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Help me with my Ebay account, god this is stupid :facepalm:


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Registration blocked. Users whose registered status is blocked must resolve any outstanding complaints on file before proceeding. Please resolve all outstanding complaints and try again.


Click here to make a one-time payment to pay your outstanding balance in full.

Learn more about account suspension.


I get this message when I try and go into my ebay. And the only way I could sign in to my account was by changing the password, wtf :confused:

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Not that I know of.

I did recieve an email from ebay a while back saying that it was possible that my account might've been hacked, so they rendered it non-functioning, and so I cahnged my password to get back into it, and this is what I get



eBay does NOT send emails like this. Looks like someone sent you a fake email, you went to a site that looked like eBay and typed in your current and "new" password there, which were submitted to the scammer. Once they got a hold of your password they used your account to scam somebody.


I'm pretty sure that's what happened.


It's called "phishing".. call ebay asap and also change your passwords on any other sites that you use the same password for. Especially Paypal.

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eBay does NOT send emails like this. Looks like someone sent you a fake email, you went to a site that looked like eBay and typed in your current and "new" password there, which were submitted to the scammer. Once they got a hold of your password they used your account to scam somebody.

I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

It's called "phishing".. call ebay asap and also change your passwords on any other sites that you use the same password for. Especially Paypal.

I'll post up the email I got, and it wasn't an actual email, it came in my ebay messages:

Dear shadylady63red,

In an effort to protect your eBay account security, we have suspended your account until such time that it can be safely restored to you. We have taken this action because your password may have been compromised. Sometimes this happens when members respond to an email asking for personal information. Although those emails appear to come from eBay, they are really sent by people attempting to gain access to your account. Although we cannot disclose our investigative procedures that led to this conclusion, please know that we took this action in order to maintain the safety of your account.

Please change the password that you use on the EMAIL account that you have registered to your eBay account. Make sure that it is also different from the password that you use on your eBay account. By doing this we can ensure that you are the only one that can access any further communication we may have with you.

Once you have taken steps to secure your email, please contact our Live Help team for assistance restoring access to your account. You can reach the Account Theft Live Help team by viewing the page below:


Programs that block pop-up windows may prevent you from accessing Live Help. If this is the case, you may be able to temporarily disable the program or configure the program to allow pop-ups on the eBay site in order to use Live Help. Additionally, Live Help may not work with some web browsers. If you continue to experience difficulties, you may be able to use Live Help by updating your browser to the most recent version or by using a different program to access the eBay site.

If you are unable to contact eBay through Live Help after taking these steps, respond directly to this message to request assistance. We will contact you by email after we have received your response.

Please be aware that there may be a delay in responses sent by email. In order to handle your concern as quickly and efficiently as possible, we encourage you to contact us through Live Help if you are able to do so.


eBay Trust & Safety

Learn how you can protect yourself from spoof (fake) emails at:

This administrative email was sent to shadechara@aol.com from eBay. Your account is registered on www.ebay.com. As outlined in our User Agreement, eBay will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. If you would like to receive this email in text format, change your notification preferences.

See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have questions about eBay's communication policies.
Privacy Policy: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/privacy-policy.html
User Agreement: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/user-agreement.html


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