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Yorkvilles for guitar monitors?


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Hey, I want to get a pair of these, power them with my Peavey classic 60/60 (stereo PA), with the signal being fed from my MarkIV and a H&K triamp. They will sit behind my drummer so we don't have to play so stupidly loud all the time. The actual model is Yorkville Y112s.

Has anyone done this and will it work (sound okay?).

Cheers, Lucius

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I'd just put a guitar cab with proper guitar speakers back there. :idk: Alternately, if the wedge shape is what you're after, I'd find some empty wedges and pop your guitar speaker of choice in there. Mesa made a wedge-shaped guitar cab for a while. They're kinda rare, but they do pop up.

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I'd just put a guitar cab with proper guitar speakers back there.
Alternately, if the wedge shape is what you're after, I'd find some empty wedges and pop your guitar speaker of choice in there. Mesa made a wedge-shaped guitar cab for a while. They're kinda rare, but they do pop up.


Yup, I definately would like a wedge and that is a good idea (re: Guitar Speaker). Cheers, Lucius

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