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What do you think of my song?


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Somehow, this really works for me. I'm not saying I'm going to be playing it every day, mind you. But despite the definitely-not-for-everyone approach, I found myself really charmed.


Now... I have to ask... do you always sing in that range? It worked for this song, but it sounded, well, a bit strained. All things being equal, I think I'd at least experiment with other ranges and approaches.

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Well, when someone posts a song asking for comment, no, I don't normally leap to the assumption that they are playing a joke.


There is a real range of ability levels, styles, and approaches here.


If I was to assume all quirky or less-than-radio-ready songs were jokes, I'd be afraid of risking not taking someone's real efforts seriously or dismissing them because they weren't slick -- and possibly discouraging someone who might someday do something really great -- don't you see?


So, was it some Adam Sandler song or something? Because I kind of know who he is but that sort of meatball/airhead 'culture' is a long, long way from where I live.


Anyhow, if it was, be advised this is not the cover forum or the song parody forum.


[Well... I guess if someone is really writing parody stuff a la that accordion guy from the 80s, there's no reason we couldn't discuss those creative efforts.]

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