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New Budget for amp


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I've raised my budget for a new amp to around $1,000 give or take a couple hundred.

I play death metal pretty much. I want a thick yet tight rythym tone and a really smooth, kind of warm lead tone. A decent clean would definitely be appreciated. I don't gig now, but i want to be ready too. Still i would like an amp that sounds good at low volumes. This is a really big factor for me! One EQ is fine, but the more the better.


I have a Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12 cab by the way.




Some amps I'm looking at(all used of course):

1. Laboga Mr. Hector

2. Engl Blackmore

3. Engl Powerball

4. Engl E530 Preamp w/ VHT 2150

5. Randall RM50/1000

6. VHT 50/CL


So I'd love some feedback on any of these amps and which ones you feel are best for me.

New suggestions welcome too!:thu:

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There is a laboga MR Hector on Ebay right now with a 1000 buy it now I believe...



yeah i think its the same guy that is selling his on here.

I'm not sure what i want though. In Minnesota there aren't many high end amp dealers, so i need a lot of opinions on these amps so i can make my decision.

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i find the 5150 to be too grainy and it's kind of loud for my playing environment.

It also could be because i have combo version and the head version is much better.

The Blackmore sounds really good to me, but i like the versatility of the Powerball.

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The blackmore is more versatile than the powerball it has way better med gain tones also i liked the blackmore alot better than the powerball with the g-flex. I found that my 6505 wasnt that bad at lower volumes but it was modded though but Engls are great at lower volumes..

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The blackmore is more versatile than the powerball it has way better med gain tones also i liked the blackmore alot better than the powerball with the g-flex. I found that my 6505 wasnt that bad at lower volumes but it was modded though but Engls are great at lower volumes..



ah so the added EQ of the Powerball doesn't add as much versatility as i would have thought.

to me the Blackmore sounds warmer and thicker, which is exactly what I'm looking for. how much do Blackmores usually go for used? I've seen one at about 1,100.


I also might consider buying an FJA modded 5150 head for $1,200.

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If it were between the powerball and blackmore, i'd go blackmore. The powerball really isn't all that versatile. It only does super clean, and super scoop distorted. It's not really amazing at the other tones.



Pretty much sums it up. Also i had a VHT UL when i had my g-flex and it sounded like {censored} if you go vht i would get a different cab..

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If it were between the powerball and blackmore, i'd go blackmore. The powerball really isn't all that versatile. It only does super clean, and super scoop distorted. It's not really amazing at the other tones.



I guess that is kind of what i want, but i would like to have a nice mid gain too.


But for heavy music would you go PBall or Blackmore? Just basing your decision off the distortion channel.

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Pretty much sums it up. Also i had a VHT UL when i had my g-flex and it sounded like {censored} if you go vht i would get a different cab..



Yeah I've heard the VHTs are awfully picky and i don't have much extra cash for a different cab. Is it the speakers that they don't like? Or just the cab in general?

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ah so the added EQ of the Powerball doesn't add as much versatility as i would have thought.

to me the Blackmore sounds warmer and thicker, which is exactly what I'm looking for. how much do Blackmores usually go for used? I've seen one at about 1,100.

I also might consider buying an FJA modded 5150 head for $1,200.



Usually $1100 to $1200 range maybe a tad more if the footswitch is included but with the way the used market is going who knows. $1200 is pretty high for a modded 5150 mine was mint and sold it for $950..

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Usually $1100 to $1200 range maybe a tad more if the footswitch is included but with the way the used market is going who knows. $1200 is pretty high for a modded 5150 mine was mint and sold it for $950..



It's the one on the FJA website. Probably because or the orange cab, but i could do without it. the black cab is fine with me.

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Yeah I've heard the VHTs are awfully picky and i don't have much extra cash for a different cab. Is it the speakers that they don't like? Or just the cab in general?



I never tried different speakers in mine but probably both. I would get a VHT FB cab if i where to get another VHT. Also the powerball is alot more compressed and gainy compared to the balckmore which is more open sounding and clearer. Here's a comparison of both.


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I think the guy is selling it here as well

Yes get the laboga


I've heard from some people its just like a more expensive 5150, some clips i've heard on the RSA website were very good.

I haz to sell my 5150 combo first though!

I just need my mind made up so i don't have to wait too long for an amp.


So its either the...

Laboga Mr. Hector

Engl Powerball


Engl Blackmore

Oh and the Engl E530 preamp w/ VHT or Mesa power amp


at least i've narrowed it down:)

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For what you want to do I don't think you could do any better than the Laboga. You should get it while you still can.



I don't have the money for it yet though

i need the extra cash from selling my 5150 which hasnt been sold yet.


What is with all the bad reviews of the Laboga on this site?

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