph(sp?) infection from wound like that and a dirty hospital room. Now he gets staff flare ups every few months and he's really pissed about it...Keep it clean. No guitar tho, that's another tragedy, sorry...

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EVEN the little one is more powerful than the Vetta...


That wouldn't surprise me. But I'm not sure you'd want to put a Vypyr up against a Vetta. If there is anything you don't like about a sound on the Vetta, with enough patience you can adjust it. Pre and post distortion EQs, etc. The exception would be sampling artifacts like aliasing or latency. It isn't perfect but it clips more like a tube amp than the Vypyr (for 7x the price).

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